Ragnar "Red" Hox Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Ragnar "Red" Hox

Ragnar "Red" Hox is the charismatic owner of Red's Roll, a bustling gambling house located on the north side of Etterboek's market square. Known for his half-balding, red-blonde hair and his larger-than-life personality, Ragnar is a key figure in the village's social and entertainment scene.


Ragnar inherited Red's Roll from his father, who established the gambling house as a place of excitement and fair play. Under Ragnar's management, the establishment has grown in reputation, becoming a central hub for entertainment in Etterboek. His keen business sense and vibrant personality have helped maintain the house's prominence in the village.


With House Langmuir
  • Professional: Ragnar maintains a cordial relationship with House Langmuir, ensuring that their guards and officials always feel welcome at Red's Roll. This relationship provides a level of security and mutual respect.
  • Community-Oriented: Ragnar's establishment serves as a neutral ground where local politics and business deals are often discussed, making it a vital part of the village's social fabric.
With Local Merchants
  • Networking Hub: Red's Roll is a favored spot for merchants to relax and network after a busy day at the market. Ragnar's connections with various local figures give him valuable insight and in Etterboek's affairs.

Politics of Verbobonc

While Ragnar's primary focus is running Red's Roll, he is not oblivious to the broader political dynamics of Verbobonc. The gambling house serves as an informal hub for information exchange, attracting travelers and merchants from across the Viscounty. This makes Red's Roll a place of interest for those wanting to stay informed about regional affairs.


Ragnar's motivations are deeply tied to his establishment and his community
  • Community Engagement: Ragnar is driven by a desire to provide a lively and welcoming space for both locals and travelers.
  • Business Success: He is motivated by the success and reputation of Red's Roll, striving to maintain its status as the premier entertainment venue in Etterboek.
  • Family Dynamics: Despite his frustrations, Ragnar is motivated by a sense of familial duty, often feeling responsible for the well-being of his brother Boerd.

Roleplaying Tips

When portraying Ragnar, emphasize his courteous nature towards guests and his impatience with his brother. Show his pride in Red's Roll through his enthusiasm for a lively crowd and his enjoyment of leading the bar in drinking songs.   Ragnar "Red" Hox is more than just the owner of a gambling house; he is a cornerstone of Etterboek's social life, bringing excitement and camaraderie to the village with every roll of the dice.
"Fortune favors the bold, and the brave know where to find it."
Ragnar "Red" Hox
Ragnar "Red" Hox stands out in a crowd with his distinctive appearance:
  • Height and Build: A heavyset man, Ragnar's physical presence commands attention.
  • Hair: He is half-balding with red-blonde hair, a striking feature that earned him the nickname "Red."
  • Clothing: Ragnar is always seen wearing a leather apron dyed with green knotwork, and a stained brown tunic with bundled sleeves.
  • Expression: His face is often lined with concentration or a jovial smile, depending on the night's activities at Red's Roll.
Ragnar's personality is as vibrant as the establishment he runs:Courteous: He is known for his courteous demeanor, especially towards guests. His welcoming nature makes patrons feel at home.
  • Impatient: Despite his generally amiable nature, Ragnar can be impatient, particularly with his brother, Boerd, whom he often feels is not pulling his weight.
  • Prideful: Ragnar takes great pride in Red's Roll, cherishing the moments when the tables are full and the house is alive with activity.
  • Musical: When enjoying himself, Ragnar loves to lead the bar in a round of his favorite drinking song.
Chaotic neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
538 38 Years old
balding red hair
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The night's young, and so is your luck!"
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Ragnar 'Red' Hox by 3orcs


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