Mounted Borderers Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Mounted Borderers

Guardians of the Viscounty of Verbobonc

The Viscounty of Verbobonc, nestled between the Lortmils and the Gnarley Forest, is protected by a distinguished and highly capable military force known as the Mounted Borderers. This elite group of soldiers is the Viscount's first line of defense, tasked with upholding the peace and ensuring the safety of the Viscounty's borders.


  • Patrol Duties: The Mounted Borderers patrol the frontiers of Verbobonc, safeguarding the region from the Lortmils to the depths of the Gnarley.
  • Justice Administration: They serve as the judicial arm in remote thorps and villages, empowered to investigate and address injustices.
  • Jurisdiction: Borderers are entreated with help from local magistrates and sheriffs, though they are not obliged to.
  • Noble Conflicts: In disputes involving nobles or their retainers, Borderers investigate and, if necessary, arrest violators of the Viscount’s law.
  • High Justice: Borderers are vested with the power to bring a noble, or their vassals, in front of the Viscount to answer charges.
  • Protection of the Viscount: A dedicated contingent is stationed at the Viscount’s castle, directly safeguarding his person and interests.


  • The Mounted Borderers have a rich history of approximately 150 years, founded by veterans and adventurers committed to the Viscount's cause.
  • Members undergo rigorous combat and equestrian training, emphasizing individual prowess over numerical strength.
  • The order is seen not as an elite class but as a symbol of selfless service to the Viscounty.


  • Entry into the Mounted Borderers is competitive, with rigorous standards ensuring only the most qualified candidates are accepted.
  • Despite their elite status, Borderers view themselves as guardians of the common good, embodying the Viscount's altruistic duty.

Viscounty Operations

  • Small Group Tactics: Borderers typically operate in small, efficient teams led by a Knight Baronet and his Men at Arms or Sergeants.
  • Special Missions: Select members undertake high-stakes missions requiring a blend of diplomacy, espionage, and combat prowess.
  • Military Readiness: In peacetime, they maintain a high level of preparedness for potential conflicts, embodying the principle of constant vigilance.
by 3orcs

Life of a Lancer

  • Life as a Borderer involves rigorous patrols and extended periods away from home, often resulting in a nomadic lifestyle more akin to their steeds than to settled folk.
  • Their martial prowess and adaptability have spawned numerous tales of bravery and sacrifice, contributing to their legendary status among the people of Verbobonc.

Community Impact

  • The Mounted Borderers foster strong internal bonds, with many choosing to marry within their ranks due to the demanding nature of their duties.
  • Veteran Borderers often establish businesses catering to their brethren, such as the Grim Wolf Inn, a haven for Borderers seeking respite from their arduous duties.


The Mounted Borderers stand as a testament to the resilience and dedication of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Through their unwavering commitment to justice and defense, they ensure the safety and prosperity of the land and its people, embodying the spirit of service that defines the heart of Verbobonc. The Mounted Borderers of the Viscounty of Verbobonc enjoy a unique position within the region's power structure, characterized by their fealty directly to the Viscount and their interactions with various groups and organizations.

Fealty to the Viscount

  • The Viscount, as the supreme authority of the Viscounty, holds the Mounted Borderers in high regard, a sentiment born from personal experience and mutual respect.
  • A ceremony of fealty, wherein the Knight Baronets and Knight Commanders swear loyalty to the new Viscount, marks a critical moment in the relationship between the Viscount and the Mounted Borderers, emphasizing the depth of their bond.

Professional Respect

  • Nobles and lords appreciate the Borderers for their prowess and their role in maintaining peace and security, despite occasional friction over jurisdiction and methods of justice administration.
  • The Borderers' straightforward nature may limit personal ties with other groups, but their relationship with the Woodsmen of the Gnarley Forest  is a notable exception, built on shared values and common goals.


  • Their critical role in the Battle of Emridy Meadows and subsequent actions against the Temple of Elemental Evil highlight the Mounted Borderers' valor and effectiveness.
  • For over a century, they have been the stalwarts of law and order across the Viscounty, dealing decisively with threats to peace and security.


  • Recruitment has become a pressing concern, with the ranks of the Mounted Borderers thinning due to a scarcity of qualified candidates.
  • In addition to traditional duties, they now also focus on keeping trade routes open, combating smuggling, and thwarting banditry, stretching their resources thin.
  • The emergence of cult activities has prompted heightened vigilance, adding to their extensive list of responsibilities.

