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7. The Inn of the Welcome Wench

The square wooden sign shows a buxom and smiling girl holding a flagon of beer. This must be the Inn of the Welcome Wench, a place renowned for its good food and excellent drink! Passing merchants make a point of stopping, as do many other sorts of wayfarers, and it is said that the place is always filled with patrons.
The Inn of the Welcome Wench is the largest structure in Hommlet, renowned for its good food, excellent drink, and warm hospitality. Situated at the crossroads of the village, it attracts merchants, travelers, and adventurers, serving as a central hub for local activity and news.

Outside Description

The Inn of the Welcome Wench is a well-constructed, two-story building with plastered walls and intricate wooden carvings. The square wooden sign depicts a buxom, smiling girl holding a flagon of beer, inviting passersby to enter. The inn exudes a welcoming and intimate atmosphere, enhanced by the laughter and voices that can be heard from outside.

Greeted by the Stableboy

Upon arrival, guests are greeted by a young stableboy and a groom who handle the draft and riding animals. These workers live in the stables, ensuring that animals are well cared for. The innkeeper, Ostler Gundigoot, along with his family and staff, bustle about the place, attending to guests' needs.

Inside Description

Entering the inn through a heavy wooden door, visitors are welcomed by a warm, lively atmosphere. The common room is large, bright, and cheerful, with a large stone fireplace burning against the far wall. The room is filled with rough-hewn tables, chairs, and natural tree trunk pillars. The smell of roasted venison and poached salmon fills the air, promising a delightful dining experience. Patrons, both locals and travelers, fill the room, creating a vibrant, communal setting.

Lore and History

Origins and Ownership
The Inn of the Welcome Wench was originally built over a century ago. It was purchased by Ostler Gundigoot's father, and Gundigoot inherited the inn, continuing its tradition of hospitality. Raised in the inn, Gundigoot knows every inch of the place, including its secret rooms and passages.
The inn is famous for its good food and excellent drink, attracting merchants, travelers, and wayfarers from all over. Its reputation ensures that it is always filled with patrons, making it a central hub for news and social interaction in Hommlet.

Daily Life

The inn operates as a bustling center of activity, with staff attending to guests, serving food and drinks, and maintaining the premises. Regular patrons and new visitors alike contribute to the lively atmosphere, making the inn a vibrant place.  
From the outside, the Inn of the Welcome Wench looks clean, welcoming, and intimate. The building's plastered walls and intricate wooden carvings exude a rustic charm, drawing your eyes to the warmth it promises. Though the darkened windows make it nearly impossible to see inside, the laughter and lively chatter seeping through them speak volumes of the merriment within.   As you push open the heavy, wooden door, a burst of laughter and the hum of friendly conversation envelop you. The pleasant aroma of roasted venison and poached salmon fills the air, mingling with the scent of freshly baked bread. The bartender, though swamped with work, glances up and greets you with a welcoming wave. The common room is large, bright, and cheerful, illuminated by the crackling fire in the stone fireplace against the far wall. Rough-hewn tables and chairs, worn smooth by countless patrons, are arranged around the room, supported by natural tree trunk pillars darkened with smoke and age.   Despite the approaching evening, the room is sparsely populated, with about ten patrons seated at various tables. A few are locals, dressed in simple farmer’s garb and commoners' clothing, chatting amiably over their drinks. The rest are travelers—merchants, peddlers, and adventurers—taking a well-deserved break from their journeys. They share tales of distant lands and recent escapades, adding to the inn’s lively atmosphere.   You recall hearing rumors about this tavern, renowned for its excellent food and drink. Passing merchants often make a point of stopping here, and many wayfarers speak of the inn's hospitality and the quality of its fare. Judging by the array of cups, tankards, and glasses on the tables, the reputation for fine alcoholic drinks seems well-earned. You find a seat and settle in, eager for what promises to be a delightful evening of good food, hearty drink, and captivating stories.

Motivation and Relationships

Gundigoot Family
The Gundigoot family is dedicated to providing excellent hospitality and maintaining the inn's reputation. Their involvement in the community and the militia further cements their importance in Hommlet.
  • With Patrons: The inn serves all comers, offering a safe and welcoming environment for travelers and locals.
  • With the Community: The inn is a central meeting place, fostering relationships and serving as a venue for important village discussions.

Current Events

Construction of Doomwatch Keep
The ongoing construction of 30. Doomwatch Keep Construction Site has increased the number of visitors to the inn, as workers and supervisors seek food, drink, and rest.
Bandit Threats
The rise in bandit activity has led to increased vigilance at the inn. The stableboy, groom, and some staff are members of the militia, ready to respond to any threats.
Local Gossip and News
The inn remains a primary source of news and gossip in Hommlet, with patrons sharing stories and information about recent events, including bandit raids and the construction of the keep.

