History of Greyhawk Elves in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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History of Greyhawk Elves

The history of the elves, or "olves" as known to the Flan, spans millennia, marked by their interactions with the world, other races, and the unfolding of magic itself.
This article serves as a concise summary of the illustrious and intricate history of the elves in the world of Greyhawk, capturing only the highlights of a saga that spans millennia. It is by no means exhaustive of the rich tapestry of elven lore and history meticulously chronicled by esteemed Greyhawk historians over the years. Instead, this summary is crafted to provide a quick reference for game play at the table, offering players and Dungeon Masters alike a glimpse into the pivotal moments and the enduring legacies of the elven peoples. As such, while it touches upon key events and realms, it invites those intrigued by the depth and complexity of elven history to explore the extensive works dedicated to their storied past for a more comprehensive understanding. 3orcs

The Dawn of Elven Magic

  • In the earliest ages, Elves of Greyhawk stood with dwarves against common foes: hostile humanoids and primitive humans.
  • The Seven Elven Fathers, led by Cherbon, discovered "New Magic" from other planes, despite warnings of its potential for evil.
  • This new power saw the Grey Elves watch over increasingly sophisticated human tribes, notably the Se-Ul, teaching them arts and magic.

The Se-Ul and the Elves

-6416 CY: Elves and the Se-Ul formed alliances; elves imparted knowledge on various disciplines.
  • A tragic magical accident by a Se-Ul mage led elves to withdraw from their cities, fearing the humans' burgeoning magical prowess.

The Rise and Fall of Relationships

The Se-Ul, feeling abandoned, turned to other human tribes for alliances, signaling a growing rift with the elves.
  • -6067 CY: As the Se-Ul expanded their trade and influence, elves observed warily, their watchfulness now resented by humans.

Kendaris' Betrayal and Its Aftermath

A failed romance led to a catastrophic betrayal by Kendaris, a young elven mage, leading to death, destruction, and the eventual exile of elves from the lands west of the Crystalmists.

The Retreat to the East

-5775 to -4463 CY: Following the devastation caused by the Nine Mages and subsequent conflicts, the Grey Elves withdrew eastward, marking the end of their dominion in the west.
  • The Elves and the Suloise Suel
  • The history of the elves, or "olves" as known to the Flannae Flan, spans millennia, marked by their interactions with the world, other races, and the unfolding of magic itself.

The Dawn of Elven Magic

  • In the earliest ages, elves stood with dwarves against common foes: hostile humanoids and primitive humans.
  • The Seven Elven Fathers, led by Cherbon, discovered "New Magic" from other planes, despite warnings of its potential for evil.
  • This new power saw the Grey Elves watch over increasingly sophisticated human tribes, notably the Se-Ul, teaching them arts and magic.

The Se-Ul and the Elves

-6416 CY: Elves and the Se-Ul formed alliances; elves imparted knowledge on various disciplines.
  • A tragic magical accident by a Se-Ul mage led elves to withdraw from their cities, fearing the humans' burgeoning magical prowess.

The Rise and Fall of Relationships

The Se-Ul, feeling abandoned, turned to other human tribes for alliances, signaling a growing rift with the elves.
  • -6067 CY: As the Se-Ul expanded their trade and influence, elves observed warily, their watchfulness now resented by humans.

Kendaris' Betrayal and Its Aftermath

A failed romance led to a catastrophic betrayal by Kendaris, a young elven mage, leading to death, destruction, and the eventual exile of elves from the lands west of the Crystalmists.

The Retreat to the East

-5775 to -4463 CY: Following the devastation caused by the Nine Mages and subsequent conflicts, the Grey Elves withdrew eastward, marking the end of their dominion in the west.

The Elves and the Suloise Empire

  -5011 CY: The destruction of the last Grey Elven cities by a coalition of drow, Suloise, and giants signaled a dark turn in elven history.
  • Elves observed the rise of the Suloise Empire with mixed feelings, recognizing human innovation but lamenting the loss of wisdom and the pursuit of power at any cost.

The Establishment of Eastern Realms

-4463 CY: Elves founded new kingdoms in the East, seeking refuge and a new beginning away from the strife of the west.

The Elf-Flan Alliance

The arrival of the Flan, fleeing the Suloise oppression, found sympathy and shelter among the eastern elves, leading to shared knowledge and mutual respect.

