Syrul Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Syrul, goddess of Lies, Deceit, Treachery, and False Promises.
The Forked Tongue, The Night Hag, Oathbreaker   Syrul, the enigmatic deity of Lies, Deceit, Treachery, and False Promises, weaves a complex tapestry within the Suel pantheon. Her essence is as elusive as the truth within a lie, making her both feared and revered across the Flanaess.  


At first glance, Syrul's guise as a disheveled hag belies her true, indescribable form, a testament to her mastery over deception.
  • True Form: Undefined, showcasing her dominion over illusions.
  • Weaponry: Wields "Small Lie," a dagger of malevolent origin, and "Harsh Truth," a rod embodying the devastating power of truth.
  • Mount: Flamedevil, a nightmare steed, underscores her dread presence.


Syrul's divine relations are a web of alliances and enmities, shaped by her deceptive nature:
  • Allies: Pyremius and Kurell, with a complex relationship involving her son, Kord, fathered by Phaulkon.
  • Enemies: Her longstanding foe, Delleb, and a cautious distance from most pantheon members, driven by mutual distrust.


Syrul's dominion spans dual aspects of her nature, reflected in her realms:
  • Castle of Ugly Truth: A manifestation of her realm in Khalas.
  • Castle of Beautiful Lies: Her domain within the Gray Waste, embodying the duality of her essence.


Syrul's teachings emphasize the power of deception as both a shield and a weapon:
  • Protection Through Deception: Advocates the use of lies to guard knowledge.
  • The Power of the Tongue: Elevates deceit as a tool of influence and control.


Syrul's followers are a diverse group, bound by the common thread of manipulation and secrecy:
  • Demographics: Strongest among the Scarlet Brotherhood, with a presence across various regions and societies.
  • Professions: Includes anyone reliant on manipulation, from politicians to fortune-tellers.


Syrul's priesthood thrives on chaos and manipulation, serving roles that exploit their deceptive talents:
  • Roles and Skills: Masters of lies, they infiltrate all sectors of society, spreading Syrul's influence.
  • Hierarchy: Defined by levels of deceit, from "forktongues" to "equivocators."
  • Appearance and Symbols: Golden robes with forked-tongue symbols, concealing weapons of deceit.

Expanded Lore of Syrul

Divine Powers and Ceremonial Rites
Divine Abilities
Syrul possesses formidable divine powers that align with her domain over lies, deceit, and treachery, further enhancing her influence across the planes:
  • Alter Reality: Once per day, Syrul can wield an alter reality spell, akin to the wish-fulfilling abilities of devils or demon princes. This power allows her to shape the fabric of reality to deceive, manipulate, or reward, solidifying her command over the essence of falsehood.
  • Vision Spell Granting: To her deserving worshipers, Syrul can grant the use of a vision spell, enhancing their ability to foresee events or uncover hidden truths, albeit through her lens of manipulation. The casting success rate remains standard, emphasizing her selective favor towards her most devout followers.
Ceremonial Rites and Blessings
Syrul's interaction with her followers, especially those within the Scarlet Brotherhood, is marked by personalized attention and dark blessings:
  • Level-Advancement Ceremony Attendance: Upon a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood reaching the 9th level of experience as an assassin, illusionist, thief, or monk, Syrul personally presides over the ceremony. This rare honor signifies the deep connection between the deity and her most accomplished servants.
  • Blessing of "Evil Luck": The advancing character is bestowed with "evil luck," a dubious blessing that hints at the dual-edged nature of Syrul's favor. This luck encompasses both protection and the subtler nuances of achieving one's goals through deceit or manipulation.
  • Automatic Vision Spell: The favored character receives a vision spell, granted automatically and requiring only a token material component. This gift reflects Syrul's capricious nature, offering powerful insights without the typical sacrificial demands.
  • Permanent Combat Enhancement: As a symbol of her approval and an emblem of the character's ascension, Syrul enhances their martial prowess. A permanent +1 bonus "to hit" with any weapon or open-hand attack is conferred, symbolizing the character's alignment with Syrul's ideals of treachery and deceit.


The architecture of Syrul's temples mirrors her ethos, with designs meant to disorient and deceive:
  • Locations: Predominantly hidden, with a significant presence in Hesuel Ilshar and secretive shrines in thieves' quarters.
  • Design: Constructs of gnarled wood and stone, adorned with optical illusions and dual-sided imagery.

Rituals and Holy Days

Syrul's worship is marked by practices that celebrate deceit and punish truthfulness:
  • Sacred Practices: The 11th day of each month is dedicated to avoiding the truth, with severe penalties for those who falter.
  • Initiation and Punishment: Rituals involve silence or deception, with harsh repercussions for breaking sacred laws.


Syrul's essence as a deity of deceit offers a unique perspective on the divine, showcasing the complex interplay between truth and lies. Her worshipers navigate a world where truth is the ultimate currency, and deceit is the means to wield it. Through her teachings and the practices of her followers, Syrul's influence extends far beyond the confines of her temples, permeating the very fabric of society.
  Suel Pantheon
Holy symbol: a forked tongue
Realm: Gray Waste of Hades
Domains: Domination, Evil, Knowledge, Mind, Trickery
Specialty Priests
  • Wardrobe: Shaved head, golden-yellow robe adorned with a forked tongue
  • All clerics: TurnUndead Command
  • 1st level: Automatically detect when any divination-type spell is being cast upon them and can determine the exact spell if they make SV vs Spell.
  • 3rd level: Prevaricators gain ability to obscure alignment 1/day.
  • 7th level: Prevaricators use Undetectable lie 1/day
  • 9th level: Prevaricators granted vision of Syrul without requiring a sacrifice, automatically granted / question answered. +1 to all attack rolls on chosen weapon.
  • 13th level: Prevaricators may use Detect Lie 1/day but does not work on Syrul clergy.
  • 15th level: Prevaricators summon a Nightmare 1/month to serve as a steed. After hour-long prayer the nightmare arrives. The priest must give the nightmare an offering of oat-shaped platinum flakes.
Divine Classification
Lesser goddess
Neutral evil (LE)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the shadow of truth lies the power of deceit."
"The most potent weapon is the one your enemy believes."
"Betray with a smile; the dagger hidden in words cuts deepest."
Syrul symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Syrul by 3orcs


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