Lirr Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Lady Poet, The Lorekeeper

Lirr, lesser goddess of Poetry, Prose, Literature, and Art

The Oeridian Goddess of Creativity and Expression

Lirr, revered in the World of Greyhawk as the goddess of Prose, Poetry, Literature, and Art, stands as a beacon for those who cherish knowledge, learning, and the arts. This extensive article delves into the lore, description, relationships, motivation, realm, dogma, worshippers, clergy, temples, rituals, and enemies of Lirr, highlighting her importance in the Oeridian pantheon.


Lirr is celebrated for her devotion to the preservation and dissemination of all forms of written and artistic expression. Her symbol, an illustrated book, encapsulates her essence as the guardian of creativity and knowledge.


  • Appearance: Lirr is depicted as a vibrant Oeridian woman with piercing dark blue eyes and long, flowing black hair. She is often shown carrying a magical tome that can display any piece of prose, poetry, spell, or artwork ever created, symbolizing the boundless realms of knowledge and creativity she oversees.


  • Alliances: Lirr maintains a close alliance with Delleb, another deity who values knowledge and learning, showcasing her collaborative nature in the pursuit of enlightenment and the protection of the arts.


  • Preservation of Knowledge: Lirr is driven by a profound commitment to safeguarding all forms of knowledge and artistic expression from destruction or concealment.


  • Polykeptolon: Residing in the scholarly city of Polykeptolon within the realm of the Olympian pantheon, Lirr thrives among philosophers and scholars, emphasizing her ethos that intellectual and artistic pursuits are the highest callings.


  • The Written Word: Lirr champions the belief that written works are the foundation of civilization, advocating for the protection and reverence of both literary and artistic creations as vehicles of cultural and historical preservation.


  • Followers: Lirr is venerated by Oeridian wizards, sorcerers, and the tree people of the Valley of the Mage, particularly by those who find Delleb's tendencies too withdrawn. Her followers are characterized by their active engagement with and promotion of knowledge and the arts.


Roles and Responsibilities
Lirr's priests are dedicated to discovering and rescuing endangered works of knowledge and art, especially from regions under tyrannical rule.
  • Many adopt the life of a bard, focusing on storytelling and art creation over singing, and often work as scribes, tutors, or artists.
  • Novices are tasked with reproducing temple archives to spread knowledge and inspiration widely.
  • Centers of Worship: Lirr's temples, prevalent in regions with strong Oeridian influence, serve as hubs for creative and intellectual exchange. Notably, the shrine at the Guildhall of Performing Artistes in Greyhawk City stands as a testament to her enduring legacy among artists and scholars.
  • Celebration of Creativity: Rituals dedicated to Lirr involve the creation, sharing, and preservation of literary and artistic works, reflecting her ethos that art and knowledge are to be freely disseminated and cherished.


  • Opposition: Lirr opposes any entities or regimes that seek to destroy, suppress, or hoard knowledge and artistic expression, standing as a guardian against the forces of ignorance and destruction.
Lirr's essence encapsulates the vibrancy of creativity and the sanctity of knowledge, making her a pivotal figure among the deities revered by the Oeridian people and beyond. Her followers are tasked with a noble quest: to ensure that the light of understanding and the beauty of expression are never dimmed in the face of adversity. Through their dedication, Lirr's influence continues to inspire generations of artists, writers, and scholars across the Flanaess.
  Oeridian Pantheon
Holy Symbol: an illustrated book
Domains: Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Magic, Travel
Realm: Arborea
Favored weapon: rapier and shortspear. Speciality Cleric spells
  • Cleric of the 1st Order: appraise art objects
  • Cleric of the 2nd Order: learn an extra language /2 levels
  • Clerif of all lvls: Unable to TurnUndead
Divine Classification
Lesser Goddess
Chaotic good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In Every Stroke and Word, Truth's Beauty Unfurled."   "Guardians of Lore, Keepers of the Infinite Door."
Ruled Locations
Holy Symbol of LIrr by 3orcs
Prayer to Lirr
"O Lirr, Muse of the Boundless Word, grant us Your divine aid. Illuminate our minds with Your wisdom and our hearts with Your creativity. Bless our endeavors with clarity and inspiration, that we may weave words and craft art in true reflection of Your glory. Guide me in the preservation of knowledge and the celebration of beauty. In Your name, we seek the strength to share and uplift, enriching the world with the light of Your essence. So mote it be."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lirr by 3orcs


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