The Rise of the Ur-Flan

Despite past experiences, elves cautiously shared magical knowledge with select Flan, leading to the rise of the Ur-Flan, a decision that would have lasting implications for both races.
-5011 CY: The destruction of the last Grey Elven cities by a coalition of drow, Suloise, and giants signaled a dark turn in elven history.
  • Elves observed the rise of the Suloise Empire with mixed feelings, recognizing human innovation but lamenting the loss of wisdom and the pursuit of power at any cost.

The Tragic Path of Vecna

Early Life and Vendetta
-1746 to -1711 CY: Vecna, originating from the Untouchable caste in Fleeth, vowed revenge for his mother's execution for unsanctioned magic use. Under the tutelage of Mok'slyk, possibly a Yuan-ti, Vecna mastered the dark arts.

The Scheme of Galitholian

Vecna was sold to settlers as a hostage for the Glitter King but impressed the Grey Elven King Galitholian Glitterhelm with his intellect. Galitholian, hoping to guide Vecna and through him the Flan back to the Path of Light, inadvertently facilitated Vecna's deep dive into dark magic.

Rise to Power

c.-1710 to -1683 CY: Vecna's ascension to a lich marked the beginning of his reign of terror, expanding his dominion and cultivating a following based on hate and lust for power.

Vecna’s Empire Expansion

-1669 to -1566 CY: Vecna’s empire spread across vast lands, aiming to destroy elven kingdoms, secretly preparing for the inevitable elven retaliation.
The Ultimate Weapon
Kas, Vecna's lieutenant, was gifted a magical sword forged by Vecna, seducing Kas into betrayal. Despite elven efforts, Vecna’s forces repelled attacks, showcasing his military and magical supremacy.
Vecna’s Cruel Reign
The destruction of Fleeth, where Vecna mercilessly slaughtered the city's populace, demonstrated his ruthless ambition and cruelty.
Elven Resistance and Vecna’s Continued Aggression
-1566 to -1150 CY: Despite the elven attempts at resistance, Vecna's empire reached its zenith, signifying a dark era for elven history.
The Fall of Elven Cities
-1547 to -1163 CY: Vecna launched a devastating campaign against elven cities, culminating in the near-total destruction of elven strongholds in the Griff Mountains.
The Duel of Fate
-1163 to -1169 CY: The confrontation between Vecna and Galitholian Glitterhelm ended tragically for the elves, with Vecna’s victory marking a significant loss for elven kind.
The Aftermath
-1156 CY: Kas was transformed into a powerful vampire, further solidifying Vecna's control over his dark empire.

The Legacy of Vecna

The relentless wars and Vecna’s pursuit of immortality left a permanent scar on the elven history, underscoring the tragic consequences of unchecked power and ambition.

Points of Legacy from the War with the Elves

Darnakurian's Tragedy
City of the Summer Stars: A marvel of elven architecture, it stood as a beacon of grace and magical prowess until the Ur-Flannae's assault. Queen Sharafere's wise yet tragic refusal of Darnakurian's corrupted solution marked the beginning of an unparalleled disaster.
  • Darnakurian's Doom: Seduced by dark promises, Darnakurian created the malevolent sword, Hunger. His subsequent madness led to the slaughter of thousands, including his own people and mother, leaving the city in ruins and his fate sealed by a powerful stasis spell.
The Sentinels' Watch
  • Bitterness Keep: The remnants of Darnakurian's keep, where he remains frozen, encapsulates the tragedy of lost elven grandeur and serves as a chilling reminder of the war's horrors.
  • Guardians of the Coldwood: Known as the Sentinels, these elves tirelessly guard the ruins and the secret of Darnakurian, preventing any from unleashing further calamity.
Vecna's Fall and Legacy
-1151 CY: The betrayal and destruction of Vecna by Kas the Bloody-Handed marked the end of a dark era. The survival of Vecna's Hand and Eye perpetuates his malevolent influence across Oerth.
  • Sword of Kas: A symbol of betrayal and power, its creation and eventual role in Vecna's downfall highlight the complexities of power dynamics among the dark forces.

The Dark Age Of The Flan (-1500 to -563 CY)

Expansion and Division
The Ur-Flan's ambition and cruelty contrast sharply with the peaceful aspirations of Tostenhca, a city of refuge and prosperity built with dwarven aid, highlighting the diverse paths within the Flan communities.
The Rise of Tostenhca
A testament to Flan resilience and creativity, Tostenhca blossomed into a marvel, enriched by Pelor's blessings and thriving through trade with dwarves, embodying the potential for harmony and progress.
Vecna's Shadow
Despite Tostenhca's vigilance, the insidious reach of Vecna and his legacy posed a constant threat, illustrating the enduring struggle between light and darkness in elven and Flan history.

