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Clan Nackle

Clan Nackle is the leading gnomish clan of 21. Gemhome - Clan Nackle, a prominent family known for their mastery of gem crafting, illusion magic, and ancient traditions. As the political and spiritual leaders of the gnome community in Ostverk, they are dedicated to preserving their heritage while navigating the growing threats to their homeland. Under the wise leadership of Dimble Nackle, Clan Nackle strives to protect their people and secure their place in a world increasingly fraught with danger.

History of Clan Nackle

Origins and Legacy
The Nackles are among the oldest gnome clans in the Verbobonc, Viscounty, with their lineage tracing back to before The Hateful Wars. The clan originally hailed from deep within the Kron Hills, where they developed their renowned gem-crafting techniques. Over the centuries, they migrated to the outskirts of the Gnarley Forest, founding the hidden community of Gemhome beneath the western hills of Ostverk.   Dimble Nackle, the current clan elder, has led Clan Nackle for centuries, ensuring the survival of his people through war, political upheaval, and shifting alliances. The Nackle family’s expertise in illusion magic and gem-crafting is known throughout the Viscounty, though their deep ties to the land and its resources have made them targets of envy and greed from some of Verbobonc’s more ambitious lords.
Survival through the Ages
Clan Nackle has survived numerous threats over the years, including the Hateful Wars, marauding orcs from the Wild Coast, and the occasional political intrigue from the Viscounty’s nobility. Their secretive nature and the strategic location of Gemhome have allowed them to avoid the worst of these conflicts, but the growing instability in the region has forced them into more direct confrontation with external forces.

Clan Nackle's Role in Gemhome

Political Leadership
As the leading clan in Gemhome, the Nackles hold significant political power. Dimble Nackle presides over the Council of Elders, which governs the gnomish community, making crucial decisions on trade, defense, and diplomacy. Although Dimble is the ultimate authority within the clan, decisions are often made in consultation with other prominent family members, ensuring that power is shared and balanced.   Clan Nackle has always been committed to the protection of Gemhome’s autonomy. Though they maintain alliances with neighboring human and elven communities, they are fiercely independent and wary of outside interference. Recent political tensions between Verbobonc’s lords and the gnomes of the Kron Hills have only strengthened the Nackle family’s resolve to defend their lands and traditions.
Economic Influence
Gem crafting is the primary industry of Clan Nackle. They produce fine gemstones, enchanted jewelry, and magical items, all crafted with the utmost precision and care. These gems are sold throughout the Viscounty, with caravans traveling to Verbobonc City, Dyvers, and occasionally further afield. The Nackles’ gem mines in the Kron Hills are a closely guarded secret, but rumors of their wealth have made them a target for bandits, orcs, and greedy nobles.   In addition to their gem-crafting business, the Nackles are skilled inventors and artisans. Gnome tinkers within the clan create minor magical devices and mechanical gadgets, which are highly sought after by wealthy merchants and adventurers. Their craftsmanship is unrivaled, though their inventions are often unpredictable, leading to as many humorous failures as brilliant successes.
Clan Nackle’s Magical and Defensive Capabilities
Illusion Magic
Clan Nackle is famed for their mastery of illusion magic, a craft passed down through generations. This magic is used not only to protect Gemhome from outside threats but also to enhance their gem-crafting and trade. Many of the items produced by Clan Nackle carry minor enchantments, making them highly sought after by merchants and adventurers alike.   In times of crisis, the Nackles employ their illusion magic defensively, creating false tunnels, magical decoys, and illusions that confuse and disorient enemies. The Silent Sentinels, led by Burlow Nackle, are trained in both martial and magical combat, with each guard proficient in using illusions to gain the upper hand in battle.

Clan Nackle’s Structure and Members

Dimble Nackle - Clan Elder
Dimble Nackle is the eldest and most respected member of Clan Nackle. As the patriarch of the family, he has guided the clan through centuries of peace and conflict, always placing the safety and prosperity of his people above all else. Known for his wisdom and mastery of illusion magic, Dimble is a calm and thoughtful leader, often relying on his deep knowledge of history and lore to navigate the complexities of politics and warfare.
Dimble’s primary concern is the protection of his people. With growing dangers from bandits, orc raids, and political tensions in the region, he has become increasingly distrustful of the human rulers of the Viscounty. His motivation is twofold: to preserve Gemhome’s independence and protect the legacy of the gnomish gem mines from being seized by the lords of Verbobonc.

Key Members

Vayla Nackle
Dimble’s eldest daughter, she oversees the family’s gem trade and manages the Nackle’s Gem Emporium in Gemhome. Vayla is sharp-witted, business-savvy, and an expert gem-cutter in her own right. She is Dimble’s primary advisor on economic matters and handles most of the clan’s trade negotiations with Verbobonc and other regions.
Burlow Nackle
A cousin of Dimble, Captain Burlow Nackle leads the Silent Sentinels, the elite guard tasked with protecting Gemhome and the clan’s secrets. Burlow is a master strategist and illusionist, known for his quick thinking and ability to outmaneuver even the most cunning of enemies. His personal mission is to ensure that the Nackle family’s holdings and wealth remain safe from the increasing threat of raids and banditry.
Fimble Nackle
Dimble’s youngest son, Fimble is a talented but eccentric inventor. Known for his wild experiments with magical devices and mechanical constructs, Fimble is both a genius and a source of endless exasperation for his family. His inventions are often unpredictable, but when they work, they are nothing short of miraculous.

Cover image: Gnome Rents by 3orcs
Character flag image: Clan Nackle by 3orcs


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