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Turuko is a recent arrival in Hommlet, staying at the Inn of the Welcome Wench. His exotic appearance and mysterious demeanor mark him as a Baklunish monk. Turuko seeks adventuring opportunities to obtain a fair share of loot while secretly planning to find the evidence he has been looking for at the Moathouse.

Physical Description

Turuko stands out in Hommlet with his distinct Baklunish features. He has bronze skin, straight black hair, and pale green eyes. His head is shaved under his orange turban, and he wears loose-fitting, pale orange clothing associated with Baklunish monasticism. Despite his small and thin frame, Turuko carries an air of confidence and menace.

Lore and History

Originally a star pupil in a prestigious monastery in Ket, Turuko's time there was abruptly ended. Details about his departure are sparse, but it’s known that he left under controversial circumstances. His travels eventually led him to Hommlet, a quiet village where adventurers often pass through.
Secret History
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Originally a star pupil in a prestigious monastery in Ket, Turuko was expelled for accessing restricted documents without the abbot's consent. Enraged and confused by the harsh punishment, he fled Molvar with the stolen scrolls. These documents revealed secrets about the deity Zuoken's disappearance and re-emergence, linking them to the Temple of Elemental Evil. Turuko developed a heretical theology centered on the magical artifacts he believes are hidden beneath the temple. He is convinced that these items are key to achieving physical and mental mastery.


Turuko's journey from Ket to Hommlet has been one of quiet determination and introspection. Though he speaks little of his past, it’s clear that he has faced significant challenges. His serene yet intense demeanor suggests a man with a mission, though his exact goals remain unclear to those around him.
Secret Background
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Turuko's expulsion from his monastery led him on a path of self-discovery and heresy. He believes that arcane artifacts can enhance his abilities and grant him ultimate power. His travels brought him to Hommlet, where he met Kobort, a dim-witted fighter, and convinced him to join his schemes. Turuko's ultimate goal is to plunder the moathouse and the Temple of Elemental Evil for their magical treasures.
"Every artifact has a story, and every story holds the key to power."

Motivation and Relationships

In Hommlet, Turuko met Kobort, a large and not particularly bright fighter. The two have formed a partnership, with Turuko's sharp mind and Kobort's strength complementing each other. Turuko expresses an interest in exploring the nearby moathouse, hinting at a desire for adventure and discovery.
Secret Motivation
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Turuko is motivated by his desire for power and mastery through the acquisition of magical artifacts. He uses his cunning and persuasive skills to manipulate Kobort into doing his bidding. Turuko views other adventurers as tools or obstacles, depending on whether they can help him achieve his goals. He is always on the lookout for opportunities to betray and rob those who succeed in their quests.

