Pyremius Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Pyremius is the Suel god of Assassins, Fire, Poison, and Murder.
The Blazing Killer, the Demon of Venom, the Hideous Assassin, the Murdering Flame   Pyremius, the Suel god of Assassins, Fire, Poison, and Murder, stands as a dark testament to the destructive and stealthy forces of the world. Revered and feared in equal measure, his influence spans across the realms of the Scarlet Brotherhood, assassins' guilds, and among those who revel in the chaotic power of fire and the lethal art of poison.

Visage of Destruction

The Form of Pyremius
  • Appearance: A hideous, bald human with a jermlaine-like head, adorned in large brass bracers.
  • Armaments: Wields the Red Light of Hades, a sword with the power to strip paladins of their abilities, and the Viper of Hades, a whip whose poison can afflict any mortal.
  • Communication: Speaks through open flames, often causing them to assume his sinister visage.
“The world will perish in fire. Anything that threatens you must be burned, and those who would keep you from doing this must be killed. The greatest enemy must sleep sometime. Those who fall to such tactics deserve their fate, and those who exploit these weaknesses are the most crafty of all.”

Web of Deceit and Alliance

Divine Relationships
  • Allies: Syrul, the goddess of Lies, and Mydianchlarus, an Oinoloth, stand as his closest confidants.
  • Distrust and Betrayal: Remembers his betrayal of Ranet and harbors a deep mistrust for other deities, fearing retribution.
  • Enemies: Particularly despised by Geshtai for his destructive nature.

Domain of Shadows and Fire

  • The Black Volcano: Pyremius's domain within Niflheim, reflecting his affinity for fire and destruction.


Teachings of the Inferno
  • Destiny by Fire: Promotes the belief that fire is the ultimate purifier and destroyer.
  • Merit in Death: Asserts that those who fall to poison or murder have met a deserved fate.
  • Encouragement of Violence: Followers are urged to employ fire and stealth to eliminate obstacles.

Cult of the Flame

Pyremius, the deity shrouded in the elements of fire, poison, and the dark arts of assassination, commands a diverse and fervent following. His worshipers, drawn from the fringes of society and the ranks of the feared, revere him for his dominion over destruction and the unseen strike.
  • Demographics: Favored by the Scarlet Brotherhood, assassins, pyromaniacs, and certain monstrous races.
  • Influence: Both Pyremius and Syrul play significant roles in the ascension of the Scarlet Brotherhood.
The Scarlet Brotherhood
A Power Emerges
  • Dominion: The Scarlet Brotherhood, a secretive and influential organization, stands as the primary bastion of Pyremius's worship. Its members, dedicated to the supremacy of the Suel race and the mastery of arcane and covert arts, see Pyremius as a patron of their darkest endeavors.
  • Divine Collaboration: Alongside Syrul, goddess of lies and deceit, Pyremius has significantly influenced the Brotherhood's rise to power within Oerth. Their divine favor has been instrumental in the Brotherhood's successes, lending supernatural aid to their worldly ambitions.
Assassins and Firestarters
  • Assassins: Individuals who embrace the shadow, utilizing stealth and poison to eliminate their targets, often seek Pyremius's blessing for their missions. They view him as a divine patron, offering prayers for precision and deadly efficacy.
  • Pyromaniacs: Those with an uncontrollable fascination with fire worship Pyremius for his aspect of flame. They see in him a kindred spirit, a divine embodiment of their destructive passion.
Unlikely Followers
Jermlaine, Firenewts, and Grimlocks: Beyond human followers, Pyremius's worship extends to certain monstrous races. Jermlaine, firenewts, and grimlocks, each with their unique affinity for aspects of Pyremius's domain, offer him veneration in their dark niches of the world.
  • Divine Intervention: A Calculated Risk
  • Balancing Act: Pyremius and Syrul are known to intervene on behalf of their followers, particularly the Scarlet Brotherhood. However, such divine interference is measured, mindful of attracting the attention or ire of other deities.
  • The Greater Game: The risk of sparking a conflict among the gods restrains their hands, suggesting a complex hierarchy and politics within the divine realms. Pyremius's interventions are thus strategic, ensuring his and his followers' objectives advance without precipitating a divine war.

Hierarchy of the Ashen Clergy

The clergy of Pyremius, woven into a hierarchy as intricate and dangerous as the webs they weave, embody the god’s dominion over fire, poison, and murder. Within this clandestine structure, each member plays a pivotal role in spreading their deity's influence and teachings, while navigating the perilous waters of internal politics and external threats.
  • Ranks: From deathseekers to vipers and firelords, the clergy is a mirror of Pyremius's deadly aspects.
  • Roles and Practices: Engaged in the creation of poisons, the study of heat, and the mastery of stealth.
  • Attire: Vestments: Orange and red silk garments adorned with brass bracers, reflecting Pyremius's fiery domain.

