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Kobort is a hulking fighter accompanying Turuko, the Baklunish monk, in Hommlet. Despite his intimidating appearance, Kobort is dull-witted and easily manipulated. He seeks wealth and fame through adventuring, following Turuko's lead without question.   

Physical Description

Kobort is a massive Oeridian warrior with scars across his face and forearms, a testament to his many battles. He carries a longsword and dagger, and keeps his lance, flail, and battle axe in the stables with his heavy warhorse. His muscular build and imposing presence make him a formidable opponent, but his lack of intelligence is evident in his vacant expression.

Lore and History

Originally from the distant Great Kingdom, Kobort made a name for himself as a champion in Greyhawk's fighting arena. However, a series of bad debts to the Thieves' Guild forced him to leave the city. While passing through Hommlet, Kobort met Turuko and was convinced by the monk's promises of wealth and fame to join his schemes.


Kobort's life has been a series of battles and brawls, leaving him with a reputation as a fearsome fighter but little else. His encounter with Turuko gave him new purpose, as the monk's cunning plans offered a path to the riches he desperately seeks. Kobort is loyal to Turuko, following his instructions without question in the hope of achieving the wealth and fame he desires.

Motivation and Relationships

Kobort is driven by a simple desire for wealth and recognition. He trusts Turuko implicitly, believing the monk's promises of riches and glory. Kobort views adventuring as a means to an end, willing to use his strength and combat skills to achieve his goals. He has little regard for others, seeing them as obstacles or tools to be used in his pursuit of wealth.
"I may not be the smartest, but I'm the toughest."

Current Events

Since arriving in Hommlet, Kobort has been following Turuko's lead, waiting for the opportunity to embark on a profitable adventure. He spends his time at the Inn of the Welcome Wench, intimidating patrons and boasting of his fighting prowess. Kobort's main goal is to find a group of adventurers willing to take him along on their quests, where he can use his strength to earn his share of the loot.
'Something must be done soon!' says Kobort.
Kobort's Hidden Agenda
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Kobort is not aware of the full extent of Turuko's plans, but he trusts the monk completely. He believes that their adventuring will lead to wealth and fame, unaware that Turuko plans to betray and rob other adventurers. Kobort's loyalty to Turuko is unwavering, making him a dangerous tool in the monk's schemes. His lack of intelligence and gullibility make him easy to manipulate, and he will follow Turuko's orders without question.
"Strength is all that matters in the end."
Level 2 Fighter
  • AC 19 (splint mail & shield)
  • hp 20; #AT 1; D by weapon
  • XP 60
  • S 17 I 6 W 8 D 17 Co 16 Ch 11
  • Speed 30ft.
Specialization: Bastard Sword
  • Bastard sword (+5/+3), 1d10, 1d12,
  • dagger
  • Lance, flail, and battle axe in the stables with his heavy warhorse.
Year of Birth
550 26 Years old
dark hazel
black unruly hair and beard
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Wealth and fame are the only rewards worth fighting for."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Kobort by 3orcs


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