Mirabella Stefania Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Mirabella Stefania


Marchioness Mirabella Stefania is the poised and graceful head of House Stefania, known for her flaming red hair and unruffled demeanor. As the daughter and only child of the late Marquis of Littleburrow, she inherited her title and has since become a beloved and respected figure among her people.  

Historical Background

Mirabella Stefania's upbringing and ascension to leadership are marked by tradition, grace, and a deep connection to her people.
  • Inheritance: Born the daughter of the Marquis of Littleburrow, Mirabella inherited her title upon her father's passing, continuing his legacy.
  • Noble Lineage: As a Half-Elves, she embodies the union of human and elven heritage, bringing a unique blend of grace and strength to her leadership.

Role in House Stefania

Marchioness Mirabella Stefania plays a pivotal role in the leadership and day-to-day activities of House Stefania.
  • Community Engagement: Prefers to be among her people, often found in local inns and public spaces rather than secluded in her private chambers.
  • Authority and Support: Acts with authority and confidence, knowing she has the full support of her people.
Mirabella watching over her townsfolk by 3orcs
Personal Life
Mirabella’s personal life reflects her dedication to her people and her openness to future possibilities.
  • Unwed and Accepting Suitors: Mirabella is currently unwed and accepting gifts for the honor of courtship. However, all suitors must be approved by her father’s former general.
  • Confidante and Protector: Her closest friend and confidante is her father’s former general, a centaur, who also serves as her protector.
"True elegance is found in the simple moments of life, where kindness and sincerity shine brightest."

Symbol and Identity

Mirabella’s identity and symbol reflect her strength and elegance.
  • Symbol: The rampant tiger, symbolizing her strength, grace, and noble heritage.
  • Public and Private Identity: While she is known formally as Lady Stefania, in private conversations she prefers to be called Mirabella, reflecting her approachable nature.

Relationships and Influence

Marchioness Mirabella Stefania maintains significant relationships that influence her leadership and the standing of House Stefania.
  • Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart: Loyal supporter of the Viscount, believing in his leadership and policies.
  • Noble Alliances: Maintains respectful and strategic relationships with other noble houses, enhancing her political influence.

Current Affairs

Mirabella is actively engaged in various ongoing projects and political maneuvers to benefit House Stefania and Littleburrow.
  • Community Projects: Focused on improving the well-being of her people through various community projects and engagements.
  • Political Maneuvers: Strategically navigating the political landscape to ensure the stability and growth of House Stefania.
"A leader must always be among their people, understanding their needs and sharing in their joys and struggles."


Marchioness Mirabella Stefania of House Stefania stands as a beacon of grace, strength, and leadership in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Her dedication to her people, strategic alliances, and approachable nature make her a beloved and influential figure. Through her leadership, House Stefania continues to thrive and maintain its significant role in the region.
Mirabella Stefania Personality
Mirabella is known for her grace, warmth, and approachable demeanor, making her a beloved figure in Littleburrow.
  • Physical Description: A slender frame adorned with flaming red hair, Mirabella’s otherworldly beauty is her most distinguishing feature.
  • Personality Traits: Graceful, poised, and unruffled in any circumstance. She is formal with strangers but approachable and easygoing with her people, whom she knows on a first-name basis.
Key Figures
The key figures in Mirabella's life play crucial roles in her leadership and personal life.
  • General Bronn: Her father’s former general, a centaur who serves as her bodyguard, closest friend, and confidante.
  • People of Littleburrow: Her strong connection with the people of Littleburrow, knowing each person by name and understanding their needs and concerns.
Neutral good
Year of Birth
549 27 Years old
doe soft brown
flaming red hair
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Loyalty to those we serve and those who serve us creates an unbreakable bond and a resilient community."
Aligned Organization
House Stefania coast of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Marchioness Mirabella Stefania by 3orcs


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