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Mairwyn Greenleaf

Mairwyn Greenleaf, a half-elf with a spirit as wild as the forests she adores, stands as a central figure in the bustling village of Ostverk. Known for her copper hair and keen eyes that reflect a life intertwined with nature, Mairwyn operates the Ostverk Mercantile Outfitters, a crucial supply point for adventurers and locals alike. Born to an elven mother and a human father, Mairwyn inherited traits from both lineages—her mother's grace and connection to the woods, and her father's pragmatism and resilience. Mairwyn’s childhood was divided between the serene depths of the Gnarley Forest and the human communities of Ostverk. Her adolescence was marked by an intense apprenticeship under a renowned ranger in the Faerie Kingdom of Celene, honing skills that would define her path.
Half Elven History
  • Heritage: Mairwyn was born to an elven mother and a human father, blending the mystical connection to nature with human ingenuity.
  • Training: She trained under a master ranger in Celene, acquiring skills that surpass mere survival—she learned the art of coexisting with nature. 
  • Establishment of Outfitters: Mairwyn founded the Mercantile Outfitters a decade ago, growing it from a simple stall to the primary source for quality outdoor supplies in Ostverk.

The Mercantile Outfitters

Established by Mairwyn a decade ago, the Mercantile Outfitters has grown from a modest stall at the edge of town to a well-stocked haven of wilderness gear. Axes, snares, ropes, and other survival essentials line the walls of this two-story stone building, where Mairwyn’s expertise as a tracker and woodsman enhances the quality and selection of goods offered.
  • Product Range: Stocks essential wilderness gear such as axes, knives, snares, and ropes.
  • Store Layout: The store is housed in a robust two-story stone building filled with gear organized efficiently, reflecting Mairwyn's orderly mind.
  • Customer Interaction: Known for her hands-on approach, Mairwyn often personally assists customers, offering advice and sharing her extensive knowledge of the wilderness. 

Role in the Community

Mairwyn is more than just a merchant; she is a pivotal member of Ostverk’s community. Her deep understanding of the local terrain and fauna makes her a valuable ally to the town’s leaders and its protectors. Mairwyn is known for her workshops on survival skills, and her store doubles as a gathering spot for sharing news about the wider region, including the movements of potentially threatening forces.
  • Educator: Mairwyn conducts regular workshops on survival techniques and the sustainable harvesting of forest resources.
  • Community Gatherings: Her shop serves as a community hub for meetings and planning sessions regarding regional safety and environmental preservation.
Relations with the Gnarley Forest and Celene
Mairwyn maintains strong ties with the Elves of the Gnarley Forest and has been instrumental in fostering peaceful interactions between them and the human populations of Ostverk. Her relationships with the rangers of Celene are built on mutual respect and shared guardianship of the forest borders.
  • Diplomatic Ties: Maintains diplomatic relationships with the elves and other forest denizens, facilitating peaceful interactions and mutual assistance.
  • Collaboration with Gnarley Rangers: Works closely with The Gnarley Rangers to monitor and protect the region from threats like bandits and dangerous wildlife.

Current Concerns

The closed borders of Celene and rising tensions in the region weigh heavily on Mairwyn. The banditry and raids on local farms have prompted her to organize more patrols and offer her expertise to those affected. The recent reduction in Mounted Borderer patrols, due to political decisions by Viscount Wilfick, has only increased the burden on her shoulders.
  • Security Issues: Actively involved in organizing additional patrols and defenses in response to decreased support from the Mounted Borderers.
  • Local Tensions: Concerned about the rising tensions due to Celene's closed borders, which impact local trade and safety.
  • Future Ambitions: Despite the demands of her current role, Mairwyn harbors a deep longing to return to a life of exploration and solitude in the woods. She dreams of one day passing on the Outfitters to a like-minded successor and retreating into the wilderness to live in harmony with the natural world she loves so dearly.

Future Ambitions

  • Adventurous Spirit: Despite her current responsibilities, Mairwyn harbors a strong desire to return to adventuring, exploring uncharted territories and discovering ancient secrets.
  • Succession Plans: She is keen on training a successor to continue the legacy of the Mercantile Outfitters, allowing her to eventually retire to a life of exploration.

Personal Relationships

  • Ranger Knight Wyn: Shares a strong bond with Wyn, a senior ranger knight concerned with regional security and environmental issues. Their partnership strengthens Ostverk’s defenses and conservation efforts.
  • Connection with Beory: As a worshipper of Beory, Mairwyn integrates her faith into her work, promoting growth and protection within her community.


Mairwyn Greenleaf embodies the spirit of Ostverk—a bridge between the wild and the civilized, the elven and the human. Her life’s work at the Mercantile Outfitters and her dedication to her community ensure that her legacy will influence the pathways of many adventurers and the future of Ostverk itself.
"Look. I got this dream, it eats me up inside. I've been running this shop for a while, and well... I need to get away. You feel me? It is nice here, don't get me wrong. I still love living here, with these good folk, but I need quiet, calm of the forest.. I need to hear the world. I am friends of the Gnarley, woodsmen, the elves, the fairy folk and the rangers"

