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Dimble Nackle

Elder of Clan Nackle

Dimble Nackle stands as the wise and venerable elder of Clan Nackle, leading the secluded gnome community of Gemhome with astuteness and magical prowess. His diminutive stature belies a monumental influence, shaped by centuries of accumulated wisdom and a profound mastery over gem crafting and illusion magic.

Background and History

Dimble Nackle is one of the eldest gnomes in the region, having lived through centuries of political and natural change. Born before The Hateful Wars, Dimble has seen the rise and fall of kingdoms, the birth of the Viscounty of Verbobonc, and the establishment of the village of Ostverk. His wisdom and caution have kept the gnome community safe and prosperous despite the challenges of recent years.
Early Life 
Born into the earth's embrace within the gem-rich caverns of the Kron Hills, Dimble displayed a natural affinity for the arcane from a young age. His early years were marked by a close connection with the elemental forces and a burgeoning talent in gem manipulation.
  • Origins: Kron Hills, known for its abundant gem deposits
  • Early Talents: Magical proficiency and gem crafting skills
Rise to Eldership 
Dimble's rise to the position of elder was heralded by his innovative gem enchantments and strategic use of illusion magic to safeguard his people. His leadership has been pivotal in navigating the clan through eras of both prosperity and peril.
  • Leadership Ascension: Became elder due to his notable contributions to clan safety and prosperity
  • Contributions: Advanced gem crafting techniques, enhanced community defenses

Personality and Traits

Wisdom and Care Despite the weight of centuries, Dimble's eyes sparkle with a youthful vigor, reflecting a spirit nurtured by endless curiosity and an unyielding commitment to his people.
  • Demeanor: Gentle yet authoritative
  • Philosophy: Believes in leading through wisdom and shared knowledge

Leadership Style 

Dimble's leadership style blends empathy with practicality, creating a harmonious balance that has earned him deep respect and loyalty among his kin.
  • Decision Making: Consensus-driven, often seeking counsel from his advisors
  • Conflict Resolution: Prefers diplomacy over confrontation, utilizing his mastery of illusions to avoid conflic
Dimble is a quiet and introspective leader, preferring to listen before he speaks. His deep connection to the earth and his long study of illusion magic have given him a perspective that few can match. Despite his age, he is sharp-witted and often speaks in riddles, a habit that both frustrates and endears him to the younger gnomes of the clan.
Dimble’s primary concern is the protection of his people. With growing dangers from bandits, orc raids, and political tensions in the region, he has become increasingly distrustful of the human rulers of the Viscounty. His motivation is twofold: to preserve Gemhome’s independence and protect the legacy of the gnomish gem mines from being seized by the lords of Verbobonc.

