40. The Lucky Coin Tavern Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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40. The Lucky Coin Tavern

The sign reads, The Lucky Coin Tavern. Since no one in town could read besides the merchants and clergy. Under the letters for the mug filled with gold coins, badly painted, with flaking silver paint. From the outside the tavern looks clean, welcoming and a center of entertainment. Plastered walls and wood beams make up most of the building's outer structure. It's near impossible to see through the darkened windows, but the laughter from within can be felt outside.   As you enter the tavern through the dirty, wooden door, you're welcomed by a layer of smoke hanging below the ceiling and the roll of dice and vibrant shouts and groans. The Lucky Coin Tavern is dark and smells strongly of pipe smoke. Lively music flits among the locals trying in vain to force a smile on grimy, tired faces. Behind the bar stands, Falienn, a wiry man with dark hair and a darker past. He is too busy to acknowledge your entrance.   banners   The tavern is roomy and well lit, with several stools in front of the bar for patrons that wish to while away the evening talking to Falienn. There's a couple large stone tables, which are large enough to put out a map and still have room for your mugs of ale; perhaps a deliberate choice on the owner's part. half a dozen smaller tables fill the rest of the tavern with locals with mugs of ale and glitter eyed merchants hunkered over throwing dice like its their last salvation. At the long ale polished bar is the bartender who wipes the wide wooden bar with a damp cloth, leaning forward to talk and serve mugs of ale. His apron is leather, dyed with green knotwork, and his stained brown tunic is bundled up at the sleeves. You watch as he leans back to pour one wooden tankard of frothing ale after another.

A Hub of Entertainment and Gambling

The Lucky Coin Tavern, a bustling gambling house located on the north side of the market square in Etterboek, is the go-to place for entertainment and high-stakes games. With its inviting exterior and lively interior, it attracts locals and travelers alike, offering a mix of excitement and camaraderie.
"Keep your wits sharp and your bets sharper; you never know when luck will turn."
Exterior Description
The Lucky Coin Tavern presents a clean and welcoming facade with plastered walls and wooden beams. A sign hangs above the entrance, reading "Gambling House," adorned with a mug filled with gold coins painted in flaking silver. The darkened windows obscure the lively interior, but the laughter and shouts from within spill out into the streets, drawing in curious passersby.
Interior Description
As you step through the dirty wooden door, you are greeted by a thick layer of smoke hanging below the ceiling, accompanied by the sounds of rolling dice and vibrant shouts and groans. The tavern is dimly lit and filled with the strong scent of pipe smoke. Lively music attempts to lift the spirits of the patrons, many of whom wear grimy, tired faces.
The tavern is spacious and well-lit, with several stools lined up in front of the bar for those who prefer conversing with the owner. Large stone tables dominate the center of the room, offering enough space for both maps and mugs of ale. Half a dozen smaller tables are scattered throughout, occupied by locals and merchants engrossed in games of chance. Behind the bar stands the owner, busy serving drinks and managing the bustling crowd.

Personality and Roleplaying Tips

Owner: Ragnar "Red" Hox
The Lucky Coin Tavern is run by Ragnar "Red" Hox, a wiry man with dark hair and a darker past. He is courteous to guests but often shows impatience towards his brother Boerd, who helps out at the tavern. Ragnar takes great pride in his establishment, and his favorite time of the evening is when the lamps are lit, and the tables are full.
Ragnar is a meticulous and hardworking individual, often seen wrinkling his forehead when concentrating on drink orders. Despite his serious demeanor, he enjoys leading the bar in rounds of his favorite drinking songs when he's in high spirits.
Roleplaying Tips
  • Ragnar often wrinkles his forehead when concentrating.
  • He becomes visibly impatient with his brother Boerd.
  • Leads the bar in drinking songs when enjoying himself.


