Atroa Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Atroa Goddess of Spring, East Wind, and Renewal
The Sad Maiden, the Bringer of Spring, Herald of Storms, Wind-Daughter, Provider, Shy One, First Sister   Atroa, the Oeridian goddess of Spring, the East Wind, and Renewal, presents an inspiring figure for those who celebrate the rebirth and fresh beginnings that spring heralds. Known affectionately as the Sad Maiden due to her unrequited love, Atroa's domain encompasses not just the physical renewal of the earth but also the emotional and spiritual rejuvenation of its inhabitants.


  • Visage: Atroa manifests as a youthful woman with golden hair, symbolizing the dawn of spring. An eagle, the harbinger of renewal, often accompanies her, signifying her mastery over the East Wind.
  • Symbols: Her holy symbols, a heart with an air-glyph and a fruitful kara tree, epitomize the essence of renewal and the promise of new growth.


  • Divine Kinship: Daughter of Procan and part of the Velaeri pantheon, Atroa shares a deep bond with her siblings, particularly Velnius and Sotillion, despite past romantic entanglements.
  • Alliances and Rivalries: Her romantic link to Fharlanghn illustrates her alignment with deities of travel and exploration, reflecting a shared ethos of journeying towards renewal.
  • Ehlonna and the Harmony of Nature: Atroa's alliance with Ehlonna, the goddess of woodlands, underscores a shared commitment to the flourishing of life and the cycles of nature. This bond is celebrated in festivals that mark the transition from the barrenness of winter to the bounty of spring.
  • Phaulkon's Windy Embrace: Phaulkon, the god of air and winds, plays a pivotal role in Atroa's pantheon by dispersing the seeds of renewal across the lands. Their alliance is symbolized by the gentle east winds that herald the coming of spring.
  • A Frigid Opposition: Atroa's opposition to her brother Telchur, the god of winter, mirrors the natural cycle of seasons but also highlights a deeper ideological conflict. Telchur's icy grip represents stagnation and death, which Atroa's warmth seeks to melt away, embodying the eternal struggle between the forces of renewal and decay.
  • A Neutral Stance: To most other deities, Atroa maintains a stance of neutrality, focusing on her domain's duties rather than engaging in the broader politics of the pantheon. This detachment allows her to remain a figure of impartiality, dedicated solely to the cycle of life and renewal.
Divine Love and Heartache
  • Unrequited Love: Atroa's affection for Kurell, a complex deity known for his affiliations with jealousy and theft, speaks volumes about her capacity for love and forgiveness.
  • A Divine Triangle: The romantic dynamics between Atroa, Kurell, and Sotillion unveil a celestial drama that mirrors the complexities of mortal relationships, encapsulating themes of love, rivalry, and reconciliation.


  • Grove of Perpetual Spring: Located in the Beastlands, this realm is a testament to eternal renewal, where spring's vibrancy never fades.


  • Renewal and Responsibility: Atroa's teachings emphasize the beauty of new beginnings and the importance of nurturing what has been started, whether it be a plant, a relationship, or a personal endeavor.
  • Encouragement of Love and Family: In her eyes, the cycles of love and birth are paramount, encouraging her followers to seek companionship and cherish family bonds.


  • Diverse Adherents: Farmers, lovers, travelers, and those seeking new beginnings find solace and inspiration in Atroa's worship.
  • The Planterings and Bearers: Two sects within her church emphasize her dual aspects of seasonal change and personal renewal, from agricultural practices to fostering the next generation.


  • Roles and Responsibilities: Her priests, embodying Atroa's spirit, wander the lands to spread her teachings, assist in agricultural endeavors, and serve as midwives, symbolizing the birth of new life.
  • Attire: Reflecting their goddess's domain, they don simple, earth-toned robes, often adorned with green and red, symbols of growth and the heart's passion.


  • Sanctuaries of Renewal: Shrines and temples dedicated to Atroa are havens of peace and renewal, located in places that allow an unobstructed view of the dawn, signifying new beginnings.
  • Major Temples: The Temple of the Children in Gradsul and the Trade Wind Chapel in High Mardreth stand as prominent centers of worship, offering solace and support to those in need.

Rituals and Holy Days

  • Daily Devotions and Spring Festivals: From morning prayers to the elaborate celebrations of Growfest, Atroa's rituals are imbued with the essence of spring, inviting her followers to partake in the joy of renewal.
  • Spring Feast: The pinnacle of her worship, this day is set aside for reflection, prayer, and the hope of new beginnings, encapsulating the core of Atroa's divine essence.
In essence, Atroa's worship is a celebration of life's perpetual capacity for renewal and growth. Through her divine guidance, her followers are encouraged to embrace change, nurture the seeds of the future, and always keep their hearts open to the possibilities that each new day brings.
  Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: a heart with an air-glyph and a fruitful kara tree
Realm: Beastlands
Domains: Air, Good, Plant, Renewal, Sun
Specialty Cleric spells
  • Cleric of the 1st order: healing and plant lore; +2 saves vs. aging, rotting, or withering
  • Cleric of the 3rd order: gust of wind 1/day pr 3 levels
  • Cleric of the 6th order: regenerate 1hp/turn
Divine Classification
Lesser goddess
Neutral good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"From winter's grasp to spring's embrace, we find renewal and grace."   "In the cycle of seasons, we find the rhythm of life and the promise of rebirth."
Atroa holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Atroa by 3orcs


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