C6 The College Lane Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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C6 The College Lane

Green awnings and flowering ivy tendrils adorn the outside of the tavern, and warm laughter burbles out through an open window. The brightly colored sign above the doorway proudly proclaims it to be The College Lane and depicts a hand-painted books. The wood panels of the exterior are weather worn but clean—an indication of the love and care with which this place is maintained.   The smell of roasting potatoes and fresh ale wafts toward you when you push through the door. Logs crackle in the oversized fireplace, lighting up the room with help of several wall sconces and a low-hanging chandelier. Bright woven tapestries hang along the walls and add a touch of color to the wooden interior. The barkeep stands behind a counter to the left of the entrance, the doorway to the kitchen open behind them.

A Hub of Warmth and Learning

The College Lane stands as a beloved establishment nestled in the civic center of Verbobonc, frequented by scholars, students, and townsfolk alike from the C5 Silver Consortium, School of Magic, Mages Guild. Known for its inviting atmosphere and intellectual clientele, this tavern is more than just a place for food and drink—it's a cultural hub where ideas and ale flow freely. Its proximity to various colleges and academic institutions has made it a favorite gathering spot for the learned and curious, fostering discussions that range from the arcane to the mundane.

Description of Facilities

  • Ambiance and Decor: Features green awnings, flowering ivy, and a hand-painted sign depicting books. The interior boasts warm woods, bright tapestries, and a cozy fireplace.
  • Seating and Layout: Offers a mix of seating arrangements from large communal tables to more intimate booths, catering to both public gatherings and private discussions.


  • Establishment and Evolution: Originally founded over a century ago as a simple meeting place for scholars, it has grown in both size and reputation, reflecting the city’s academic expansion.
  • Cultural Significance: Known for hosting poetry readings, scholarly debates, and occasional lectures from visiting academics.

Relationships and Politics

  • Academic Connections: Strong ties to the C5 Silver Consortium, School of Magic, Mages Guild; frequently visited by professors and students.
  • Role in Community: Acts as a neutral ground for academic and political discussions, often bridging the gap between different factions within the city.


  • Promotion of Knowledge: Aims to promote and facilitate the sharing of knowledge and learning through informal gatherings and scheduled events.
  • Support for the Arts: Regularly sponsors events that showcase local artists and musicians, enhancing the cultural landscape of Verbobonc.

Notable People

  • The Barkeep: Known for their extensive knowledge of local history and current affairs, often partaking in discussions with patrons.
  • Regular Patrons: Includes a diverse array of scholars, poets, and thinkers, some of whom have gained renown well beyond the city’s borders.

Influence and Future Aspirations

  • Influence on Local Policy: Occasionally, discussions held within its walls have influenced local policy decisions, especially concerning educational and cultural initiatives.
  • Plans for Expansion: There are plans to expand the facilities to include a small library and reading room to further support its patrons’ scholarly pursuits.

Role in The College Lane

  • Owner and Proprietor: Marlen Swiftsong is deeply involved in the day-to-day operations of The College Lane, ensuring that it remains a welcoming place for all.
  • Host of Cultural Events: He personally organizes and hosts various cultural events at the tavern, from book readings and musical evenings to spirited debates on magical ethics and political changes.
The College Lane continues to serve as a cornerstone of community and intellectualism in Verbobonc, cherished not only for its hearty meals and fine ales but also for its commitment to the life of the mind.

The Bard Sings and Plays

After a gentle clearing of her throat, the speech of the audience fades into silence. Emboldened, the performer’s fingertips dance with a rippling motion along the strings of her delicately tooled instrument, sending a thrill of dramatic notes soaring over the rapt listeners. She draws a deep breath, and at precisely the right pitch and time, her lips part as she accompanies the music in a perfect contralto. Beads of perspiration form at her brow in concentration and she smiles to herself, knowing that she is playing the crowd just as skillfully as the instrument in her hands.
Lixiss Olakrana by 3orcs
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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College Lane Cafe Menu

Verbobonc Herbal Blend - A soothing mix of local herbs and flowers, perfect for relaxation after a long day of study or adventure.
  • Price: 2 silver pieces per cup
Misty Vale Mint - Refreshing mint tea, harvested from the Misty Vale, known for its invigorating properties.
  • Price: 3 silver pieces per cup
Etterboak Shroud Tea - A dark, rich tea with a hint of mystery, said to fortify one's spirit.
  • Price: 5 silver pieces per cup
Baklunish Robust Roast - A strong, dark coffee that is as robust as the Baklunish plains.
  • Price: 4 silver pieces per cup
Suloise Sunrise Blend - A lighter blend with hints of cinnamon and nutmeg, perfect for a morning start.
  • Price: 3 silver pieces per cup
Verbobonc Stout - A thick and creamy stout with notes of chocolate and earth, a local favorite.
  • Price: 6 silver pieces per mug
Gnome Spring Ale - A light, fruity ale brewed by local gnomes, with a surprising fizz.
  • Price: 5 silver pieces per mug
Furyondian Emerald Wine - A delicate white wine, made with grapes harvested under the light of the full moon by elves.
  • Price: 8 silver pieces4 gold peices per glass
Celene Ruby - A rich red wine with layers of forest berries and a hint of oak, from the elven vineyards of Celene.
  • Price: 2 gold pieces per glass

Cover image: by 3orcs


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