C4 The Conservatory of Lirr Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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C4 The Conservatory of Lirr

The Conservatory of Lirr in Verbobonc is an esteemed institution devoted to the arts, particularly music and literature. Situated near key academic and magical establishments like the Silver Consortium, it offers a collaborative environment enriched with extensive cultural and educational activities. This conservatory not only trains aspiring artists and musicians but also serves as a vibrant center for creativity inspired by Lirr, the goddess of poetry, prose, and art.

Facilities Description

The Conservatory features state-of-the-art auditoriums for performances and classrooms for a variety of artistic disciplines. A major highlight is its shared library with the Silver Consortium, providing extensive resources for both magical studies and artistic endeavors.
  • Auditoriums and Classrooms: The Conservatory houses several large auditoriums where students practice and perform music. Classrooms are used for a variety of arts including poetry recitals and painting classes.
  • Library Sharing: Shares a comprehensive library with the Silver Consortium, equipped with extensive resources for both magical studies and artistic pursuits.

Clergy: Roles and Responsibilities

Clerics at the Conservatory are involved in educational roles and the preservation of artistic and literary works. Novice clerics replicate important documents, while senior members teach and manage the institution’s extensive artistic resources.
  • Novice Clerics: Tasked with copying important archives, ensuring the preservation and dissemination of knowledge.
  • Senior Clergy: Engage in teaching, organizing public recitals, and overseeing the maintenance of the Conservatory’s extensive collections.


Established to enrich Verbobonc’s cultural scene, the Conservatory has evolved into a pivotal institution in the city, with its graduates often rising to prominence in various artistic fields.
  • Establishment: Founded to foster excellence in the arts within Verbobonc, enhancing the city's cultural landscape.
  • Development: Over the years, it has become a cornerstone of the community, with its graduates often becoming prominent bards and artists.

Relationships and Politics

The Conservatory maintains a symbiotic relationship with the Silver Consortium, enhancing resource sharing and collaboration. It actively engages with local government to ensure the arts remain integral to city planning and community events.
  • Connection with the Silver Consortium: Shares resources and collaborates on academic endeavors, strengthening ties between artists and magicians.
  • Local Government Interaction: Regularly interacts with city officials to ensure the arts remain a key part of community planning and festivities.

Motivation and Goals

Driven by a commitment to preserve and celebrate the arts, the Conservatory aims to provide top-tier education in music and arts, promoting the teachings of Lirr and making artistic expression accessible to a broad audience.
  • Cultural Preservation: Dedicated to preserving and advancing the arts in alignment with Lirr’s teachings.
  • Educational Excellence: Strives to provide the highest quality education in music and the arts, making arts accessible to a wider community.

Notable People

The Conservatory is home to the Group of Twelve, celebrated musicians known for their divine performances, and is supported by local patrons like Jylee of Dyvers who contribute to its cultural initiatives.
  • The Group of Twelve: A renowned ensemble of musicians from the Conservatory, known for their heavenly performances.
  • Averna Delarosa serves as the High Priestess of the Conservatory of Lirr in the bustling city of Verbobonc. Renowned for her profound dedication to the arts and literature, she is a celebrated figure among the Oeridian Oerid people, embodying the virtues and teachings of Lirr, the goddess of Prose, Poetry, Literature, and Art.
  • Jylee of Dyvers: Although primarily known for his C3 Jylee’s Inn, Jylee supports the Conservatory through patronage and hosting events.

Goods and Services

The Conservatory offers musical instruments and artistic supplies at discounted rates to students and provides access to a specialized library wing focused on music and poetry, reflecting its commitment to supporting the artistic community.
  • Musical Instruments and Books: Offers instruments and specialty items at discounted prices to students and alumni.
  • Library Access: Provides access to a specialized wing of the library focused on music and poetry under the Conservatory's management.


The Conservatory of Lirr stands as a beacon of artistic and musical excellence in Verbobonc. With its comprehensive facilities, dedicated clergy, and strong community ties, it plays a pivotal role in promoting the cultural and intellectual growth of its students and the broader community. Its connection to the deity Lirr underscores its commitment to the flourishing of arts and literature, making it a key institution in the civic center of Verbobonc.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
Conservatory of Lirr by 3orcs
"Harmonize your heart and mind at the Conservatory of Lirr."
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
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Characters in Location
Holy Symbol of LIrr by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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