Menu and Prices

The cost of food and drink at the Welcome Wench is higher than usual due to its reputation and the quality of its offerings.
The menu includes:
  • Food: Venison, mutton, poached salmon, trout, kidney pie, squab, stuffed pheasant, and crayfish.
  • Drink: Locally brewed ale and beer, wine, mead, and brandy from various regions.
  • Service: Meals are served on pottery, pewter, or copper services, with drinks in various vessels, including leather jacks, pottery mugs, wooden tankards, pewter steins, glass flagons, crystal goblets, or silver chalices.
The upper rooms are very clean and heated, offering fine beds, washstands, chamber pots, towels, pegs for garments, and various chairs and stools. Larger rooms include additional amenities like armchairs, tables, footstools, bed warmers, curtained beds, and rugs.


The Inn of the Welcome Wench is a cornerstone of Hommlet, providing excellent food, drink, and hospitality to all who pass through its doors. Its role as a central hub for the community and its involvement in local events and security make it an indispensable part of village life. With its rich history, vibrant atmosphere, and dedicated staff, the inn continues to uphold its reputation as a place of warmth and welcome.  

Chart of Characters at the Inn

Name Sex Occupation Age Religion Militia? Level Armor Weapon HP Notes
  • Gloria F Goodwife 33 Old Faith No 0 - - 2 Ostler's wife
  • Vesta F Child 13 Old Faith No 0 - - 2 Ostler's daughter
  • Amberjill F Child 10 Old Faith No 0 - - 1 Ostler's daughter
  • Riley F Wench 23 Old Faith No 0 - Dagger 4 Inn wench
  • Ashby F Wench 22 Old Faith No 0 - - 2 Inn wench
  • Crabtree M Groom 17 Old Faith Yes 0 Padded Spear 3 Groom, inn
  • Lyndon M Stableboy 15 Old Faith Yes 0 Padded Club 3 Stableboy, inn
  • Arlanni M Potboy 11 Old Faith No 0 - - 2 Potboy, inn, potential thief
  • Haven M Potboy 10 Old Faith No 0 - - 2 Potboy, inn, aspiring druid
Inn Welcome Wench NPCs that look for adventure
Show spoiler
  • Turuko and Kobort a strange pair—a hulking fighter, Kobort by name, and his associate, a small and thin Monk called Turuko.
  • Spugnois is an apprentice mage who can be hired.
  • Furnok is a con artist, cheat, and small-time jewel thief.
  • Zert fighter awaiting the return of a caravan from the south, but who is actually a Chaotic Evil spy for the Temple.
Inn of the Welcome Wench by 3orcs

Key Figures

  • Gundigoot: The innkeeper, known for his sharp eye and good sense of character. He serves as the sergeant of the militia and is a follower of The Old Faith.
  • Gloria: Ostler's wife, a goodwife who helps manage the inn. Known as one of the finest cooks in the eastern viscounty, Goodwife Gundigoot is responsible for much of the success of the Inn of the Welcome Wench. She enjoys gossip and hen-pecks her husband a bit, but she is a warm and generous soul.
  • Vesta and Amberjill: Ostler's daughters, who assist with various tasks around the inn.
Ostler Gundigoot by 3orcs
Inn Staff
  • Sigen: Stable-boy (non-combatant)
  • Dilinar: Barman (expert sidekick)
  • Bony and Sylvani: Servers (commoners)
  • Ono and Pilbin: Bus-boys (Ono is an aspirant, Pilbin is a non-combatant)
  • Varga, Pyn, Beyla, and Gorb: Scullions (commoners)
Notable Characters
  • Turuko and Kobort: A strange pair, consisting of a hulking fighter and a small monk adventurers.
  • Furnok: A con artist, cheat, and small-time jewel thief.
  • Zert: A Merchant fighter.
  • Spugnois: (spellcaster sidekick), An apprentice mage available for hire.
  • Elmo: patron (ranger, hunter 5): adventurer for hire.
Poor Meals
Common Meals
Good Meals
Welcome Wench Main Floor by Scott Purdy Copyright RVN Creative Studios 2024
Welcome Wench Basement and 2nd floor by Scott Purdy Copyright RVN Creative Studios 2024
Inn of the Welcome Wench Menu by 3orcs
Inn of the Welcome Wench wine Menu by 3orcs

Articles under 7. The Inn of the Welcome Wench

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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