Keraptis’ Rise and Fall

c.-1500 CY: Keraptis' arrival at Tostenhca marked a turning point. Utilizing a mixture of deceit and power, he positioned himself as the Protector, draining the city's wealth and sowing seeds of terror.
  • Demons and Despair: Under Keraptis' rule, Tostenhca suffered from demonic invasions and a mysterious Wasting disease, with the city's riches flowing inexorably into Keraptis' coffers as he tightened his grip.
  • Keraptis' Empire: Expanding beyond Tostenhca, Keraptis' dominion grew, overshadowing the surrounding lands and spreading fear.

The Elves After Vecna

Rebuilding and Isolation: Post-Vecna, the elves focused on rebuilding. The establishment of the four Elven Kingdoms marked a new era, with each realm embodying distinct aspects of elven culture and governance. The Four Kingdoms:
  • Highfolk: A bastion against threats from the west, welcoming to diverse races.
  • Celene: The high elven jewel, ruled eternally by a queen, a realm of unparalleled beauty and isolation.
  • Aliador: The lost kingdom, the purest remnant of gray elven legacy, shrouded in mystery and separation.
  • Arrisa: The secret realm, enigmatic and closed, its purpose unknown even to other elves.
The Sleeping Years
-1138 CY: The refusal of Aliador's cities to reemerge from hiding and the failure of envoys from Celene to return signaled a period of withdrawal, with the elven realms closing in upon themselves.
The Dark Age for Flanaess
Vecna's Legacy: Vecna’s fall led to a power vacuum, plunging the Flanaess into a Dark Age characterized by chaos and strife among fledgling states.
Keraptis’ Downfall
c.-1100 CY: Keraptis' overreach and tyranny eventually led to his ouster from Tostenhca. His fall underscores a recurring theme: the eventual rebellion against oppressive rule, regardless of the tyrant's might.


As we conclude our journey through the storied past of the elves in the world of Greyhawk, we find ourselves reflecting on the aftermath of their tumultuous history and the establishment of their contemporary realms. Each elven kingdom, with its unique characteristics and governance, stands as a testament to the elves' resilience, their deep connection to magic and nature, and their enduring legacy amidst the changing tides of history.

The Contemporary Elven Kingdoms

  • Highfolk: This realm serves as a vigilant guardian against the encroaching threats from the west. Its open gates symbolize a sanctuary for diversity, where beings of various races find refuge and unity in their shared purpose of protection and harmony with the natural world.
  • Celene: Known as the high elven jewel, Celene is a realm of ethereal beauty, governed eternally by a lineage of queens. It epitomizes the elven ideals of grace, artistry, and isolation, choosing to remain untainted by the affairs of the outside world, preserving the purity of high elven culture and magic.
  • Aliador: The lost kingdom represents the most unadulterated remnant of the gray elven heritage. Shrouded in the mists of secrecy and ensconced in the annals of history, Aliador remains a mystery, its silence a stark reminder of the elves' long and shadowed past.
  • Arrisa: The secret realm, known to few and understood by even fewer, stands as an enigma. Its purposes, closely guarded and undisclosed, spark curiosity and speculation among the other elven realms and beyond. Arrisa embodies the deep, unspoken mysteries of the elven peoples.

The Sleeping Years

The period known as "The Sleeping Years" began around -1138 CY, marking a time of inward reflection and isolation for the elven kingdoms. The refusal of Aliador's hidden cities to reemerge from their seclusion, coupled with the unexplained disappearance of envoys from Celene, underscored a collective decision among the elven realms to withdraw from external affairs. This era signifies a retreat into self-preservation, meditation, and a rekindling of the mystical and natural bonds that define elvendom.   The Sleeping Years, while a time of silence and seclusion, were not an end but a pause—a moment for the elves to gather strength, wisdom, and perhaps prepare for a future where they might once again emerge to share their light with the world. The elven kingdoms, each in their own way, continue to safeguard the legacy of their ancestors, standing as beacons of what it means to be elven: eternal, enigmatic, and ever-enduring amidst the ebb and flow of the ages.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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