House Stefania Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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House Stefania

House Stefania is a noble family in the Viscounty of Verbobonc, known for its loyalty to the Viscount and its beloved head, Marchioness Mirabella Stefania. The house is marked by its grace, poise, and the warmth with which it treats its people and visitors.  

Historical Background

House Stefania has a rich history rooted in the traditions and politics of Verbobonc.
  • Origins and Formation: The house was established by the Marquis of Visengart, whose legacy is carried on by his daughter, Mirabella.
  • Inheritance: Mirabella Stefania, the current head, inherited the title from her late father, the Marquis of Visengart.
  • Historical Alliances: House Stefania has maintained strong ties with other noble families, most notably House Avgustin.

Political Influence

House Stefania wields significant political influence through its loyalty to the Viscount and strategic alliances.
  • Loyalty to the Viscount: House Stefania is a staunch supporter of Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart, believing he is doing an excellent job leading the Viscounty.
  • Strategic Alliances: The house maintains strong family ties with House Avgustin, bolstering its political connections and influence.

Estates and Holdings

House Stefania’s estates are strategically located and culturally significant.
  • Visengart: The primary estate of House Stefania, known for its beautiful landscapes and well-maintained facilities. The town of Visengart is the heart of the house’s holdings.
  • Family Ties: The house's connections to House Avgustin further extend its influence and reach within the Viscounty.


House Stefania maintains complex relationships with other noble houses and key figures in Verbobonc.
  • House Avgustin: Close family ties, with Lady Elise Brandenberg of House Avgustin being the granddaughter of Gordon Avgustin and Elise Stefania.
  • Other Nobles: Mirabella’s grace and easy-going attitude have earned her respect and admiration among other noble houses.
"True elegance is found in the simple moments of life, where kindness and sincerity shine brightest."

Current Affairs

House Stefania is actively engaged in various ongoing projects and political maneuvers.
  • Community Engagement: Mirabella is known for her involvement in local affairs, often mingling with her people and addressing their concerns personally.
  • Defense and Security: General Bronn, her centaur bodyguard, plays a crucial role in maintaining the security and defense of Visengart.
"A leader must always be among their people, understanding their needs and sharing in their joys and struggles."

Lore and Description of Location

House Stefania’s lands and holdings are both historically significant and culturally rich.
  • Visengart: A picturesque town known for its vibrant community and beautiful landscapes. The estate is a hub of activity, with Mirabella often seen engaging with her people.
Trade Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc
House Stefania’s strategic control of key trade routes underscores their economic influence.
  • Securing Trade Routes: Investments in security and infrastructure ensure the safe and efficient movement of goods throughout the Viscounty. 
  • Economic Contributions: Their holdings and trade operations significantly contribute to the regional economy, fostering growth and stability.


House Stefania, under the leadership of Marchioness Mirabella Stefania, stands as a vital and influential force in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Through strategic alliances, community engagement, and economic power, they maintain a delicate balance of influence and security in their region. Their loyalty to Viscount Wilfrick and strong family ties with House Avgustin ensure their continued prominence and stability within the political landscape of Verbobonc.

"Grace, Loyalty, and Unity"

Geopolitical, Great house
Parent Organization
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Mirabella watching over her townsfolk by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character flag image: House Stefania coast of arms by 3orcs


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