Elves of the Gnarley Forest Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Elves of the Gnarley Forest

Protectors of the Enchanted Wood
The Elves of the Gnarley Forest, tasked by the Fey Queen of Celene almost 200 years ago, have nurtured and guarded the great forest east of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Divided into four clans—Sherendyl, Meldarin, Fealefel, and Enlanefel—they live in tree houses high above the forest floor, protecting the forest from defilers and maintaining a vibrant community that intertwines tradition with magic. They remain vigilant against the avaricious humans who continue to encroach on their sacred groves and diminish the forest's natural wealth.

Elven Settlement

The Fey Queen's Charge
Almost 200 years ago, the Fey Queen of Celene tasked a group of elves to settle in the Gnarley Forest and defend it from human exploitation while promoting the elven way of life. They followed ley lines of power to an area suffused with magic, shaping their homes from living trees and creating a sanctuary that denies all but those of elven blood. These Elves of Greyhawk abide by the "Code of the People," an oath of communal fellowship that blends socialistic principles with nobility. The practice of finding a thiramin, or soulmate, from outside one’s clan further fosters unity among the four clans.
  • Foundation: Tasked by the Fey Queen of Celene to defend the forest and promote the elven way of life.
  • Settlement Location: The elves followed ley lines of power to an area suffused with magic.
Traditions and Practices
  • Thiramin Soulmates: Elves are expected to choose their thiramin, or soulmate, from outside their own clan and usually from another village.
  • Code of the People: An oath of communal fellowship blending elements of socialism and nobility.

Homes and Villages

Nature's Sanctum
Nestled high above the forest floor, the Elves of the Gnarley Forest live in tree houses 30-50 feet up, forming small, secluded communities that mix the four clans together. Their homes are shaped from living trees using magic, creating beautiful, nature-infused dwellings that are invisible to those without elven blood. Governance is handled by the Council of Clans and noble families, who ensure that the territory remains secure and aligned with elven ideals. The elves’ magical affinity and deep connection to nature permeate their daily lives and surroundings.
  • Tree Houses: Small, secluded communities in tree houses 30-50 feet above the forest floor.
  • Mixed Clan Communities: Clans prefer living together rather than separately.
  • Nature-Infused Construction: Homes are shaped from living trees using magic.
Territory and Governance
  • Clan Territories: Each clan holds influence over specific regions.
  • Council of Clans: Representatives from each clan meet to resolve disputes and organize defenses.
  • Elven Noble Families: Each clan is led by noble families who trace their lineage to the early settlers.

History: Roots of the Gnarley Clans

Pre-Ferrond Era
Before the formation of the Vice Royalty of Ferrond, the elves settled in the Gnarley Forest to defend it and live in harmony with nature. The four major clans emerged, each tied to a particular region and specialty. Over time, human exploitation of the forest's Ipp wood created tensions, particularly with the Viscounty of Verbobonc and the towns of Twilight Falls and Humming's End. Despite these challenges, the clans have thrived, developing a Council of Clans and noble families that have guided them through centuries of change.
  • Original Settlement: Settled by elves sent from Celene before the formation of the Vice Royalty of Ferrond.
  • Mystical Homecoming: Chose their home following ley lines and natural power.
Formation of the Clans
  • Early Clans: Four major clans emerged based on family ties and magic affinity.
  • Role of the Nobility: Noble families solidified their rule over the forest.
Human Encroachment and Tensions
  • Harvesting of Ipp Wood: Greedy humans from Verbobonc exploited the forest for its valuable Ipp wood.
  • Twilight Falls and Humming's End: Towns infamous for strip-mining and deforestation.


Allies and Enemies Beyond the Trees
Despite their loyalty to Celene, the Gnarley elves interact with several neighboring realms and factions
  • Allegiance to the Fey Queen: Gnarley elves prefer Celene over other realms and often pass on information to her court.
  • Wildwood Alliance: Maintain strong ties with the of Celene.
Viscounty of Verbobonc
  • Distrustful Neighbors: Relations strained due to Verbobonc's exploitation of the forest.
  • Towns of Defilers: Twilight Falls and Humming’s End viewed as hubs of destruction.
Free City of Greyhawk
  • Limited Trade: Engage in cautious trade with Greyhawk but distrust the city's ambition.
  • Guarded Relations: Elves often withhold information from Greyhawk’s authorities.
  • Border Skirmishes: Occasional skirmishes along the northern borders due to territorial disputes.
  • Strategic Importance: Dyvers’ trade routes through the forest are vital for the elven economy.

Mounted Borderers

Guardians of the Viscounty and Forest
The Mounted Borderers of the Viscounty of Verbobonc and the Elves of the Gnarley Forest maintain a complex and occasionally tense relationship. While united in their goal to protect the region from external threats, their differing worldviews and priorities create friction. Despite these challenges, both groups recognize the importance of collaboration in safeguarding the Gnarley Forest and the borders of Verbobonc.
Patrol Coordination
  • Mutual Defense: Both the Mounted Borderers and the Gnarley Elves conduct patrols in the Gnarley Forest, often encountering one another along their routes.
  • Joint Operations: Occasional joint operations occur to thwart threats like bandits, humanoid raiders, and forest defilers.
Information Exchange
  • Reluctant Sharing: Elves are cautious in sharing information with the Borderers due to their distrust of humans but do so when necessary to protect the forest.
  • Strategic Intelligence: The Borderers provide intelligence to the elves on suspicious activities around Twilight Falls and Humming’s End.
Verbobonc Lancers, 3rd Company "The Longriders"
  • Eastern Viscounty Operations: The Longriders operate in the Gnarley Forest and southeastern Kron Hills, coordinating with elven scouts.
  • Lone Wolf Strategies: The Longriders' guerrilla tactics complement the elves' stealth-based reconnaissance.
  • Political Rivalries: Elven nobles often vie with the Viscount’s administration over jurisdictional authority.
Knight Commander Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu
  • Role: Leads the Longriders and ensures smooth collaboration with the elves.
  • Elven Relations: Maintains positive relations with Clan Enlanefel diplomats.

