Fortubo Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Fortubo god of stone, metals, mountains and guardianship
The Stern, the Unyielding Rock, the Bountiful Seam, the Pure Ore, the Master Smith, the Stone Dweller   Fortubo, revered as the god of Stone, Metals, Mountains, and Guardianship, stands as a bastion of protection and craftsmanship within the pantheon. His transition from the Suel to a predominantly dwarven deity marks him as a unique figure among gods, embodying the virtues of resilience, justice, and the intrinsic value of the earth.  

Divine Aspect

Form and Presence
  • Appearance: A short, bearded figure that bridges the realms of Suel humanity and dwarvenkind, wielding the mighty hammer Golbi.
  • Symbolism: Embodies the ruggedness of mountains and the unyielding strength of stone.

Celestial Alliances and Enmities

Divine Relations
  • Allies: Aligns closely with Moradin, Berronar Truesilver, and Heironeous, reflecting a coalition of deities focused on protection, craftsmanship, and valor.
  • Adversaries: Stands in opposition to the derro and their god, Diirinka, as well as Abbathor and Urdlen, marking a clear stance against greed and malice.

Realm of the Stonelord

The Empyrean Delve
  • Location: Primarily in Solania, within the Seven Heavens, though some sources place him in the Twin Paradises.
  • Description: A divine domain that mirrors the depth and fortitude of Fortubo's guardianship over the earth.

Teachings of the Earthshaper

  • Ethical Stance: Advocates for a balanced relationship with the earth, opposing theft, murder, and the needless desecration of nature.
  • Community Focus: Urges followers to protect their communities and to see themselves as kin to the earth, conserving its resources.

Followers of the Stonewarden

  • Demographics: Attracts dwarves, gnomes, miners, stoneworkers, and blacksmiths, particularly in regions known for their mining operations.
  • Opposition to the Suloise: Rejects the Scarlet Brotherhood for its similarities to the Suel, maintaining a token presence in Suloise temples.

Clergy of the Bedrock

Priests and Practices
  • Composition: Predominantly dwarven, with humans and lawful good gnomes also serving within the priesthood.
  • Roles: Dedicated to the defense of dwarven communities and the stewardship of the earth, acting as stalwart enemies of those who harm the natural world.

Sanctuaries of Stone

Temples and Holy Sites
  • Locations: Natural cave complexes and dwarf-populated areas, with a historical presence in Dwarfhaven on Lendore Isle before its relocation.
  • Architecture: Reflects Fortubo's connection to the earth, either nestled within the stone itself or constructed amidst dense dwarven settlements.

Rituals and Sacred Observances

Holy Practices
Temples serve as centers for worship and community protection, with rituals emphasizing the sanctity of the earth and the defense of the faithful.

Legacy of the Earthwarden

Fortubo's transformation from a deity of the Suel to a protector of dwarvenkind signifies a profound shift in divine allegiance, underscoring the complexity of relationships within the pantheon. His enduring legacy, marked by the hammer Golbi and the deep reverence of his followers, continues to shape the bedrock of communities that look to the earth for sustenance, protection, and inspiration. In the echoing halls of his temples and the steadfast hearts of his worshipers, Fortubo's influence endures, a testament to the enduring bond between the divine and the deep places of the world.
  Suel Pantheon
Holy symbol: warhammer with a glowing head
Realm: Seven Heavens
Domains: Community, Earth, Good, Law, Mysticism, Protection
Specialist Priests
  • 1st level: Sanctuary; +1 tohit and damage with stone or metal weapons
  • 3rd level: Spiritual Hammer
  • 5th level: Stone Shape, +1 on all saves vs Petrification (increase 1 per level)
  • 7th level: Dig (effects stone too)
  • 8th level: Dwarven priests may pray for Raise Dead 1/week
  • 10th level: Spike Stones or Wall of Stone
  • 13th level: Stone Tell.
  • All clerics: Unable to turn Undead.
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Lawful good (LN)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"By the hammer of Golbi, we shape our destiny and defend our kin."
"As the stone endures, so shall our resolve; in Fortubo’s name, we forge our legacy."
Fortubo holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Fortubo by 3orcs


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