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Yolande, Her Fey Majesty

Lady Rhalta of All Elvenkind (a.k.a. Faerie Queen)

Queen Yolande, often referred to as "Her Fey Majesty," the "Faerie Queen," and "Lady Rhalta of All Elvenkind," is the sovereign of the elven kingdom of Celene. Renowned for her ethereal beauty, wisdom, and magical prowess, Yolande has ruled for centuries, steering her kingdom through both triumphs and tragedies. Her reign is marked by her deep connection to the mystical traditions of the elven people, as well as her controversial policy of isolationism. This article explores her life, relationships, history, and the enduring impact she has had on Celene and its people.


The Perfect Flower of Celene
Yolande's appearance is as breathtaking as her titles suggest. She has white, alabaster skin and striking lilac-colored eyes that seem to shimmer with the light of the moon. Her beauty is otherworldly, reflecting her faerie lineage and her deep connection to the mystical energies of the Seldarine, the elven pantheon.


  • Advisors and Allies: Yolande's closest advisor is her cousin, Onselven, a noble elf of great wisdom and experience. Onselven's counsel has been invaluable throughout Yolande's reign, particularly in matters of state and strategy. Another of Yolande's cousins, Prince Melf Brightflame, is a prominent figure within Celene, often advocating for a more engaged foreign policy through his leadership of the Knights of Luna. Eldrich Silversteel, a noble elf of considerable influence, is also a first cousin to the Queen, though his role is more focused on the internal politics of the elven court.
Royal Consorts
  • Prince Triserron: Yolande's first consort, whose death in the Lortmils led to The Hateful Wars. His loss deeply affected Yolande, shaping much of her later reign.
  • Prince Fasstal Dothmar: The most recent consort, known for wielding the enchanted blade Concluder. He mysteriously disappeared after entering the Moonarch of Sehanine and has not been seen since.

Residence and Protection

  • The Royal Palace of the Faerie Queen: Yolande resides in Enstad, the capital of Celene, within the opulent Palace of the Faerie Queen. This palace is a marvel of elven architecture, with its gold-chased silver domes and spires that rise above lush parks and meadows. The palace, and indeed the entire city, is infused with an aura of magic that reflects Yolande’s deep connection to the Feywild.
  • Companion Guard: Yolande is protected by the Knights of the Companion Guard, an elite unit sworn to defend her with their lives. These knights are some of the most skilled warriors in Celene, dedicated to ensuring the Queen's safety at all times.

History of the Elven Queen

  • Ascension and Early Reign: Born in the Celene settlement of Bellmeadow, Yolande was an accomplished fighter and wizard long before she ascended the throne in 361 CY. Her selection as queen was driven by the need for a strong, unifying leader to protect Celene from the expansionist ambitions of Keoland. Under her leadership, Celene expelled the Keoish garrisons and solidified its independence.
  • The Hateful Wars: The death of her first consort, Prince Triserron, at the hands of orcs, prompted Yolande to lead Celene and its allies into the Hateful Wars (498-510 CY). These wars were brutal but successful, driving the orcs and other evil humanoids out of the Lortmils. For her leadership, Yolande was awarded the Mantle of the Blue Moon and hailed as "Lady Rhalta of All Elvenkind".

The Path of Isolationism

  • Grief and Withdrawal: The death of Prince Triserron left a profound mark on Yolande, leading her to increasingly isolate Celene from external affairs. This policy has been both praised and criticized; while it has preserved elven lives, it has also estranged Celene from its former allies, particularly during times of need, such as the Greyhawk Wars.
  • Greyhawk Wars: During the Greyhawk Wars (582-584 CY), Yolande refused to send aid to the Principality of Ulek against the orcish hordes of Turrosh Mak. This decision, rooted in her desire to protect elven lives, has been a point of contention within Celene, particularly among the Knights of Luna.
  • Loss of Prince Fasstal Dothmar: The mysterious disappearance of her most recent consort, Fasstal Dothmar, after he entered the Moonarch of Sehanine, further deepened Yolande's isolation. Despite the efforts of her diviners, his fate remains unknown, adding another layer of sorrow to her already grief-laden reign.

Influence and Legacy

  • Enduring Impact: Yolande's reign has left an indelible mark on Celene and the wider elven world. Her leadership during the Hateful Wars secured the kingdom’s borders and preserved its ancient traditions. However, her policies of isolationism have also created rifts within Celene, particularly with the Knights of Luna, who seek a more active role in global affairs.
  • Legacy of Isolation: Yolande’s choice to keep Celene secluded from the broader conflicts of the Flanaess has preserved many lives but has also led to criticism and division within her court. Despite these challenges, she remains a symbol of elven resilience and grace.
  • Cultural and Mystical Contributions: Under her reign, the Faerie Mysteries and other elven rituals have flourished, deepening the kingdom’s connection to its mystical roots and ensuring that Celene remains a beacon of elven culture and magic.


Queen Yolande of Celene, with her unmatched beauty, wisdom, and deep connection to the Seldarine, remains a towering figure in the history of the Flanaess. Her reign has been shaped by both great victories and profound sorrows, leading her to adopt a policy of isolationism that continues to influence Celene’s path. As her people look to the future, the legacy of Yolande's rule will be a guiding force, shaping the destiny of the Faerie Kingdom for generations to come.
Physical Traits
  • Skin: White and flawless, like the purest alabaster.
  • Eyes: Lilac, exuding a captivating and ethereal glow.
  • Overall Appearance: A figure of grace and elegance, embodying the timeless beauty of the elven race.
Chaotic good
Lilac, exuding a captivating and ethereal glow.
silvery gossamer moon beams
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White and flawless, like the purest alabaster.

Titles and Honorifics

Her Fey Majesty and Beyond: Yolande’s numerous titles reflect her status and the reverence in which she is held by her people. These include
  • "Her Fey Majesty": Acknowledging her faerie lineage and her mystical connection to the Seldarine.
  • "Faerie Queen": Emphasizing her role as the sovereign of Celene, a kingdom deeply intertwined with the Feywild.
  • "Perfect Flower of Celene": A tribute to her unmatched beauty and grace.
  • "Lady Rhalta of All Elvenkind": A title granted after the Hateful Wars, recognizing her as a unifying figure for elves throughout the Flanaess.
Celene coat of arms by Anna B. Meyers

Cover image: Elven Pantheon by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Yolande by 3orcs


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