Contributions to Gemhome

Gem Crafting Innovations Under Dimble's stewardship, Gemhome has seen remarkable advancements in gem crafting, combining ancient techniques with innovative magical practices to create artifacts of great power and beauty.
  • Innovations: Development of unique gem enchantments
  • Economic Impact: Boost to Gemhome’s economy through trade of these valuable gems
Building His strategic insight has fortified Gemhome against numerous threats, employing a mix of arcane wards and physical defenses that have secured the community's reputation as an impregnable haven.
  • Defensive Strategies: Implementation of layered security measures
  • Community Engagement: Fosters a sense of unity and purpose among the residents
Elder of Clan Nackle and His Political Landscape
Dimble Nackle, the esteemed elder of Clan Nackle, navigates a complex political landscape within Ostverk, a village uniquely positioned between the human realms and the closed borders of the Elf Kingdom of Celene. His relationships with local leaders like Talarien Carewlein, Lord Corbin Deleveu, and other significant figures greatly influence the stability and prosperity of both his clan and the broader community.
Political Relations and Challenges
Talarien Carewlein and the Elven Fort 1. Caer Ostverk Dimble maintains a crucial diplomatic relationship with Talarien Carewlein, the elven Borderlord of Caer Ostverk. This fortress serves as a critical point of defense and a symbol of elven presence, protecting the borders of the isolationist Kingdom of Celene.
  • Strategic Alliance: Collaboration between Dimble and Talarien ensures mutual protection against common threats and facilitates subtle trade exchanges that bypass Celene’s closed borders.
  • Cultural Exchanges: Despite Celene’s isolation, Dimble’s diplomatic acuity helps maintain a flow of cultural and magical knowledge, which benefits Gemhome’s arcane practices.
Lord Corbin Deleveu and the Mounted Borderers
The withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers from the Kron Hills under Viscount Wilfrick Revepaix’s orders poses a significant threat to the security of Gemhome’s trade routes.
  • Security Concerns: Dimble works closely with Lord Corbin Deleveu to address the vulnerabilities created by the reduced patrols, seeking alternative protections and possibly private mercenary support.
  • Economic Impact: This reduction in security has led to increased raids on gnome caravans, directly impacting Clan Nackle's economic stability.
Shandril and Captain Baran
The debates within Ostverk regarding the construction of defensive walls spearheaded by Captain Baran Feath, and supported by Shandril, the priestess of Beory, also affect Dimble’s strategic planning.
  • Community Defense: Dimble is invested in these discussions, advocating for enhancements that do not compromise the village's open trade policies.
  • Spiritual Harmony: Aligning with Shandril’s views, Dimble supports maintaining the spiritual and natural essence of the village, which is central to The Old Faith.
    Mentorship Dimble’s dedication to mentorship ensures that the arcane traditions of Clan Nackle will persevere, fostering a new generation equipped to face future challenges with wisdom and ingenuity.
  • Legacy Building: Focuses on education and transmission of knowledge
  • Succession Planning: Prepares capable young gnomes to eventually take leadership roles

Visions for Gemhome

His vision for Gemhome's future involves expanding its influence through enhanced trade networks and alliances, ensuring the community’s prosperity and cultural enrichment.
  • Expansion Plans: Seeks to extend Gemhome's trade routes and diplomatic ties
  • Cultural Promotion: Aims to elevate the stature of gnome craftsmanship on a regional scale


Dimble Nackle's enduring legacy as elder of Clan Nackle is a testament to his profound leadership, magical mastery, and unwavering commitment to his community’s welfare. His life’s work has not only shaped the present prosperity of Gemhome but has also laid a strong foundation for its future.
Dimble Nackle: Elder of Clan Nackle
Dimble is short even for a gnome, standing at just under 3 feet tall, with a long white beard braided with tiny gemstones. His eyes twinkle with a youthful spark, though his face is lined with centuries of care and responsibility. He wears deep green robes embroidered with arcane symbols and always carries a polished gemstone on a chain around his neck, which he uses to focus his illusions.
  • Illusionist level 9
  • Role: Elder and protector of Clan Nackle
  • Skills: Gem crafting, illusion magic
  • Reputation: Known for his wisdom and deeply respected within and beyond his community
Magical Prowess
Illusion Mastery A master illusionist, Dimble skillfully employs his arcane knowledge to protect Gemhome and educate the next generation of gnome mages, securing his legacy through the art of deception and magical defense.
  • Skills: Crafting complex illusions, magical camouflage
  • Teaching: Mentor to young mages, imparting crucial defensive tactics
Gemstone Focus 
His profound connection with gemstones is not only a source of power but also a key aspect of his magical and cultural identity, with each stone imbued with specific enchantments.
  • Gem Usage: Uses gems as focal points for casting illusions
  • Craftsmanship: Renowned for creating magically potent and aesthetically magnificent gemstones.
Neutral good
Current Location
Year of Birth
397 179 Years old
gemlike blue twinkle
long white beard braided with tiny gemstones
Gnome Pantheon
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Dimble Nackle elder of Clan Nackle by 3orcs


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