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21. Gemhome - Clan Nackle

As the Hin plow their fields, as the Elves tend the forests, and as the newly-emerged Dwarves build their first above-ground defenses, another race goes quietly unseen and virtually unknown by the races of Millenia. The Clans of the Gnomes live a peaceful existence among the massive roots of old-growth trees and in the caves of the rocky hills surrounding Millenia’s mountain ranges. The Elves know of the Gnomes, but the two races keep separate, as the haughty Elves with their exuberance make the Gnome families uncomfortable. Gnomes prefer quiet, to hide from the more savage humanoids that inhabit the land.

The Moothall of Gemhome

Nestled beneath a hill on the western side of Ostverk, the Moothall of Gemhome serves as the heart of the gnomish community of Clan Nackle. This grand subterranean structure is both a meeting hall and a shrine, playing a vital role in the political, spiritual, and social life of Gemhome. Known for its intricate stonework, the Moothall is protected by gnome guards and magical wards, safeguarding the community against both physical threats and political upheaval.


From the outside, the Moothall is almost invisible, blending seamlessly into the hillside. A modest stone archway, marked by the Runes of Protection carved into its keystone, serves as the only visible entrance. This arch is surrounded by moss-covered boulders and gnarled roots of ancient trees, which help conceal the entrance from prying eyes.   The Long Road runs nearby, and a small, well-trodden path leads up to the Moothall's entrance. This path is rarely used by outsiders, as only gnomes and their trusted allies know how to find it. The entrance itself is guarded by a pair of stone sentinels—statues that have stood for centuries but are rumored to animate in times of danger.


Upon entering the Moothall, visitors descend a wide, spiraling staircase carved into the stone. Luminescent moss lines the walls, providing a soft green glow that illuminates the passage. The air grows cooler as one descends, and the scent of damp earth mingles with the faint tang of gemstones.   At the bottom of the staircase lies the High Warren, the central chamber of the Moothall. This vast, bowl-shaped room is circular, with tiered seating that can hold up to 500 gnomes during festivals and important meetings. The stonework here is exceptional, with intricate carvings of gnomish history and the lore of their gods adorning the walls. In the center of the chamber, a raised stone platform serves as the speaker's podium during gatherings.

The Meeting Hall

Political Importance
The Moothall is not just a place of social gathering but the political heart of Gemhome. It is here that the leaders of Clan Nackle and other influential gnomes meet to discuss trade, defense, and the well-being of the community. Meetings of the Elder Council are held here, presided over by Dimble Nackle, the clan leader. Decisions regarding alliances, trade routes, and responses to external threats are all made within these stone walls.
Layout and Features
The meeting hall is designed with acoustics in mind, allowing even the softest gnome voice to be heard across the chamber. There are alcoves along the outer walls where scribes sit to record the proceedings, and behind the speaker's platform is a large stone seat reserved for Dimble Nackle himself, carved with symbols of wisdom and protection.   Above the speaker's podium, a magical illusion of Gemhome’s crest floats in midair—a glowing gem circled by intertwined roots, symbolizing the clan's deep connection to the earth and their mastery of gemcrafting.

The Gnome Shrine

Spiritual Center
Adjacent to the main hall is a sacred shrine dedicated to Garl Glittergold, the patron deity of the gnomes The Lords of the Golden Hills. Known as the 24. Shrine of the Golden Gem, this small but exquisitely crafted space is where the gnomes offer prayers for prosperity, protection, and guidance. The shrine features a polished gemstone altar, upon which offerings of gold, gems, and fine crafts are placed.   24. Shrine of the Golden Gem is adorned with statues of Garl Glittergold and his companions, each carved from precious stones. These statues shimmer in the light of enchanted lanterns, which never seem to dim. The gnomes believe that their prayers are carried to Garl through the shimmering light of these stones, connecting the divine with the material.
Rituals and Celebrations
Every Festival of First Light (a spring celebration), the gnomes gather in the shrine to perform the Blessing of the Gem, a ritual meant to ensure a bountiful mining season. During these rituals, the gnomes offer their finest gemstones, which are then enchanted and either used for protection spells or sold to traders for profit.

Politics of the Moothall

Council of Elders
The Moothall serves as the seat of power for the Council of Elders, a group of respected gnomes led by Dimble Nackle. This council makes critical decisions regarding trade, defense, and diplomacy. The gnomes of Gemhome are fiercely independent, and while they maintain trade relations with the humans and elves of Ostverk, they often prefer to settle matters internally.
Current Political Climate
The Moothall has become increasingly important in recent years due to the growing external threats. The Viscount’s decision to pull back the Mounted Borderers has left Gemhome vulnerable to raids from Blackthorn Orcs and goblin warbands. The Council frequently meets to discuss the best ways to protect their community, often debating whether to fortify the Moothall further or rely on illusions and hidden defenses to keep their enemies at bay.

Alliances and Trade

Gemhome maintains trade agreements with the Greenway Valley and other gnome settlements in the Kron Hills, but these relationships have been strained by increased banditry and raids. The Council of Elders also carefully navigates their tenuous alliance with the elves of Celene and the Knights of Luna, though the recent closure of Celene’s borders has left the gnomes isolated.