Ranks of the Flame and Venom

  • Deathseekers (Initiates): The novices within the clergy, known as deathseekers, embark on a path filled with danger and discovery. They seek knowledge and power at the risk of their own demise, proving their worth and dedication to Pyremius.
  • Vipers (Mid-level Clergy): Those who ascend in rank become known as vipers, a title denoting their proficiency in the art of poison and subtlety. Vipers are adept at creating lethal concoctions and mastering the silent kill.
  • Firelords (High Priests): At the pinnacle of the hierarchy sit the firelords, who command the utmost respect and fear. They are the embodiment of Pyremius’s fiery wrath, wielding power and influence both within the clergy and in the broader world.
A Cloak of Secrecy
  • Titles and Jealousy: While the titles of deathseeker, viper, and firelord signify rank and prowess, many clerics choose not to use them openly. The competitive and often lethal nature of the clergy means that overt displays of status can incite jealousy and target one for assassination by their ambitious inferiors.
Duties and Practices
  • Creation of Poisons: A central duty of Pyremius's priests is the crafting of poisons. This sacred art is both a form of worship and a practical tool for spreading fear and fulfilling the god’s will.
  • Exploration of Heat: Given their deity's association with fire, clerics are drawn to places of intense heat. Volcanoes, deserts, and other scorching environments are seen as holy sites where they can commune with Pyremius.
  • Mastery of Stealth: Stealth is a prized skill among the clergy, necessary for both the execution of their divine missions and survival in a cutthroat hierarchy.
  • Observation and Exploitation: Priests are trained to observe potential targets, identifying weaknesses that can be exploited. This reconnaissance is crucial for planning assassinations or manipulations that further their god’s interests.
The Path of the Cleric
Becoming a cleric of Pyremius is to walk a path shrouded in shadow and flame. It is a commitment to mastering the deadly arts of poison and murder, to embracing the heat of battle, and to living a life marked by stealth and secrecy. The clergy's structure reflects the complex nature of Pyremius’s domain, requiring not just devotion but a keen instinct for survival and a ruthless pursuit of power.

Sanctuaries of Smoke and Secrecy

  • Construction: Built from mortared or volcanic stone, adorned with red and orange enamels to mimic flames.
  • Paranoia by Design: Dark alcoves and secretive chambers dominate, enhancing the atmosphere of mistrust.
Center of Worship
  • Hesuel Ilshar: The heart of Pyremius's worship within the empire of the Scarlet Brotherhood.

Rites of Fire and Venom

Rituals and Sacrifices
  • Conducted at the onset of winter, spring, and low summer, involving the burning and poisoning of victims.
Holy Days
  • Marked by hot, dry days conducive to wildfires, with ceremonies held at the sites of recent blazes.

Legacy of Flame

  • Pyremius's rise to the god of fire followed the poisoning of Ranet, marking a pivotal expansion of his divine portfolio.


In the shadowy corners of the world, Pyremius's followers carry out his will, spreading fear and destruction in their wake. His temples stand as beacons for those drawn to the darker aspects of life, offering sanctuary and purpose to the miscreants and malefactors of society. Through fire and venom, the legacy of Pyremius burns ever bright, a reminder of the power that lies in destruction and deceit.
  Suel Pantheon
Symbol: a demonic face with ears like a bat's wings
Realm: Gray Waste of Hades
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Fire
Speciality Priests
Firedraughts are never grated spells that use cold.
  • All clerics: TurnUndead Command
  • 1st level: Firedraught is +1 on all saves vs fire and -1 on cold attacks.
  • 3rd level: Firedraught can detect poison by taste; they may also cast Poison (reverse of neutralize poison) 1/week.
  • 5th level: Firedraught save bonus vs fire attacks increases to +2, and save penalty vs cold -2. Can backstab as a Rogue for x2 damage.
  • 7th level: Yugoloths react favorably to a Firedraught, shifting on reaction category toward "friendly". Saving throws vs a Firedraught poison attack is -1.
  • 9th level: Firedraught can cast Pyrotechnics 1/day. Backstab ability increase to x3 damage.
  • 11th level: Firedraught gain additional -1 penalty save vs cold (-3 total). If hit by cold attack, they take an extra point of damage per die. Can cast Fire Shield 1/day.
  • 16th level: Total -4 save vs cold attacks, and one HP lost per cold attack they suffer permanent until regained by a Restoration or Wish spell. Cast Fireball 10d6 1/day.
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Neutral evil
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Through the flames, we find our path; in the shadows, we strike unseen."
"Let the fire cleanse the world, leaving only the worthy to rise from the ashes."
"A single drop of poison can bring down the mightiest foe; such is the power we wield."
"To master fire is to master destruction; to master poison is to control fate."
"Only in the embrace of flame can true purity be achieved."
"We are the unseen hand, the silent whisper before the scream of fire; we are the chosen of Pyremius."
Pyremius symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Pyremius by 3orcs


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