Osprem Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Sea Princess, Lady of the Waves

Suloise goddess of sea voyages, ships and sailors
Osprem, the Suel goddess of Sea Voyages, Ships, and Sailors, watches over those who dare to traverse the vast and unpredictable seas. Her grace is the sail's wind, her wrath the storm's gale, making her an essential deity for all who seek the ocean's bounty or marvel at its mysteries.  

Divine Visage

Form and Symbolism
  • Depictions: Osprem is portrayed as a breathtaking woman clad in a flowing gown or taking the form of marine creatures such as dolphins, barracudas, or sperm whales.
  • Iconic Item: A ring made from a whale's tooth symbolizes her deep connection with the sea and its creatures.

Celestial Tides

Relationships and Realm
  • Divine Relations: Partner to Xerbo and mother to Akwamon, Osprem navigates her complex relationships with the deities of the sea with the same grace as the vessels she protects.
  • Realm: Whirlcurrents in the Elemental Plane of Water or Nirvana, depending on the source, serves as her celestial domain, a realm as fluid and vast as her influence.

Faith and Followers

Dogma Osprem's teachings emphasize respect for the sea's power and generosity. She advocates for the protection of sailors and the marine life that inhabits her domain, promising guidance to those who honor the balance of the open waters.
“The seas provide a bounty of food and a means of travel; protect the sea as you would your own home, or face Osprem’s wrath. She protects those who sail and their vessels as long as they respect her and abide by her laws. She guides vessels through dangerous waters and is the patron goddess of naval explorers.”

Worshipers and Clergy

  • Devotees: Osprem is revered by sailors, fishermen, and all who depend on the sea, with her favor sought to ward off storms and ensure safe passage.
  • Clerical Hierarchy: Her clergy, skilled in navigation and revered as spiritual guides, often rise to prominent positions within coastal communities. They don the blue robes or brass armor adorned with maritime symbols, embodying their deity's essence.

Sanctuaries of the Sea

Temples and Worship
  • Centers of Worship: Idee, Naerie, and Gornor’s Cove stand as bastions of her faith, with the Followers of the Wave monastic order exemplifying her martial aspect.
  • Sacred Practices: Her clerics lead rituals that call for her blessing on voyages, celebrate the bounty of the sea, and remember those lost to its depths.

Osprem’s Clerical Order

Hierarchy and Organization The Church of Osprem is structured to reflect the fluidity and vastness of her domain:
  • Sea-Bound Clerics: Navigators and spiritual leaders who travel extensively, providing guidance and blessings to seafaring vessels.
  • Guardians of the Wave: Monastic order specializing in unarmed combat, embodying the unpredictable and formidable nature of the sea.
  • Community Anchors: Clerics who serve as static pillars within communities, focusing on teaching, healing, and leading maritime rituals.

Rites of the Tide

Rituals and Holy Days Ceremonies dedicated to Osprem are held on the shores and aboard ships, invoking her protection and thanking her for the sea’s riches. Key rituals involve blessings for newly built ships, commemorations of significant voyages, and prayers for those embarking on sea journeys.

Legacy of the Ocean’s Embrace

Osprem’s worship is as timeless as the tides, her stories as deep as the abyss. Through storms and calm seas alike, her presence is a comforting constant for those who cast their fate with the ocean's vast expanse. In the heart of every wave, in the curve of every shell, Osprem's essence is woven into the very fabric of the maritime world, guiding, protecting, and nurturing those who seek her favor.
  Suel Pantheon
Holy symbol: a fish skull
Realm: Elemental Plane of Water
Domains: Law, Protection, Travel, Water
Speciality Cleric spells
  • Cleric of the 1st wave: swimming
  • Cleric of the 7th wave: bless (or curse) seagoing vessel
  • Cleric of the 9th wave: water breathing (druid)
  • Cleric of the 11th wave: water walk
  • Cleric of the 16h wave: conjure 8HD water elemental
Divine Classification
Lesser goddess
Lawful neutral
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the embrace of the waves, we find Osprem's grace."
"By wind and wave, under Osprem's watchful gaze, we sail."
Ophrem holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Ophrem by 3orcs


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