The Lucky Coin Tavern has a rich history as one of the oldest establishments in Etterboek. Founded by Ragnar's grandfather, it started as a modest inn but quickly gained fame as a gambling house. Over the years, it has expanded and undergone several renovations, becoming a cornerstone of the town's social life.

Politics of Verbobonc

The tavern plays a subtle but significant role in the local politics of Verbobonc. It serves as a neutral ground where nobles, merchants, and commoners can mingle and discuss matters of trade and governance. Ragnar maintains a delicate balance, ensuring that the tavern remains a place of entertainment rather than political conflict.
Relationships with the Lords of Verbobonc
The Lucky Coin Tavern enjoys a favorable relationship with House Langmuir, who frequent the establishment and occasionally host private gambling nights. Ragnar's discreet nature and the tavern's reputation for neutrality have earned the trust and patronage of several noble houses.


The Lucky Coin Tavern stands as a vibrant hub of entertainment and gambling in Etterboek. With its rich history, intricate politics, and lively atmosphere, it serves as a cornerstone of the town's social life, welcoming a diverse array of patrons from all walks of life. Under the careful management of Ragnar "Red" Hox, the tavern continues to thrive, offering a blend of excitement, camaraderie, and tradition.
Ragnar 'Red' Hox by 3orcs
"A full mug and a roll of the dice – that’s the spirit of the Lucky Coin!"
Description of Key Characters
Ragnar "Red" Hox 
  • Appearance: A half-balding, red-blonde heavyset man. He wears a leather apron dyed with green knotwork and a stained brown tunic.
  • Personality: Courteous but impatient, especially with his brother. Takes pride in his tavern and enjoys a lively crowd.
  • Motivation: To maintain the tavern's reputation and profitability while ensuring a lively atmosphere for guests.
Boerd Hox
  • Appearance: Younger and less robust than Ragnar, often seen helping around the tavern.
  • Personality: Easygoing but somewhat lackadaisical, often earning his brother's impatience.
  • Motivation: To assist his brother, though not always with the same level of dedication.

Notable Patrons

Merchants and Traders
  • Appearance: Typically well-dressed, often seen huddling over dice games or engaging in animated discussions.
  • Personality: Varied, but many are shrewd and focused on making profitable deals.
  • Motivation: To unwind and potentially increase their fortunes through gambling.
Local Nobles
  • Appearance: Distinguished, often accompanied by a retinue. They frequent the tavern for both leisure and networking. Personality: Reserved but sociable, enjoying the tavern's atmosphere while maintaining their dignified demeanor.
  • Motivation: To relax and engage with the local community, strengthening their social and political connections.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Characters in Location

Rumors adventures

Falienn, a retired thief, has news of a "easy" score for a small finder's fee...
Falienn has a sealed chest that he needs smuggled into a nearby city...
Something is living in the walls of the Uncle...

Speciality drinks

  • Gorgondy Wine: A gnomish wine that offers glimpses of the past to those who drink it
  • Honey Pine Dew: An imported halfling mead, served in small cups. Very pleasant taste, cheap in halfling towns, but expensive elsewhere.
  • Lily in a Well: a tall mug of ale, half full with an edible flower garnish
  • Sucker Punching a Rabbit: A single teabag steeped in the biggest mug you have

Brandies(Per Gill)

  • Local 5 sp
  • Keoish 1 gp
  • Urnst(special aged) 3 gp

Ports and Mead

  • Braised Whitefish with Mustard and Dried Lemon, Glass of Port (2 sp)
  • Steamed Oxen and Millet Bread, Glass of Mead (3 sp)
Odd Unique Items List for Sale
  • Carved Wooden Dice: 5 sp Exotic Foreign Coins: 10 gp each
  • Miniature Sculptures: 15 gp each
  • Intricately Decorated Playing Cards: 2 gp per deck
  • Antique Drinking Horns: 8 gp each
  • Lucky Charms and Amulets: 3 gp each
  • Rare Tobacco Blends: 1 gp per pouch
Common Meals

Cover image: by 3orcs


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