Marlen Swiftsong Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Marlen Swiftsong


Marlen Swiftsong’s journey from a promising student at the Silver Consortium to the beloved proprietor of C6 The College Lane  reflects his deep commitment to fostering a community centered around shared knowledge and cultural enrichment. His establishment not only serves as a tavern but as a vibrant cultural hub in the heart of Verbobonc, bridging different worlds through the power of dialogue and the arts.


  • Early Life and Education: Born and raised in Verbobonc, Marlen was always fascinated by the magical arts. His aptitude for magic saw him accepted into the Silver Consortium, where he excelled, particularly in enchantments that manipulated sound and emotion.
  • Career Shift: After graduating, Marlen felt a disconnect with the life of a court wizard or the perilous existence of an adventurer. His love for music, literature, and vibrant discussions about politics and culture inspired him to create a different kind of gathering place.


  • Passion for the Arts: Marlen’s love for the arts and intellectual debate is the cornerstone of The College Lane. He aims to foster a community where ideas and cultural expressions can flourish.
  • Creating a Legacy: Beyond just running a successful tavern, Marlen wants to leave a legacy in Verbobonc that bridges the gap between academia and the common folk.

Connections to the Silver Consortium

  • Alumni Status: As a graduate, Marlen maintains strong ties with his alma mater. He often hosts events in collaboration with the C5 Silver Consortium, School of Magic, Mages Guild, providing a platform for students and professors to share their work with the public.
  • Advisor and Mentor: Marlen frequently offers advice and mentorship to current students and recent graduates, helping them navigate the complexities of applying their magical knowledge to everyday life.
  • Supplier of Magical Ambiance: The College Lane is known for its subtle use of enchantment magic to enhance the ambiance, a nod to Marlen’s expertise and ongoing experimentation with what he learned at the Consortium.

Role in The College Lane

  • Owner and Proprietor: Marlen is deeply involved in the day-to-day operations of The College Lane, ensuring that it remains a welcoming place for all.
  • Host of Cultural Events: He personally organizes and hosts various cultural events at the tavern, from book readings and musical evenings to spirited debates on magical ethics and political changes.
Marlen Swiftsong
  • Age: Middle-aged
  • Appearance: Marlen is a tall, slender man with a gentle demeanor, marked by a head of salt-and-pepper hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He often wears simple, yet elegant robes that hint at his scholarly past.
Chaotic good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
539 37 Years old
silver streaked
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Magic in every note, wisdom in every word." 
- Reflecting his passion for combining the art of music and the power of literature within his tavern.
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Marlen Swiftsong by 3orcs


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