Ralishaz Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Unlooked For

Ralishaz god of Chance, Ill Luck, Misfortune, and Insanity
    Ralishaz, often termed the Unlooked-For, governs the realms of chance, misfortune, ill luck, and insanity. His doctrine asserts the omnipresence of randomness and the folly of relying on order. In a universe where fortunes can reverse without warning, Ralishaz stands as a testament to the chaotic nature of existence.


  • Ephemeral Form: Ralishaz is a deity of constant change, shifting between forms that defy expectation — beautiful to grotesque, male to female, and beyond.
  • Unpredictable Presence: His unpredictable nature mirrors the chaotic essence he embodies, making him a complex figure among the pantheon.


Allies and Rivals:
  • Allied with: Kurell, reflecting a shared domain of risk and chance.
  • Despised by: Norebo for casting a shadow on the concept of gambling and risk.
  • Opposed by: Rudd, who champions luck and skill over blind chance.
  • Divine Isolation: Ralishaz keeps to himself, engaging minimally with other deities, not out of malice but due to his inherent nature.


  • Domain: His domain, the Kiss of Luck, is found within the swirling chaos of Limbo, a place as unpredictable and volatile as Ralishaz himself.
  • Chaos Over Order: The belief that order is an illusion and that the universe's true essence is random chance.
  • Insanity as Insight: The notion that those who are insane are closer to understanding the universe's true, chaotic nature.


  • Demographics: Predominantly found in regions like Ull and the Bandit Kingdoms, where the unpredictability of life is a daily reality.
  • Devotee Traits: Followers embrace a life unshackled by expectations, seeing the world through a lens of potential rather than planning.


  • Fatalistic Views: Clerics mix a fatalistic outlook with bouts of reckless behavior, embodying the very essence of Ralishaz's teachings.
  • Vestments: Their attire is as unpredictable as their deity, featuring robes of various colors, cuts, and fabrics.
  • Philosophy: They adhere to a philosophy of avoiding risks, encapsulated in the saying, "Tempt not Chance," recognizing the inherent unpredictability of their patron's blessings.


  • Worship Practices: Services are a cacophony of randomness, from the discordant sounds of music to the babbling of incomprehensible praise and the deliberate manipulation of environmental extremes.
  • Augury and Divination: A significant aspect of worship involves casting auguries to glean insights from the chaos, embracing the uncertain outcomes as divine messages.


  • Sacred Spaces: Temples and shrines to Ralishaz are rare and often hidden, reflecting his niche following. They are places where chaos reigns, designed to disorient and remind followers of the unpredictable nature of their god.
  In essence, Ralishaz represents a wildcard in the pantheon, a deity who reminds all of the inherent unpredictability of life and the universe. His followers embrace this uncertainty, finding freedom in the absence of order and predictability.
Holy symbol: composed of three sticks of bone
Realm: Limbo
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Luck
Speciality Cleric spells
  • Cleric of the 3rd misfortune: sleep by gaze, 1 creature in 10' range, duration 1;20 rounds, save vs. spell negates
Divine Classification
Intermediate god
Chaotic neutral (CE)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the roll of the dice, we find life's truest lessons; chaos reigns supreme."
"Seek not to understand the whirlwind, for in madness lies wisdom too profound for orderly minds."
"Fortune favors none, and disaster spares none; such is the caprice of Ralishaz."
"Embrace the unexpected, for it is the only certainty in a universe governed by chance."
"Our paths are not ours to choose, but to discover as the chaotic tapestry of Ralishaz unfolds."
Ralishaz holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Ralishaz by 3orcs


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