Uses of the Moothall

Gatherings and Festivals
The Moothall is the primary location for community gatherings, from political meetings to spiritual festivals. Every Market Day, gnomish merchants from across Ostverk gather here to sell their goods, from fine gemstones to intricate mechanical devices. These markets are an opportunity for the gnomes to trade not just among themselves, but also with trusted humans and elves who visit the warren.   During the Festival of First Light, the Moothall becomes the center of celebration, with the entire chamber filled with music, dancing, and feasting. The gnomes take pride in their ability to host grand festivals, where even the most stoic of elves are known to join in the merriment.
Political Negotiations
With the growing tension in the Viscounty and the increasing raids from orc and goblin warbands, the Moothall has also become a center for diplomatic negotiations. Gnome leaders frequently meet here with Lord Corbin Deleveu and representatives of the Mounted Borderers, as well as envoys from the Gnarley Rangers, to discuss matters of defense and survival.


The Moothall of Gemhome is far more than a simple meeting place. It is the spiritual, political, and cultural heart of the gnomish community in Ostverk. As threats from raiders, bandits, and political intrigue close in on all sides, the Moothall stands as a bastion of gnomish resilience, ingenuity, and tradition. With its carefully crafted defenses, skilled guards, and deep-rooted connections to both earth and magic, the Moothall will continue to be a vital part of Gemhome’s survival in the ever-shifting landscape of the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Shrine of the Golden Gem by 3orcs

Clan Nackle’s Structure and Members

Dimble Nackle - Clan Elder
Dimble Nackle is the eldest and most respected member of Clan Nackle. As the patriarch of the family, he has guided the clan through centuries of peace and conflict, always placing the safety and prosperity of his people above all else. Known for his wisdom and mastery of illusion magic, Dimble is a calm and thoughtful leader, often relying on his deep knowledge of history and lore to navigate the complexities of politics and warfare.
Dimble is a quiet and introspective leader, preferring to listen before he speaks.
Dimble’s primary concern is the protection of his people. With growing dangers from bandits, orc raids, and political tensions in the region, he has become increasingly distrustful of the human rulers of the Viscounty. His motivation is twofold: to preserve Gemhome’s independence and protect the legacy of the gnomish gem mines from being seized by the lords of Verbobonc.
Physical Description
Dimble is short even for a gnome, standing at just under 3 feet tall, with a long white beard braided with tiny gemstones.  

Key Members

Vayla Nackle
Dimble’s eldest daughter, she oversees the family’s gem trade and manages the Nackle’s Gem Emporium in Gemhome. Vayla is sharp-witted, business-savvy, and an expert gem-cutter in her own right. She is Dimble’s primary advisor on economic matters and handles most of the clan’s trade negotiations with Verbobonc and other regions.
Burlow Nackle 
A cousin of Dimble, Captain Burlow Nackle leads the Silent Sentinels, the elite guard tasked with protecting Gemhome and the clan’s secrets. Burlow is a master strategist and illusionist, known for his quick thinking and ability to outmaneuver even the most cunning of enemies. His personal mission is to ensure that the Nackle family’s holdings and wealth remain safe from the increasing threat of raids and banditry.
Fimble Nackle
Dimble’s youngest son, Fimble is a talented but eccentric inventor. Known for his wild experiments with magical devices and mechanical constructs, Fimble is both a genius and a source of endless exasperation for his family. His inventions are often unpredictable, but when they work, they are nothing short of miraculous.
Alternative Names
The Gnomish Enclave of Ostverk
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Clan Nackle by 3orcs

Gnome Guards and Defenses

The Silent Sentinels
The Moothall is protected by a contingent of elite gnome guards known as the Silent Sentinels. These guards are trained in both martial and magical combat, specializing in illusions that can confuse and mislead intruders. Their armor is lightweight but durable, crafted from enchanted metals mined from the Kron Hills.   The Silent Sentinels are led by Captain Burlow Nackle, a cousin of Dimble, known for his strategic mind and keen eye for magical traps. Burlow has fortified the entrance to the Moothall with hidden wards, including illusionary barriers and pocket dimensions that can trap unwelcome visitors in endless loops of false passages.
Magical Wards
Beyond physical guards, the Moothall is protected by a series of powerful magical wards designed by the gnome wizards of Clan Nackle. These wards include:
  • Illusionary Fog: A dense, magical fog that shrouds the Moothall in times of danger, making it nearly impossible for outsiders to find the entrance.
  • Gemstone Wards: Embedded into the walls of the Moothall are enchanted gemstones that can detect hostile intent. If triggered, they activate defensive spells such as Invisibility, Mirror Image, or Sleep, disorienting intruders.
  • Golem Guardians: At key points within the Moothall, the gnomes have constructed gemstone golems, enchanted to defend the halls against intruders.
Emergency Protocols
Should the Moothall ever come under direct attack, the Silent Sentinels have a series of escape tunnels that lead deep into the surrounding hills. These tunnels are equipped with collapse points, allowing the gnomes to seal off sections of the Moothall in the event of an invasion.

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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