Xerbo Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Sea Dragon

Xerbo is the Suel god of the Sea, Sailing, Money, and Business.
Xerbo, the Suel deity embodying the domains of the Sea, Sailing, Money, and Business, holds a complex position within the pantheon, navigating the tumultuous waters of divine relationships and mortal worship with the same acumen a seasoned merchant might negotiate a trade. This article delves into the lore, dogma, and worship of Xerbo, exploring the deity's influence across the Flanaess.

Lore and Description

  • Physical Appearance: Xerbo is visualized as a formidable figure, a large man with hair reminiscent of seaweed and clad in armor fashioned from dragon turtle scales.
  • Trident: His weapon of choice, the trident named Murky Deep, symbolizes his dominion over the seas.
  • Symbol: His symbol, a dragon turtle, represents both his maritime sovereignty and his protective role over commerce conducted across his waters.


  • Divine Connections: Married to Osprem, the sea goddess, Xerbo's divine relationships are marked by competition and estrangement, notably with Procan, the god of sea and weather, and Zilchus, the god of power, prestige, and money.
  • Rivalries and Alliances: His regular confrontations with Procan and the tension with Zilchus over followers reflect the overlapping domains of these deities, while his estrangement from Osprem hints at deeper narratives within the Suel pantheon.


Xerbo's teachings emphasize the balance between the might of the sea and the principles of trade and negotiation. His dogma encourages:
  • Respect for the Sea: Acknowledging the sea's power and ensuring safe passage by adhering to maritime traditions and rituals.
  • Astuteness in Business: Promoting fair but firm business dealings, where hard bargains drive prosperity.
  • Prosperity Through Trade: Valuing the role of commerce in bringing wealth and success to those who navigate its challenges wisely.


Xerbo finds devotion among a wide array of followers, from Suel sailors braving the ocean's wrath to merchants navigating the markets of the Flanaess:
  • Geographical Spread: Predominantly worshiped in regions with strong Suel influence like the Lordship of the Isles, the Sea Princes, Sunndi, and among the Suel barbarians of the Thillonrian Peninsula.
  • Community of Narhidveh: The malenti village off Cantona's shore, worshiping Xerbo over Sekolah, showcases his appeal even among those traditionally seen as adversaries to surface dwellers.

Temples and Places of Worship

  • Notable Temples: Temples dedicated to Xerbo are maritime architectural marvels, with the joint temple in Greyhawk City and the Azure Cathedral in Sasserine standing as testaments to his worship's blend with Osprem and Procan.
  • Design and Purpose: Reflecting Xerbo's domains, his temples often incorporate elements of the sea and maritime commerce, serving as centers for worship, trade, and community gathering for sailors and merchants alike.


Rituals dedicated to Xerbo involve offerings to the sea for safe travel, blessings for prosperous trade, and ceremonies that reinforce the connection between his followers and the maritime world they depend on.
  • Offerings and Sacrifices: Ceremonies often include casting valuable items or specially minted coins into the sea as offerings to Xerbo for his favor in business and travel.
  • Celebrations of Maritime Success: Victories at sea, successful voyages, and lucrative trade deals are celebrated in his honor, reinforcing his role as a patron of sailors and merchants.


  • Divine Opposition: Xerbo's rivalry with Procan and Zilchus defines much of his divine opposition, stemming from overlapping domains and competition for worshipers' devotion.
  • Protection Against Threats: He stands against deities and entities that threaten the seas, trade routes, and the prosperity of his followers, acting as a guardian over the realms he governs.


In conclusion, Xerbo's worship spans the complex interplay of maritime prowess, commercial acumen, and the intricate dynamics of divine politics. His followers, ranging from hardened sailors to shrewd merchants, find solace and strength in his dogma, navigating the unpredictable waters of life with the guidance of their deity. Through his temples and rituals, they seek to appease the god of the Sea, Sailing, Money, and Business, ensuring his favor in their endeavors on the tumultuous seas and the bustling marketplaces of the Flanaess.
“The law of the sea states that no sea creature should be favored over another. Land creatures, including intelligent ones, have no place in the water; it is a place to be feared and respected, not exploited. Land creatures in danger on the sea deserve no help unless they act to protect sea creatures or the sea itself. Do not let one’s emotions get in the way of making trade; no person should be favored over another.”
  Suel Pantheon
Holy symbol: a dragon turtle
Realm: Elemental Plane of Water
Domains: Animal, Knowledge, Water
Speciality Cleric spells
  • 1st level: Comprehend Language, Swimming, cast water spells at +2 levels 
  • 3rd level: Speak with Animals (sea creatures only)
  • 5th level: Water Breathing
  • 7th level: Lower or Raise Water
  • 10th level: Control Winds
  • 13th level: Conjure Water Elemental
  • Cleric all levels: Unable to TurnUndead
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Let the Dragon Turtle Guide Your Trade."
"By Scale and Trident, We Navigate Fortune's Tide."

Prayer to Xerbo

Xerbo above the water,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy rain will come, thy rivers run,
On earth as they do in heaven.
Give us this day our daily fish,
And forgive our excess limit,
As we forgive those who set the limit.
Lead us not into rough water;
Deliver us at the end of season.
Yours is the river, the ocean, and the fishing glory
Forever and ever, by the grace of Xerbo.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Xerbo by 3orcs


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