Rangers of the Gnarley

Cooperation Amid Cautious Trust
The Gnarley Rangers, a cohesive group of approximately 200 skilled woodsmen and rangers, maintain a delicate yet cooperative relationship with the Elven Clans of the Gnarley Forest. Composed primarily of humans and a significant minority of half-elves, the Rangers share the elves' devotion to preserving the forest while cautiously navigating the political dynamics between the two groups.
  • Conservation Allies: The Rangers and Elven Clans both prioritize the forest's well-being above all else.
  • Cautious Trust: Though the elves are wary of humans, the Rangers' inclusion of half-elves helps bridge this gap.
  • Shared Intelligence: Both groups share information about threats to the forest, such as poachers, loggers, and bandits.
  • Respectful Distance: The Elven Clans and Rangers maintain a respectful but cautious distance due to lingering trust issues.

Politics and Motivation

Vigilance Amid Encroaching Threats
Governance among the Gnarley elves revolves around the Council of Clans and the noble families. The Council resolves disputes, organizes defenses, and ensures loyalty to Celene, while the nobles oversee regional matters. Their motivations focus on protecting the Gnarley from defilers, preserving elven traditions, and maintaining alignment with Celene. Despite differences among the clans, they remain united in defending their sacred groves.
  • Council of Clans: Highest governing body that resolves disputes and organizes defenses.
  • Clan Nobility: Noble families wield significant influence over regional matters.
  • Forest Protection: Protect the Gnarley from defilers and maintain natural balance.
  • Tradition Preservation: Uphold elven traditions and the Code of the People.
  • Celene Loyalty: Ensure that the Gnarley remains aligned with Celene’s interests.


The Elves of the Gnarley Forest remain vigilant protectors of their enchanted home. United by the Code of the People and their unwavering loyalty to Celene, they guard the forest against defilers and maintain the delicate balance between magic, nature, and tradition. Despite human encroachment, the four clans continue to thrive, weaving their stories into the ever-changing tapestry of the Gnarley.
Code of the People
Elves fall what is called the Code of the People and it's a very much an oath of communal fellowship (in legal practice and in song!). They are somewhere on the border of political communism and socialism with one exception. I would point to the Federation in Star Trek for being a close example. The big exception comes in from their nobility by birth society. So while they are very social oriented, they also are not equal on a clan level. Individual wealth and ownership are rare as most of it resides under the familial clan unit, which is often guided by a scion of the house to varying degrees. Judgement is handled by the Coronal or high ranking noble depending on the case. Most Elves tend to be more rehab minded when it comes to such things, but death is possible. Fines are possible, but most punishments tend to be social in nature, like being stripped of social rank (which borderlines on being a currency of its own), exiled from that city, banishment from all elven realms, and so forth.
Sylvan Wood Elves of the Gnarley Forest by 3orcs

Code of the People

Below is the translated final stanza of the Code of the People. This is Elven Law itself and it is taken very seriously.
  • As I would think, so shall ye;
  • As I would feel, so shall ye;
  • As I would do, so shall ye;
  • As I would not harm, nor shall ye;
  • As I would, so shall the clan;
  • As the clan would, so shall I;
  • As we would, so shall ye.
"The People are as one, and never shall I stray from this, nor shall ye, for to digress is to diminish you and your People."
Geopolitical, Clan
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Notable People

Voices of the Gnarley Clans
Coronal Amaranth Sherendyl (Clan Sherendyl Leader)
  • Role: Leads the northern warriors and strategists.
  • Background: An experienced general with unmatched strategic acumen.
Arannis Meldarin (Clan Meldarin Mage and Diplomat)
  • Role: Combines magic and diplomacy to maintain forest defenses.
  • Background: Ambassador to Celene and guardian of the forest’s fey creatures.
Lirien Fealefel (Clan Fealefel Artisan and Scout)
  • Role: Master craftsman and chief scout ensuring the safety of the heartlands.
  • Background: Renowned for her artistry and ability to blend into the forest.
Tathar Enlanefel (Clan Enlanefel Scoutmaster and Diplomat)
  • Role: Oversees diplomatic efforts with Verbobonc while coordinating border patrols.
  • Background: Balances diplomatic finesse with his innate scouting skills.

Clan Territory

Four Pillars of the Forest
The Gnarley elves are predominantly divided into four clans, each responsible for a region of the forest and specializing in a particular field:
Clan Sherendyl
  • Territory: Northern regions of the Gnarley near Dyvers.
  • Specialty: Skilled warriors and strategists defending the forest borders.
Clan Meldarin
  • Territory: Eastern parts of the forest close to the Wild Coast.
  • Specialty: Masters of magic and protectors of the fey creatures within.
Clan Fealefel
  • Territory: Central regions surrounding the elven heartlands.
  • Specialty: Artisans and craftsmen known for their exquisite woodwork.
Clan Enlanefel
  • Territory: Southern regions bordering the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
  • Specialty: Diplomats and scouts who maintain fragile peace with humans.
Gnarley Ranger Knight by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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