Current Events

Since arriving in Hommlet, Turuko has been plotting his next move. Accompanying the hulking fighter Kobort he spends his days at the Inn of the Welcome Wench, observing potential adventurers and gathering information. Turuko's primary focus is the moathouse, where he believes valuable artifacts are hidden. He plans to accompany adventurers on their expeditions, to further his investigation.
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Turoko is a monk who was once a star pupil in a prestigious monastery in Ket but he was cast out for “conduct unbecoming a follower of Zuoken”, namely, he accessed restricted documents without consent of the Abbot. At first confused and enraged for such strong discipline for what seemed to be such a minor infraction, Turoko fled Molvar with the stolen scrolls. As he studied the documents, Turoko quickly understood their importance of as they referred directly to Zuoken’s disappearance from Oerth in 505 CY and his re-emergence in 570 CY. Through them, he discovered that Zuoken had been held beneath the Temple of Elemental Evil prior to his release by Sir Robilar and others.
Turuko's Hidden Agenda
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The monk believes himself to be highly clever, Turuko is not just an adventurer but an evil monk with plans to rob and murder successful adventurers. He keeps his true intentions hidden behind a facade of seeking adventure for loot. Turuko aims to exploit other adventurers, leading them into dangerous quests only to betray them when they are vulnerable. He desires the magical treasures hidden beneath the moathouse and the Temple of Elemental Evil, convinced that these artifacts are the key to his ultimate power and mastery.
Moathouse ambush
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If the players do not recruit this pair they follow them to the moathouse and wait for them to come out and rob them of their treasure. Elmo if not with the party will follow them and help the players when this pair springs their ambush. The pair will accompany a small party, hang back in fights, and then slay the expedition when it is weak. Otherwise, they will spy on a large group, and attack only if it is reduced by death and wounds.
      Coming out of the woods near Hommlet when you note two men standing near the treeline, apparently waiting. After a moment, you recognize the men as Turuko and Kobort, the mercenaries from the Inn of the Welcome Wench. The Bakluni rested easily on a quarterstaff, while his warrior companion stood quietly beside him, wearing splint mail and with a greatsword strapped across his back.   “Greetings,” said Turuko. “Another day of good fortune pillaging the ruin?” His tone was friendly, but his expression was not. “Kobort and I thought to join in your expedition, but a more efficient and far less risky plan occurred to me: just take the treasure from you.”   As the two men took aggressive stances, you hear a loud snort from above and the rustle of branches preceding a yelp as a man falls out of a nearby tree to thump to the ground. This unexpected development gave the would-be assailants pause, moreso when the man’s head pops up and he looks around blearily. You recognize him as Elmo, the happy drunk you had met on the streets of Hommlet previously.   “Interruptin’ me nap, ye blaggards!” Elmo complained, glancing around squintily. The ghost of a smile crossed his face as his eyes fell on *PC*, and he cast a wink her way.   This has nothing to do with you,” said Turuko, trying his best to sound unruffled.   “How’s that, then?” asked Elmo. “Ye look ‘bout ready t’pounce, an’ these are me drinkin’ buddies. Seems t’me if’n ye want t’row wit’em, like as not, I’ll want me a piece o’ th’ fightin’, eh?” He put his fists up like a novice pugilist, then turned and glanced at the party, his expression suddenly uncertain. “Eh?”   Kobort appeared to hesitate, but Turuko was unfazed. “We mean to rob you. Clearly morality is not part of the equation.” The Bakluni looked at his companion and said, “Draw. We will finish this swiftly and be on our way.” The warrior pulled the greatsword from his back and said to Elmo, “Move along, you drunk.”   Elmo gave the man a sly look. “Oy, ye’ve got a cleaver there, aye? So ‘appens I’ve got me a pig-sticker.” He produced a knife, only the gods knew from where. “Me brudder give it t’me, and taught me a t’ing or two ‘bout usin’ it.” He glanced back at the party and held his hand up as though to whisper conspiratorially but spoke at the same volume. “Th’ pointy end goes in th’ other man.”   Kobort glanced at his Bakluni companion. “Turuko, this is … getting more complicated than you said it would be.”   “Be silent!” Turuko insisted, even as Elmo began what appeared to be stretching exercises, limbering up in anticipation of action. The Bakluni frowned at the sight, quickly recalculating the odds. “Bah, this is a waste of time,” he decided. “Kobort, we’re leaving.” He turned on his heel, and the big warrior followed behind him uncertainly.   “Wot?” said Elmo to their backs, having bent over to look between his legs. “Oh, they’re leavin’ eh? Jist as well, really. Me brudder tol’ me never t’stick a man dumber’n meself. T’would be a cruelty, ye see.” He smiled, pleased with himself, sheathed his knife, then walked over to smile at you.   The hairy human hugged you back. “Aye. Lucky ‘twas that I were havin’ me nap, eh?” His eyes twinkled.   Elmo made shooing gestures at the party with a grin. “Get ye along t’town now. Don’t dawdle.”
"In the shadows of ancient ruins, true power awaits those brave enough to seek it."
3rd level Monk
  • Hit Points 30
  • Speed 40 ft. Unarmed: 1d6
  • AC: 13 +2 dex
  • STR 12 DEX 16 CON 13 INT 10 WIS 15 CHA 8
  • Languages: common, ancient baklunish, baklunish
Possessions: Dagger, quarterstaff, 40cp, 5sp, 12gp
Lawful evil
Year of Birth
556 20 Years old
pale green
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Only the foolish believe in luck; the wise create their own destiny."
Xan Yae
Introductions and offer
Turuko: "Greetings, adventurers. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation about the Moathouse. My companion Kobort and I are also interested in exploring that place. We believe it holds great potential for treasure and adventure."   Turuko: "We have recently arrived in Hommlet and find ourselves in need of funds. The Moathouse, with its history and rumored wealth, seems like the perfect opportunity. Perhaps we could join forces and explore it together?"   You glance at Kobort, who gives a slight nod, his eyes scanning the room with a mix of boredom and curiosity.   Turuko: "I assure you, Kobort and I are skilled in our own ways. My expertise lies in the arts of stealth and combat, while Kobort's strength is unmatched. We can be valuable allies in your quest."   Turuko pauses, his pale green eyes meeting each of yours in turn.   Turuko: "What do you say, friends? Shall we combine our efforts and see what treasures the Moathouse holds? We ask for an equal share of the loot, of course. Together, we can overcome any dangers that lie within."   Kobort, still silent, places a hand on the hilt of his longsword, as if to emphasize Turuko's point.   You consider Turuko's proposal, weighing the potential benefits of having two more capable adventurers in your party. The Moathouse is known to be dangerous, and their skills could indeed tip the scales in your favor.   Turuko: (leaning in slightly) "Trust me, the Moathouse is not a place to venture alone. We can help each other achieve our goals and share in the rewards. So, what do you say? Shall we venture forth together?"   Kobort: "Something must be done soon!"

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Turuko Baklunish monk by 3orcs


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