Gwynharwyf Starbreeze Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Gwynharwyf Starbreeze

Keeper of the Familiar Roost

Lady Sylvara Starbreeze is a Sylvan elf, known for her deeply tanned skin and striking silver hair that cascades past her shoulders. Despite her elven heritage, her build is more robust than typical elves, giving her a formidable presence. Her jade eyes are often alight with a fiery passion, reflecting her fierce independence and strong will. Sylvara’s demeanor combines an innate nobility with a wild, adventurous spirit, making her a charismatic leader and a beloved figure in the Elven Enclave of Verbobonc.

Motivation and Goals

As the owner of the Familiar Roost Tavern, Sylvara seeks to create a sanctuary not just for the elven community but for all who appreciate the deep connections of forest and folk. Her establishment serves as a cultural hub where tales of the forest and elven lore are exchanged over traditional Sylvan brews. Her personal motivation extends beyond mere business; she aims to strengthen the bonds among her people and support the defense efforts of Verbobonc, particularly in safeguarding the elven quarters.


Born into a lesser-known branch of a distinguished elven family, Sylvara spent her early years traversing the dense Gnarley Forest. Her adventures led to a profound understanding of the natural world and the mystical forces that flow through it. After inheriting a modest inheritance, she invested in transforming an ancient tree into the now-renowned Familiar Roost Tavern, a place that epitomizes her love for nature and community.


In the political landscape of Verbobonc, Sylvara is a respected figure, known for her fair dealings and staunch defense of elven interests. She actively participates in the civic discussions, often advocating for policies that promote environmental preservation and cultural respect towards all communities of the city. Her diplomatic approach has earned her allies across various factions, including those outside the elven circles.

Religious Beliefs and Practices

A devout follower of Sehanine Moonbow, Sylvara integrates her faith deeply into her daily life and the running of her tavern. The Familiar Roost Tavern not only serves as a gathering place but also as a spiritual center where the full moons are celebrated with Lunar Hallowings. These monthly celebrations are times of reflection, joyous dance, and communal trance, all honoring the cycles of life and the mysteries of Sehanine’s teachings.   Sylvara’s life and work are a testament to her devotion to Sehanine Moonbow's principles of mysticism, dreams, and the cyclical nature of life and death. Her tavern serves as a microcosm of her world - a place where the mysteries of existence are contemplated and celebrated under the watchful eyes of the moon and stars.
Chaotic neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
408 168 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Strength and grace, rooted deep as the ancient oaks."
"Let the spirit dance with the moon, and the soul follow its light."
Sehanine Moonbow
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Gwynharwyf by 3orcs


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