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Ostverk Quest: The Lurking Shadows of Gemhome

A malevolent Tentacle Horror from the Underdark has infiltrated the hidden gem and silver mines of Gemhome, wreaking havoc and claiming the lives of many gnome miners. The miners of Clan Nackle are in desperate need of aid to confront this deadly menace that lurks within the deepest caverns of their mine. They seek brave adventurers to venture into the darkness, face this monstrous threat, and restore peace to their community.  
As you gather around the warm, flickering light of the hearth in a secluded room of the Laughing Moon Inn, a figure approaches. Dimble Nackle, Elder of Clan Nackle, an ancient gnome with a long, white beard braided with tiny gemstones, pulls up a stool. His deep green robes, embroidered with arcane symbols, rustle softly as he sits, the polished gemstone on a chain around his neck glinting in the firelight. His eyes, though aged, twinkle with a sharp intelligence as he addresses you directly.   "Good adventurers," Dimble begins, his voice steady and imbued with a warmth that belies the gravity of his words, "I’ve heard much about your deeds, tales of courage and valor that stretch far beyond the bounds of Ostverk. It is said that you've faced down horrors that would chill the soul, and emerged victorious. This is why I believe you are our best hope."   He pauses, ensuring he has your undivided attention, then continues, "Recently, a terror unlike any we've faced has breached the deepest part of our hidden gem and silver mine. A Tentacle Horror, a creature from the dark reaches of the Underdark, broke through an ancient wall we never thought would falter. It slaughtered a squad of our finest miners in moments—good gnomes, friends, and family. This beast is not just killing; it is hunting us, reveling in our despair."   Dimble’s hands clench tightly on his staff, and for a moment, the weight of his centuries is palpable. "We are miners, not warriors, and our usual tricks and traps that protect us from the common riffraff of the Underdark are useless against this monstrosity. It lurks in the shadows of our own creation, turning our sanctum into a hunting ground."   Leaning closer, his voice drops to a whisper, "I implore you, help us. Venture into the depths, find this beast, and slay it before it strikes again. We can offer you a reward befitting such a perilous task—not just in gold, but in artifacts from the depths of our mines, and the eternal friendship of Clan Nackle. With our blessing, you’ll have allies in every shadow of the Underdark."   Dimble's eyes meet each of yours, pleading, "Will you take up this quest and save our people from the darkness that encroaches?"

Mission Objectives

  • Arrival in Secrecy: Adventurers are to meet a contact from Clan Nackle at a specified location near Ostverk. They will be blindfolded and guided to the secret entrance of the mine to ensure its location remains concealed.
  • Escort Duty: Once inside, adventurers will escort a group of gnome scouts to the lower levels of the mine, navigating through the complex network of tunnels while staying alert for the Horror and other dangers.
  • Hunt the Horror: Locate the lair of the Tentacle Horror, navigate its defenses, and eliminate the creature.
  • Recovery and Evidence: Collect any remains or evidence of the Horror's presence and activities to assure the gnomes that the threat is neutralized.
  • Navigating the intricate and treacherous tunnels filled with natural hazards.
  • Encountering other dangerous creatures from the Underdark attracted by the Horror’s presence.
  • Dealing with the psychological terror and physical might of the Tentacle Horror.
Dimble Nackle’s eyes light up, a visible weight lifting from his shoulders as you agree to take on the perilous quest. He clasps his hands together, the gemstones in his beard twinkling with renewed vigor as he speaks, “Ah, truly, you are as noble as the tales suggest! Our hearts are lighter knowing such brave souls are willing to stand with us in our hour of need.  With a broad smile, Dimble gestures towards a robust gnome who has been waiting quietly by the inn’s doorway. “Allow me to introduce you to Torber Granitefoot, our esteemed Foreman of the Gemhome mines. He’s survived more cave-ins and skirmishes in those mines than any other, and knows every twist and turn like the back of his hand.  Torber, with a sturdy build and a face carved from years of hard labor, steps forward, nodding respectfully to each of you. His helmet is tucked under one arm, and his belt is festooned with tools that clink softly as he moves.  Pleasure to meet you all,” Torber says, his voice gruff but friendly. “I’ll be takin’ you down to the depths, but as the Elder mentioned, we must take precautions. Our mine is not just a source of wealth but a sanctuary for our folk.  Dimble interjects, his tone apologetic yet firm, “You see, we must blindfold you for the journey to the mine. The paths there are secret, guarded closely not just against the creatures of the Underdark but against surface threats as well—raiding Blackthorn orcs, bands of goblins, and even some greedy lords of Verbobonc who would seize our treasures and our livelihoods if they knew the way.  He spreads his hands in a gesture of helplessness and trust, “This mine, this home of ours, has been kept hidden for generations, ensuring the safety and secrecy of what we hold dear. It is our hope, our sanctuary, and we entrust its secrecy to you as we do our safety.  Torber steps up, ready to lead the way, “Once we’re at the mine’s entrance, the blindfolds can come off. From there, it’ll be straight to business. We’ve lost enough time—and too many good gnomes. It’s time to end this threat, once and for all.  With a final nod from Dimble, filled with gratitude and hope, you prepare to follow Torber, blindfolded but resolute, into the depths of the Gemhome mines to face the lurking horror below.

Monster Lair Description

The lair of the Tentacle Horror is a grotesque scene of carnage and eerie beauty. Located in the deepest part of the mine, this cavern is larger and more open, with a small underground lake reflecting the dim light from bioluminescent fungi on the cavern walls. The floor is strewn with the remains of gnome miners, their tools and lanterns scattered chaotically. The walls bear scratch marks and are slick with a strange, dark ichor. The air is heavy with a damp, metallic scent, and the soft sounds of dripping water echo ominously.   This quest will test the adventurers’ courage, strategic thinking, and combat skills, offering substantial rewards and the eternal gratitude of Clan Nackle.

