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Melf Brightflame

Melf, also known as Prince Brightflame, is a distinguished grey elven archmage and the esteemed leader of the Knights of Luna. Hailing from the elven kingdom of Celene, Melf is known for his charm, vast knowledge, and dedication to fighting evil forces such as Iuz and the Scarlet Brotherhood. Although living in exile from Celene, Melf remains a prominent figure in the political and magical spheres of the Flanaess, recognized for his diplomacy and connections with powerful allies across the region.


The Ever-Changing Archmage: Melf is a grey elf who stands 5'8" tall and weighs 147 lbs. At approximately 200 years old, he appears in his late 20s by human standards, a testament to the longevity and youthful appearance of his kind. Melf is known for altering his appearance from time to time, though he always retains his elven features, reflecting his heritage. His appearance is striking, often described as having blond hair, hazel eyes, and a noble bearing that exudes both grace and power.
  • Distinctive Features: Melf often carries a shield decorated with the hunting hawk symbol of his clan and wields the legendary sword, Gnoll-Cleaver, forged by dwarven smiths long ago.

Personality and Beliefs

The Diplomatic Prince: Melf is a strong advocate for mediation, diplomacy, and open communication, values that have sometimes led others to view him as naive. However, beneath his charming and urbane exterior lies a shrewd mind well-versed in the complexities of both politics and warfare. Melf enjoys the finer things in life—good food, culture, and the company of agreeable individuals, particularly those of the opposite gender.
Core Beliefs
  • Diplomacy First: Melf believes that conflicts can often be resolved through dialogue and understanding.
  • Opposition to Evil: Melf is a staunch opponent of the forces of Iuz and the Scarlet Brotherhood, dedicating much of his life to thwarting their schemes.
  • Cultural Appreciation: Melf has a deep appreciation for art, music, and the cultural achievements of various races, particularly those of his elven kin.


Allies and Associates: Melf is well-connected, maintaining relationships with some of the most powerful and influential figures in the Flanaess. His allies include Mordenkainen, with whom he shares a mutual respect, though they no longer collaborate as they once did. Melf is also on good terms with King Belvor IV of Furyondy, the rulers of Dyvers, Highfolk, and the City of Greyhawk. Additionally, he has a close friendship with the halfling thief Digwell "Biff" Biffson and is often seen in the company of Kirilarien Allavesse when in Greyhawk.
Key Relationships
  • Mordenkainen: A former ally and leader of the Citadel of Eight, Mordenkainen and Melf share a deep respect for each other's abilities, though they no longer work together.
  • Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty  of Celene: Melf's cousin and the ruler of Celene, with whom he shares a complicated relationship due to his exile and her isolationist policies.
  • Tavin Ersteader: The mayor of Highfolk and a former apprentice of Melf, who has grown into a formidable leader in his own right.
  • Prince Olinstaad Corond: Melf has fought alongside the Prince of Ulek, particularly during the counteroffensive to reclaim lands from the Empire of the Pomarj during the Greyhawk Wars.

History and Background

  • The Rise of Prince Brightflame: Melf's origins lie in the elven kingdom of Celene, where he was born into nobility. Known by the honorific "Prince Brightflame," Melf's early years were marked by his growing prowess in both magic and diplomacy. Over time, he became a key figure in the political and military struggles of the Flanaess, particularly in his opposition to Iuz and other malevolent forces.
  • The Founding of the Knights of Luna: Disillusioned by Queen Yolande's increasing isolationism, Melf founded the Knights of Luna, an order dedicated to preserving the ancient traditions of the elves while engaging with the broader world to combat evil. The Knights of Luna have become a significant force in Celene and beyond, with Melf as their recognized leader.
  • Exile from Celene: Melf's disagreements with Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty's policies eventually led to his voluntary exile from Celene. He now represents the Knights of Luna in Greyhawk, where he continues his work against the forces of darkness, often living in the City of Greyhawk.

Military and Magical Expertise

The Archmage of Celene: Melf is a formidable archmage, specializing in ancient evils and the dark powers of Iuz. His knowledge of these threats, combined with his mastery of magic, makes him a powerful adversary to any who would seek to harm the Flanaess. Melf's magical abilities are complemented by his skill with the sword, particularly his use of the enchanted blade Gnoll-Cleaver.

Legacy and Influence

  • The Brightflame Lineage: Melf's influence extends far beyond his role as leader of the Knights of Luna. His actions have shaped the course of events in the Flanaess, from his efforts to counter Iuz and the Scarlet Brotherhood to his diplomatic engagements with various rulers and factions. Though living in exile, Melf remains a beacon of elven nobility and a champion of the greater good.
  • Cultural Impact: Melf's reputation as a cultured and urbane figure has earned him respect and admiration in many courts, both elven and human.
  • A Controversial Figure: While many see Melf as a hero, his exile from Celene and his sometimes contentious relationships with other powerful figures have made him a figure of intrigue and debate within the Flanaess.


Melf, Prince Brightflame, is a figure of immense power, wisdom, and complexity. As a grey elven archmage and the leader of the Knights of Luna, he stands at the forefront of the battle against evil in the Flanaess. His dedication to diplomacy and mediation, combined with his formidable magical abilities, make him a key player in the ongoing struggle for the future of the realm. Despite his exile from Celene, Melf's legacy as a champion of justice and protector of the innocent continues to grow, ensuring that his name will be remembered for generations to come.
"For Celene, for the Flanaess, for all that is just." -A rallying cry for the Knights of Luna.
Prince Melf Brightflame
Fighter level 13/ Wizard level 12
  • AC -3 (Dex 18, elven chain mail +4)
  • hp 65; THACO 8
  • #AT 2; Dmg ld8 + 3 (long sword of sharpness +3)
  • Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 15
Key Abilities
  • Magic: As an archmage, Melf commands a vast repertoire of spells, with a particular focus on those that counter or dispel evil.
  • Swordsmanship: Melf is an accomplished swordsman, wielding Gnoll-Cleaver with deadly precision.
  • Strategic Mind: Melf's experience in warfare and diplomacy gives him a unique perspective on both battlefield tactics and political maneuvering.
  • Spells: 4 each of levels 1-5
  • Typically: charm person, detect magic, magic missile ( X 2 detect invisibility, ESe knock, Melfs acid arrow; dispel magic, fireball, fly Melfs minute meteors; Evards black tentacles, ice storm, polymorph self, Rary’s mnemonic enhancer; chaos, cone of cold, hold monster, teleport; flesh to stone
Magical items
elven chain mail +4, long sword +3 of sharpness, ring of free action, ring of water walking, wand of enemy detection (44 charges), beads of force (7), carpet of flying (3 person capacity), amulet that can cast change self 2lday at 18th level ability.
Chaotic good
Current Status
exiled from Celene
Year of Birth
350 226 Years old
Hazel, with a keen, intelligent gaze
Blond, flowing like golden silk
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Even in exile, one can find purpose; even in darkness, there is always a glimmer of light."
Reflecting Melf's resilience and optimism despite his exile from Celene.
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Elven Pantheon by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Prince Melf Brightflame by 3orcs


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