D2 The Familiar Roost Tavern Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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D2 The Familiar Roost Tavern

The familiar pearlescent glow of elven light cantrips glow like a beacon even in the dead of night within the common room of this inn catering to the fey elf races. Given the famous elven lack of need for sleep, patrons can be found at all hours reading tomes of ancient lore while sipping at rare wines, or debating wide-ranging subjects such as magical theory or long-term ecology over repasts of delicately seasoned venison and wild greens. The elf innkeeper inclines his head toward you by way of greeting. Like most elves, it’s..

Sanctuary of the Sylvan Song

Nestled in the heart of the pebblestone roads of Verbobonc's Elven Quarter, The Familiar Roost Tavern stands as a haven for nature lovers and the magically inclined alike. Built around a massive elm tree—one of the city's largest—this establishment offers a unique blend of inn, tavern, and meeting spot wrapped into one. Its architecture, a harmonious chaos of wooden beams and winding staircases, embodies the spirit of the forest within the urban sprawl.

Facilities Description

  • Treehouse Design: The first two stories encircle the tree's trunk, featuring an assortment of snug rooms and corridors.
  • Loft and Balcony: Accessible via an external staircase winding up the tree, the loft serves as a secluded meeting space with a balcony that offers stunning city views and acts as a discreet entry point for shape-shifted druids and rangers.
  • Second Floor Accommodations: Very cramped rooms located high up, close to the quiet tree canopy. Ideal for guests accustomed to forest living, offering a unique, immersive experience.
  • Ground Floor Tavern: The main gathering space for the tavern, occupying the majority of the ground floor. Frequented by a diverse group of rural folk who enjoy the camaraderie over shared drinks. 
  • Popular beverages: include green bark teas and other potent, heady concoctions.

Historical Significance

  • Origin and Growth: Initially a simple meeting spot for elven kin, The Familiar Roost has grown into a cultural landmark, symbolizing the city's deep connection to the Gnarley Forest and its mystical inhabitants.

Relationships and Politics

  • Elven Conclave Ties: As a vital part of the Elven Quarter, the tavern frequently hosts members of the Elven Enclave, facilitating discussions on environmental preservation and city-forest relations.
  • Druidic Sanctuary: Known for its support of druidic and ranger gatherings, it subtly aids in their quests to protect nature.

Motivation and Purpose

Conservation and Community: Aims to preserve the sylvan way of life within Verbobonc, offering a piece of the forest to urban dwellers and a meeting ground for like-minded protectors of nature.

Notable Individuals

  • Resheph the Druid: A prominent figure, often visiting to liaise with local leaders and partake in the tranquility of this woodland refuge.

Goods and Services

  • Accommodations: Offers uniquely "woodsy" rooms that, despite being compact, provide comfort akin to forest living.
  • Tavern: Serves as a communal area where patrons enjoy simple, wholesome fare and beverages like green bark tea.
  • Familiar Shop: A diverse array of familiars is available, with creatures choosing their companions, fostering a deep bond from first meeting.
The Roost Pricing
  • Pricing: Both accommodations and food are priced averagely to cater to the middle-class patron, with an emphasis on voluntary contributions towards conservation efforts.
  • Familiar pricing: Any manner of familiar can be ‘found’ here for free, but donations to the ‘Gnarley’ fund are usually expected.

Cultural and Social Hub

  • Seasonal Gatherings: Hosts significant gatherings during equinoxes and solstices, aligning with druidic celebrations and enhancing community bonds.
  The Familiar Roost Tavern not only serves as a unique hospitality venue but also stands as a cornerstone of Verbobonc's commitment to blending urban life with the natural world, embodying the spirit of cooperation and respect for nature that defines the Elven Quarter.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
The Familiar Roost Tavern by 3orcs
Good meals Good Meals
Gwynharwyf by 3orcs
Gwynharwyf Keeper of the Familiar Roost
For those unfamiliar with the deeply tanned, silver-haired fey elves, one might mistake the youthful-looking woman to be a short and stocky example of elvenkind. You can easily recognize a palpable nobility in her wildness, particularly when she wields her twin scimitars in her dance of death, her jade eyes flashing in righteous fury.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
The great Druid Resheph patron of the The Familiar Roost Tavern
Resheph by 3orcs
The Familiar Roost Tavern by 3orcs
The Familiar Roost Meal Menu
Familiar Roost Elven Menu by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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