Collaboration and Support

  • The Borderers' cooperation with the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc and The Gnarley Rangers other law enforcement entities in Verbobonc enhances their effectiveness in maintaining order.
  • The goodwill of the citizenry and local businesses, who provide crucial support and information, facilitates their operations and intelligence gathering efforts.

Vulnerability to Targeted Attacks

  • Success and high profile make the Mounted Borderers attractive targets for adversaries aiming to destabilize the region or gain notoriety by defeating them.
The Mounted Borderers embody the spirit of dedication and service to the Viscounty of Verbobonc, navigating the challenges of their noble mission with courage and resolve. Their unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of the realm cements their position as an indispensable pillar of the region's defense and governance.


A patrol of Verbobonc Lancers crossi gnome built bridge into the Kron Hills. These patrols have become much less frequent as the gnomes have begun patrolling and setting guard outposts. This is one of the many small bridges that crosses the deep ravines within the hills. Many now have a small stone tower built nearby. The gnome patrols are on small ponies and do not go beyond the hills while the Verbobonc Lancers are all mounted on light warhorses. They keep shortbows cased on their saddles and are armored in studded leather with steel caps with lonswords sheathed on their saddles. Officers tend to be veteran warriors armored in chain or plate with weapons of their own preference. They average between twenty and thirty men per patrol.  

“once a Mounted Borderer, always a Mounted Borderer.”

Mounted Borderers by 3orcs

Mounted Borderer Ranks

Officer Ranks
  • Knight Commander
  • Knight Captain
  • Knight Bannerette
  • Knight Bachelor
Enlisted Ranks
  • Sergeant at Arms
  • Sergeant Lance
  • Corporal
  • Corporal Trooper
  • First Class Trooper
  • Trooper
Military Order
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Head of State
Related Species

Mounted Borderers Organizational Chart

The Mounted Borderers are divided into four distinct companies, each with its own specific duties, headquarters, and leadership. Here's an overview of each company:  

1st Company - High Guard of the Viscount

Description: This elite unit is comprised of Mounted Borderers who have demonstrated exceptional courage, resourcefulness, and honor. Their primary duties include ensuring the day-to-day safety of the Viscount, addressing potential threats, and executing special assignments directly from the Viscount. They are pivotal in averting many potential crises through their bravery and intelligence.

2nd Company – "The Spears of Hagthar"

  • Duty: Guarding the Western Viscounty, Ironwood, and the Southwestern Lortmils.
  • Headquarters: Fortress Hagthar.
  • Commanding Officer: Egret Rhynehurst, Knight Captain.
Description: Specializing in mountain warfare and combating the mysterious creatures of the west, the 2nd Company is highly skilled in various terrains and climates. Led by the disciplined and honorable Knight Captain Rhynehurst, the "Spears of Hagthar" are renowned for their organization and adherence to military protocol, earning them a reputation as the most honorable among the Mounted Borderers.

3rd Company – "The Longriders"

  • Duty: Operating in the Eastern Viscounty, the Gnarley Forest, and Southeastern Kron.
  • Headquarters: Ostverk.
  • Commanding Officer: Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu, Knight Commander.
Description: Known for their guerrilla tactics and strategic timing, the "Longriders" excel in forest and hill warfare. Their expertise in using the terrain to their advantage makes them exceptionally effective in their region. They are described as lone wolves, highly valued for their ability to outmaneuver and unsettle opponents.

4th Company

  • Duty: Protecting the Southern Viscounty and Northern Kron.
  • Headquarters: De Chute’s Ford.
  • Commanding Officer: Lord Roland Galans, Knight Captain.
Description: The newest addition to the Mounted Borderers, created by Viscount Langard in response to growing threats from the south. This company’s formation underscores the Viscount’s commitment to safeguarding the southern borders and the strategic Kron Hills. Their presence serves as a strong deterrent to potential aggressors and reinforces the Viscount's resolve to protect his realm.   Each company of the Mounted Borderers plays a crucial role in maintaining the security and law of the Viscounty of Verbobonc, showcasing the diversity of their responsibilities and the specialized skills they bring to their respective areas.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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