Mairwyn Greenleaf's Adventuring Plans

Rekindling the Wild Call
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Who is Mairwyn Greenleaf? Mairwyn Greenleaf is not only a respected business owner and community leader in Ostverk but also a seasoned ranger with a deep-rooted passion for adventure. Despite her responsibilities, the call of the wilderness beckons her back to exploration.
Dream of Returning to Adventure
  • Renewing Her Ranger Roots: Mairwyn’s early years as a ranger ignited a love for the wild that remains unquenched. She plans to return to these roots by exploring the uncharted territories beyond Ostverk.
  • Quest for Discovery: She is driven by a desire to uncover new lands, map out unexplored areas, and retrieve ancient artifacts that could enrich her community.
Preparations for Adventure
  • Succession Planning: A significant part of her preparation involves training a reliable successor to oversee the Mercantile Outfitters in her absence.
  • Securing Ostverk: Ensuring that alliances with local leaders and the rangers of the Gnarley Forest are strong enough to protect Ostverk during her travels.
Adventurous Objectives
  • Exploration Goals: Mairwyn aims to map unknown regions, particularly focusing on the dense and mysterious parts of the Gnarley Forest.
  • Artifact Retrieval: Her adventures might lead her to ancient artifacts and historical relics, enhancing both her knowledge and her store’s inventory.
Tree Creepers and the Hidden Cave
  • A Serendipitous Discovery: On a recent foray into the Gnarley Forest, Mairwyn discovered a hidden cave, sacred to the local goblin tribe known as the Tree Creepers.
  • Underground Lake and Treasure: Inside the cave, she found an underground lake where the goblins have been depositing treasures as offerings to their deities—coins and jewels gleam from the lakebed, tempting Mairwyn with their forgotten stories and value.
  • Prospect of Alliance: Considering the danger posed by the number of goblins, Mairwyn contemplates forming a temporary alliance with the PCs to safely retrieve the treasures.
Challenges and Risks
  • Navigating Danger: The potential for conflict with the Tree Creepers poses a significant risk to her planned expedition.
  • Impact on Business and Community: Her absence could affect both the Mercantile Outfitters and Ostverk’s overall security, making her preparations crucial.
Long-term Vision
  • Knowledge and Wealth Sharing: Mairwyn hopes to return with new treasures and stories that will benefit Ostverk and inspire others to explore responsibly.
  • Inspiring Future Adventurers: Her adventures could serve as a beacon for the youth of Ostverk, encouraging them to respect and protect the natural world while seeking their own paths.


airwyn Greenleaf embodies the spirit of adventure intertwined with a deep commitment to her community. Her upcoming journeys are poised to enrich her life and bring new opportunities and security to the village she loves, making her an indispensable pillar of Ostverk.
"Every leaf, every breeze in the Gnarley speaks to me. It's high time we listen closer, before the whispers turn to warnings."
Mairwyn Greenleaf
Hearty proprietor of the 15. Ostverk Mercantile & Outfitters trading post, selling axes, saws, traps, snares, knives and other useful wilderness gear.
  • Ranger level 3
  • HP 20
  • Str 13, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 15
  • Longbow+1, Cloak of Elvenkind
  • Background: Mairwyn has spent years balancing life as a merchant with her innate call to the wilds. She confesses to a growing restlessness, a longing to return to the quiet and calm of the forest, to "hear the world" as she puts it, drawing her away from the daily routines of commerce.
  • Dreams and Desires: Despite her love for Ostverk's community, Mairwyn feels an overwhelming need to reconnect with nature. This internal conflict is a significant part of her life, influencing her interactions and decisions.
  • Relationships: Deeply respected by the locals and known among the elves, rangers, and even the fairy folk of the Gnarley, Mairwyn is a bridge between the village and the wild. Her friendship with Wyn, a senior ranger knight concerned with the region's security, highlights her pivotal role in local affairs.
Chaotic good
Quest Outline: The Treasure of the Tree Creepers
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Quest Title: The Treasure of the Tree Creepers
  • Quest Giver: Mairwyn Greenleaf 
  • Description: Mairwyn discovered a hidden cave used by the local goblin tribe known as the Tree Creepers. Inside, an underground lake holds valuable treasures thrown in as offerings to the goblins' gods. Mairwyn seeks help to retrieve these treasures, wary of the goblin presence.
Meet with Mairwyn at Ostverk Mercantile Outfitters to discuss the plan and gather any necessary supplies. Travel to the Gnarley Forest and locate the hidden cave without alerting the Tree Creepers. Retrieve the treasures from the underground lake. Return safely to Ostverk and divide the loot according to the agreed-upon terms.
  • Avoid detection by the Tree Creepers.
  • Navigate the forest and find the cave.
  • Safely extract the treasures from the water.
  • Gold and Jewels: Players can keep a significant portion of the retrieved treasures.
  • Special Item: Mairwyn offers a custom-made piece of gear (composite bow) from her shop as a bonus reward.
  • Experience Points: Completion of the quest grants each player 500 XP.
  • Reputation Boost: Successful completion increases the players' standing in Ostverk and with the Gnarley rangers.
Potential Follow-up Quests
  • Defending Ostverk: Increased goblin activity might lead to a defensive quest to protect the village.
  • Diplomatic Mission: Players could be tasked with negotiating peace or an alliance with the Tree Creepers or other forest inhabitants.
Completion Conditions
  • Successfully retrieving the treasure and returning to Mairwyn.
  • Managing any confrontations with the Tree Creepers without causing a larger conflict.
Failure Conditions
  • Alerting the Tree Creepers and leading them back to Ostverk.
  • Losing the treasure or failing to retrieve it from the cave.

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Mairwyn Greenleaf by 3orcs


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