Phyton Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Woodshaper

Suloise god of nature, beauty and farming
  Phyton, the Suel god of Nature, Beauty, and Farming, embodies the harmonious blend of human ingenuity and the natural world. Revered in the rural heartlands and farming communities, Phyton's influence extends over the fields of the Flanaess, guiding the hands that till the earth and the spirits that seek beauty in nature's design.

Essence of the Earth

Divine Visage
  • Form: Commonly depicted as a tall, handsome, slender, and youthful man, with the ability to take any form found in the forest.

Divine Dynamics

  • Ally and Adversary: Initially a typical nature deity, Phyton's evolution to represent mankind's dominion over nature sets him against certain druids and deities like Obad-Hai. Wee Jas , too, sees him as an enemy due to his influence over beauty.

Celestial Dwellings

  • Realm: Resides within Arvandor among the Seldarine and holds a realm in Ysgard, signifying his significant stature among both human and elven deities.

Teachings of Cultivation

  • Human Influence: Advocates for the beautification and utilization of nature through human intervention—cultivating gardens, farming lands, and transforming swamps into fertile grounds.
  • Animal Domestication: Promotes the taming of animals for human benefit, with the removal of those deemed harmful.

Followers of the Green

Worshipers Predominantly human, Phyton's followers are deeply integrated into the agricultural and rural communities across the Flanaess.

Guardians of Growth

  • Nature's Architects: Priests of Phyton see humanity as the perfecters of nature's raw designs, engaging in land management and agricultural enhancement to ensure the prosperity of their communities.
  • Regional Stewardship: Many priests adopt a region to nurture, ensuring its land is used to its fullest potential for the benefit of mankind.

Sanctuaries of Serenity

Located in regions known for their rich agricultural lands and beauty, including Geoff, the Gran March, and the Urnst States, among others.

Cycles of Celebration

Holy Days and Rituals
Celebrations and prayers are centered around the agricultural calendar, seeking Phyton's blessings for harvests and the protection of crops from natural adversities.

Legacy of the Landlord

Phyton's unique position as a deity who champions mankind's shaping of the natural world places him at the crossroads of reverence and contention. His followers, empowered by his blessings, work the land with a belief in the sanctity of their endeavor to improve upon nature's canvas. Temples dedicated to Phyton stand as monuments to this belief, serving as hubs where the faithful gather to offer thanks for the bounty they receive and to seek guidance on how best to steward their lands in the seasons to come.


In the tapestry of the divine, Phyton's thread weaves a narrative of beauty crafted by human hands, a testament to the potential for harmony between the natural world and those who dwell within it. Through his teachings, the land flourishes under the careful watch of those who walk in his light, marking the countryside with the legacy of abundance and the triumph of human will over the wilds.
  Suel Pantheon
Holy symbol: scimitar in front of an oak tree
Realm: Olympian Glades of Arborea
Domains: Chaos, Good, Plant, Sun, Water
Specialty Priest spells
  • 1st level: Locate Animal or Plants, Shocking Grasp
  • 3rd level: Goodberry, +2 SV vs plant-based potions
  • 5th level: Plant Growth
  • 7th level: Warp Wood 3/day, Animal Summoning 1
  • 10th level: Tree 3/day, Commune with Nature
  • 13th level: Plant door 3/day, Liveoak
  • All Clerics: Unable to TurnUndead
  • remaining motionless, radiate an invisibility to undead effect (as the spell).
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Chaotic good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Let the wilderness be our guide, but human spirit our architect."
"Where nature ends, our stewardship begins."
Phyton holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Phyton by 3orcs


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