Heironeous Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Invincible, the Valorous Knight, the Archpaladin   Heironeous, known as The Invincible and the Archpaladin, stands as a beacon of Chivalry, Justice, Honor, War, Daring, and Valor in the pantheon of the World of Greyhawk. With his coppery skin, auburn hair, and amber eyes, Heironeous embodies the quintessence of righteousness and the eternal fight against evil. As the Oeridian god of chivalrous deeds and rightful combat, Heironeous' legend is interwoven with tales of valor and the ceaseless battle against darkness.

Divine Origins and Characteristics

Heironeous's legacy is a tapestry of valorous deeds and eternal opposition to forces of evil. Born from Stern Alia, the goddess of Oeridian Culture, Motherhood, and Law, he stands in stark contrast to his half-brother and arch-nemesis, Hextor.
  • Origins: Emerging from a divine lineage, Heironeous's existence is intertwined with the cosmic struggle between good and law.
  • The Greyhawk Wars: His followers, known as Crusaders, rose in prominence, mirroring the increasing threats of darkness.
  • Sponsor of Heroes: Heironeous is known for elevating mortals to divine status, such as Murlynd, reinforcing his role as a beacon of hope.
  • Birth and Power: At his birth, Heironeous was imbued with meersalm, a secret solution granting protection against all but the most potent weapons. His symbol, a silver lightning bolt, signifies his swift and unyielding justice.
  • Iconic Weaponry: Traditionally known for his magic battleaxe, Heironeous has recently been promoting the longsword, aiming to resonate with common soldiers as well as paladins and leaders.

Allies and Adversaries

The celestial court of Heironeous is marked by alliances forged in the light and enmities shadowed by darkness.
Divine Allies
  • Comrades in Arms: Heironeous counts among his allies gods who stand against evil, including Daern, Delleb, Johydee, Murlynd, Pholtus, and Zilchus, reflecting a united front in the celestial battle against malevolence.
Arch Foes
  • Nemesis - Hextor: His half-brother Hextor, represents his primary antagonist, embodying the antithesis of all Heironeous champions.
  • Other Enemies: Erythnul and Kurell also stand as significant adversaries, with epic confrontations marking the history of their enmity.

Worship and Influence

The Champion of Rightful Combat
  • Mortal Realm Deeds: Heironeous actively participates in the affairs of the Prime Material Plane, aiding the forces of law and goodness and embarking on quests against evil.
  • Focus on Honor and Justice: His followers are known for their dedication to chivalry, justice, and the eradication of evil, embodying the principles Heironeous champions.

Dogma and the Heironean Code

The teachings of Heironeous are a call to arms against evil, emphasizing the virtues of courage, justice, and chivalry.
  • The World's Perils: Heironeous views existence as fraught with danger, requiring a vigilant and valorous response.
  • The Heironean Code: This chivalric code outlines the duties to the people, the Archpaladin, and to a Lady, forming the backbone of his worship.

Clergy and Church

The Holy Order of Heironeous is a militaristic faith of Heironeous attracts warriors and strategists, all united under his banner of justice.
  • Militaristic Church: The church of Heironeous is highly militaristic, with clerics serving as warriors, judges, strategists, and instructors, all working to champion causes and crusade against evil.
  • Training and Hierarchy: Clerics often begin as pages, absorbing the code of chivalry before ascending through the ranks. The church's structure mirrors a military order, complete with a clear chain of command and armories.

Temples and Ceremonies

The worship of Heironeous is marked by solemn ceremonies and the consecration of weapons, with temples serving as fortresses against evil.
  • Fortified Sanctuaries: Temples to Heironeous resemble fortified castles, complete with areas for jousting and military drills, symbolizing the god's martial focus.
  • Recognition of Valor: Followers celebrate bravery and chivalry through ceremonies that may include bestowing medals or decorations on worthy warriors, emphasizing the virtues Heironeous upholds.
  • Heironeous' unwavering dedication to the fight against evil, coupled with his promotion of honor and chivalry, has endeared him to many across the Flanaess. His followers, inspired by his valorous deeds and teachings, strive always for a valorous end, echoing the tenets of the 34th Analect. In the constant struggle between good and evil, Heironeous remains an indomitable force for righteousness, justice, and the protection of the innocent.


The holy texts of Heironeous guide his followers in their quest for righteousness.
  • The Book of the Code: A seminal work detailing the Heironean Code.
  • The Book of Penitence: Chronicles the legendary deeds of Ferrante, a paladin of Heironeous.