The Dark Plot

As you and your group traverse the darkened tunnels behind Torber, the foreman shares more about the sinister forces at play within the depths of Gemhome. The flicker of his lantern casts eerie shadows against the rough walls, heightening the tension as he speaks in a hushed tone. "See, it's not just the horror itself we're up against," Torber explains, his voice tinged with anger. "We've caught wind of a darker plot—a scheming by the Duergar, the gray dwarves of the Underdark. They're a grim lot, no friend to any surface dweller or our kin below. It's said they've summoned this Tentacle Horror from the Abyss itself."   He pauses, glancing back to ensure every adventurer is listening, "These Duergar, they wear their dull cloaks and move unseen, invisible or swollen to giant sizes with their dark psionics. They're about four feet tall but don't let their stature fool you—they're as tough and cruel as they come. They've taken to the dark arts, forsaking the light of the surface and any kinship with kin not of their making."   Torber’s expression darkens as he delves deeper into their lore. "They believe themselves the true and first dwarves, cast into the Underdark not by choice but by betrayal of their god, Laduguer. They’ve built a society much like ours but twisted by their harsh, lawful evil nature. And now, they see an opportunity in our misfortune."   As the tunnel begins to slope downward, leading deeper into the bowels of the earth, Torber’s voice becomes a whisper. "They've unleashed this horror upon us, hoping it will drive us from our homes. Once we're gone, they plan to claim these mines, rich with gems and silver, for themselves. It’s a clever ploy, using chaos to mask their true intentions."   Drawing closer to the suspected lair of the Tentacle Horror, Torber turns to you and your companions, his eyes stern yet filled with resolve. "We must not only defeat this beast but remain vigilant. The Duergar may be close, watching and waiting. We must protect our mine, not just from the horror they’ve summoned, but from them as well."   As you prepare for the confrontation ahead, the weight of the task becomes clearer. Not only must you face the immediate threat of the Tentacle Horror, but also thwart the sinister ambitions of the Duergar, ensuring the safety and sovereignty of the gnome miners and their cherished Gemhome.
The Duergar, with their calculating and nefarious strategies, view the gnome mines of Gemhome not merely as a rich resource but as a strategic location to extend their dominance in the Underdark. Their initial motivation for unleashing the Tentacle Horror was to create chaos and fear, effectively weakening the gnome’s defenses and morale, making it easier to annex the mines without significant resistance. These gray dwarves, hardened by the unforgiving conditions of the Underdark and driven by a deep-seated belief in their divine right to reclaim the ancestral mines they believe were unjustly taken from them, are prepared to go to great lengths to achieve their goals. Next Steps: Should the adventurers successfully defeat the Tentacle Horror, the Duergar would be forced to reassess their approach. Observing from the shadows, they would witness not only the adventurers' combat prowess but also their potential as significant adversaries. The Duergar, ever pragmatic and survival-oriented, would likely conclude that direct confrontation could lead to substantial losses. 
  • Reevaluation: The Duergar would take a step back to evaluate the resilience and preparedness of the gnome miners bolstered by the adventurers. Understanding the increased risks, their plans for a swift and unchallenged takeover would be thwarted.
  • Retreat and Regroup: Given the formidable display of defense, the Duergar might temporarily retreat to avoid unnecessary casualties. They would regroup in their strongholds deeper within the Underdark, analyzing the failed attempt and planning future strategies that might not involve direct assault.
  • Long-Term Planning: Recognizing the strength and courage of the adventurers and the renewed spirit of the gnome miners, the Duergar would likely shift their focus towards more covert operations or long-term undermining activities rather than overt warfare. This could include espionage, sabotage, or forming alliances with other malevolent entities within the Underdark to bolster their strength for a future endeavor.
  • Deterring Further Actions: The immediate deterrence from attacking the mines again would lie in the adventurers’ continued presence and the potential for increased defenses. Knowing that the mines are well-protected and capable of mobilizing powerful allies would make the Duergar cautious about engaging directly, pushing them to explore alternative methods to disrupt or control the mines indirectly.
In essence, the successful defeat of the Tentacle Horror would send a clear message to the Duergar: that the Gemhome mines are guarded not just by miners but by formidable warriors capable of defending against the darkest threats of the Underdark. This realization might well save the mines from immediate danger, securing a period of peace as the Duergar reconsider their ambitions against such a hardened target.
Underdark Pond by 3orcs
Adventurer Rewards
  • Experience Points: 2,000 XP for the entire party upon successful completion of the quest.
  • Monetary Reward: 500 gold pieces each.
  • Symbol of Friendship: A medallion bearing the emblem of Clan Nackle, granting each adventurer the status of a Friend of the Clan. This symbol allows adventurers to call upon Clan Nackle for aid in future endeavors.
  • Additional Loot: Rights to salvage any unclaimed treasures or artifacts found in the Horror’s lair.
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Tentacle Horror
  • Hit Points: 55
  • Armor Class: 15
  • Claws (can attack two times a round slicing for 2d4 damage each)
  • Multiattack (can attack with up to two tentacles in one round)
  • Grab (can attempt to grapple two targets simultaneously with its tentacles)
  • Ink Cloud (can release a cloud of blinding ink once per day as a defensive mechanism).
  • Weaknesses: Vulnerable to fire and sonic attacks.
Tentacled Horror by 3orcs

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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