House Deleveu Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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House Deleveu

House Deleveu is a noble family located far to the south of the Kron Hills, near the border of the fey lands of Celene. Known for its strong connections with both human and elven communities, House Deleveu is led by Lord Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu, a half-elf who seamlessly integrates the traditions of both races. The Deleveu manor, Deleveu Woods, lies under the protective boughs of the Gnarley Forest, where human and elven Rangers come and go as they please.

Historical Background

House Deleveu has a rich history marked by its strategic location and its close ties with the elven and human communities of Verbobonc.
  • Origins and Formation: House Deleveu was established to guard the southern borders of the Viscounty and to foster relations with the elven kingdom of Celene.
  • Strategic Location: Situated near the Gnarley Forest and the fey lands of Celene, House Deleveu has always been at the frontier, managing incursions from humanoids and maintaining an uneasy peace with the isolationist realm of Celene.
  • Role in Defense: The Deleveu family has long been involved in the defense of Verbobonc, with members serving as leaders in the Mounted Borderers and The Gnarley Rangers.

Political Influence

House Deleveu's political influence is rooted in its strategic location and its leaders' involvement in key military and diplomatic roles.
  • Loyal Subjects: House Deleveu is loyal to Viscount Wilfrick and supports his policies, often serving as a stabilizing force in the southern regions.
  • Knight Captain of the Mounted Borderers: Lord Deleveu's position as Knight Captain enhances his influence, giving him command over a significant military force in the region.
  • Diplomatic Efforts: Lord Deleveu's efforts to foster favor with the elven commander of Caer Ostverk and the Knights of Luna aim to open trade and strengthen ties with Celene.

Estates and Holdings

House Deleveu's estates are strategically located and economically significant.
  • Deleveu Woods: The primary manor, located under the protective boughs of the Gnarley Forest, serves as a haven for The Gnarley Rangers. A serene and fortified manor under the Gnarley Forest, serving as a base for the Gnarley Rangers and a refuge for wounded creatures.
  • Town of Ostverk: A large town within Deleveu’s lands, vital for trade and defense. The elven fort Caer Ostverk nearby guards the border of Celene. Ostverk is a bustling town vital for trade and defense, with a large population and significant economic activity.
"The Gnarley Forest is a sanctuary for both humans and elves. Its preservation is not just a duty but a moral obligation for the benefit of all who call it home."


House Deleveu maintains complex relationships with other noble houses and key figures in Verbobonc.
  • Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart: Loyal supporters of the Viscount, House Deleveu aligns closely with his policies.
  • House Haxx: Cooperative in trade matters, benefiting both houses.
  • House Milinous: Respectful but wary relationship due to differing military strategies.
  • The Gnarley Rangers: Strong ties with the Rangers, fostering a cooperative relationship in protecting the Gnarley Forest.

Current Affairs

House Deleveu is actively involved in various ongoing projects and political maneuvers.
  • Defense Initiatives: Enhancing the security of the southern borders and coordinating with the Mounted Borderers.
  • Diplomatic Outreach: Efforts to strengthen ties with the elven kingdom of Celene and the Knights of Luna.
  • Economic Development: Increasing trade routes and leveraging their strategic location for economic gain.
"Fostering stronger ties with Celene is essential. Their wisdom and experience are invaluable assets, and together, we can create a more harmonious future."

Trade Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc

House Deleveu’s strategic control of key trade routes underscores their economic influence.
  • Securing Trade Routes: Investments in security and infrastructure ensure the safe and efficient movement of goods throughout the Viscounty.
  • Economic Contributions: Their holdings and trade operations significantly contribute to the regional economy, fostering growth and stability.
Relationship Between the Rangers of the Gnarley and the Mounted Borderers
The Rangers of the Gnarley Forest and the Mounted Borderers of Verbobonc share a cooperative but occasionally tense relationship.
Collaboration and Understanding
  • Shared Goals: Both groups aim to protect their communities from external threats.
  • Information Sharing: Regular exchange of information about regional threats.
  • Joint Operations: Coordinated efforts to tackle larger threats in overlapping operational areas. 
Occasional Friction
  • Differences in Tactics: The Rangers’ stealthy approach sometimes clashes with the Borderers’ militaristic methods.
  • Territorial Overlaps: Disagreements over jurisdiction and handling of incidents.
Mutual Respect
  • Skills and Knowledge: Mutual admiration for each group’s skills and contributions.
  • Regular Meetings: Periodic discussions to resolve issues and coordinate defense strategies.


House Deleveu, under the leadership of Lord Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu, stands as a vital and influential force in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Through strategic alliances, military involvement, and economic power, they maintain a delicate balance of influence and security in the southern regions. Their cooperation with the Gnarley Rangers and the Mounted Borderers ensures the protection of their lands, while their diplomatic efforts aim to strengthen ties with neighboring realms.

"Nature's Guardians, the Realm's Protectors"

House Deleveu Key Figures
The key figures in House Deleveu play vital roles in maintaining its influence and legacy.
  • Lord Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu: The current head of the house, a half-elf known for his balanced approach to leadership. Corbin aligns closely with Viscount Wilfrick but runs his court with a distinct elven influence.
  • Lady Mariya Deleveu: Known for her kindness and willingness to care for any wounded creature seeking aid at Deleveu Woods. She is beloved by the community for her compassion.
  • Lady Sirya Deleveu: Corbin’s daughter, who shares her mother’s gracious demeanor but has a fascination with rogue adventurers. Sirya’s adventurous spirit sometimes causes tension within the family.
Geopolitical, Great house
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
"Viscount Wilfrick’s vision for a united Verbobonc is one I wholly support. His leadership is crucial for the stability and prosperity of our region."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character flag image: House Deleveu coat of arms by 3orcs


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