Holy Days/ Important Ceremonies

The church of Heironeous, devoted to the Archpaladin of Chivalry, Justice, Honor, War, Daring, and Valor, observes its sacred days with a deep sense of reverence and purpose. These holy days are not merely celebrations but acts of remembrance, reflection, and resolve, marking moments when the divine will of Heironeous was manifest on the battlefield and in the hearts of the faithful.
Newmass: The Dawn of Renewal
Celebration of Reflection: Occurring on the first day of Fireseek, Newmass is a time for followers of Heironeous to look back on the year's trials and triumphs, exchanging gifts as symbols of the shared journey and the bonds forged in battle.
The Day of Just Rebellion: Remembering Almor
A Symbol of Liberation: This day marks the anniversary of the battles that liberated Almor from the clutches of the Great Kingdom. The 18th of Coldeven is a day of solemn remembrance and steadfast resolve, honoring those who fought for freedom and justice.
Justday: Acts of Righteousness
A Commitment to Justice: On the 20th of Coldeven, worshippers undertake personal quests to amend wrongs, ranging from simple acts of contrition to grand endeavors aimed at dismantling oppression, exemplifying the Archpaladin's call to uphold justice in all things.
The Feast of Edoira: Unity in Faith
Interfaith Observance: Celebrated on the 4th of Growfest within the Domain of Greyhawk, this feast sees Heironeans joining hands with Pelorians and Raoans, a rare moment of communal harmony and shared devotion to the forces of good.
Fortnight's Feast: Victory Remembered
Two Weeks of Celebration: From the 25th of Wealsun to the 4th of Reaping, this festival commemorates the strategic triumphs of the Heironean forces over Nyrondal cavalry, a testament to the enduring valor of Heironeous's followers.
St. Ferrante's Day: Joy in Valor
A Day of Merriment and Honor: On the last day of Patchwall, the valiant deeds of Ferrante are celebrated with parades, sweets for children, and communal feasts, infusing the solemnity of remembrance with the joy of life.
Valormight: The Triumph of the Few
A Legacy of Courage: Commemorated on the 25th of Ready'reat, Valormight honors the tenacity and courage of Heironean forces outnumbered yet undaunted in their conflict against Hextor's followers, a reminder of the power of faith and valor.
Communion: A Silent Reflection
A Personal Pilgrimage: On the 10th of Sunsebb, the faithful engage in quiet contemplation, reconnecting with the divine essence of Heironeous, and renewing their commitment to walk the path of the Archpaladin.

Adventuring Garb

The only requirement for these priests is that they wear chain mail whenever possible. These priests are also fastidious in keeping their armor and weapons in good repair, and generally keep their garb clean and well kept. Priests of this clergy favor blues and purples of multiple shades, and tend to try to acquire a few pieces of jewelry with sapphires or amethysts in them.

Divine Domains

Chivalry, Justice, Honor, War, Daring, and Valor

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Silver bolt

Tenets of Faith

Heironasar are to strive in upholding law and order for the good of all peoples, while relentlessly persecuting the evil and unjust. Members of the clergy are to serve as role models for their fellow man, and embody the principles of their patron Power, whether on the battlefield or in the temple. Priests and other members of the church should set the example for daring and valor in combat, and be obey the code of chivalry, even when engaged with the enemy if possible. Service to Heironeous is service to others, whether they be fellow clergy, family, soldiers, superiors, or other good peoples of the Flanaess.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Evil has become a plague on Oerth, a festering wound which is constantly swelling with pestilent infection and decay. Clergy are to oppose the teachings and activities of the faith of Hextor above all other evil Powers, for these are reprehensible men for whom might makes right, and for whom war is a means to oppress and terrorize good peoples. The servants of Hextor subvert and twist the concepts of chivalry and honor into deceit and cowardice, treachery and betrayal, and are to be battled on sight if possible.
Oeridian Pantheon
Holy Symbol: a silver lightning bolt, often clutched in a fist
Realm: Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia
Domains: Law, Good, Nobility, Planning, War
Heironeous Speciality Clerics
  • Cleric of the 1st order: +2 to all saves vs Fear
  • Cleric of the 4th order: cloak of bravery
  • Cleric of the 6th order: immune to strength reducing magic (ray of enfeeblement, etc.)
  • Cleric of the 11th order: power word stun(W7), bolt of energy, 1/week
  • Divine Classification
    intermediate god
    Lawful Good
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "The path of valor is wrought with trials, but fear not the journey. Heironeous walks beside us, and in His footsteps, we shall tread."
    Physical Characteristics
    The Archpaladin's visage is as striking as his moral compass, with features that inspire both awe and devotion.
    • Divine Appearance: Heironeous is depicted as a towering human clad in fine chainmail, his auburn hair and coppery skin symbolizing his divine heritage.
    • Armaments: Traditionally armed with a great magical battleaxe, Heironeous has recently favored the longsword, symbolizing his adaptability and evolving nature.
    Heironeous Holy Symbol by 3orcs

    Heironeous prayers blessings

    "O Heironeous, Invincible and Valorous Knight, we call upon your strength and wisdom in our hour of need. Guide our blades with honor, that they may strike true against the shadows. Infuse our hearts with the courage to face our foes, and the resolve to uphold the righteous path. In every challenge, may we embody your virtues of chivalry, justice, and valor. Protect us from the snares of evil, and lead us to victory in your glorious name. Let our deeds shine as a testament to your eternal battle against darkness. Grant us the fortitude to persevere, the clarity to seek justice, and the grace to act with honor. Heironeous, be our shield against adversity, and light our way with the brilliance of your truth.
        "The 34th Analect states: never die easy; strive always for a valorous end."  


    Heironeous The Invincible, the Valorous Knight, I come to you in my times of trouble. Guide my heart so I might be delivered from evil. I beg this of you in your almighty name, valor in our souls. Empower me with your almighty favor!   Heironeous the Valorous Knight, I come to you with a heavy heart. Grant me courage so I might go forth in your name. I plead this of you in your name, daring and valor. Bless me with your eternal light.   Heironeous The Invincible, the Valorous Knight, your humble servant requires your aid. Grant me strength so I may make the right choice. I seek this of you on both my knees, my sword offered. Grace me with your eternal valor!

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Heironeous by 3orcs


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