Rudd Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Luckbringer, goddess of Chance, Good Luck, and Skill
Lady Luck, The Laughing Goddess, Smiley, Queen of Cards, The Charm, The Duelist
Blue Eyes, "That girl that wins all the time," Cheater, Card Shark   Allies: Norebo, Trithereon, Zuoken, Zagyg
Foes: Ralishaz and Iuz
Rudd appears to be a young woman with short black hair. She has bright blue eyes and is invariably smiling, showing off perfect white teeth. Her skin is only slightly tanned and she has the best features of both the Oeridian and the Suel. She is impeccably dressed in flashy clothes, usually wearing pants instead of a dress and looking like some kind of swashbuckler. She wears a rapier and a stiletto on her belt, although tries to use these weapons as little as possible.

Rudd: The Luckbringer of Greyhawk

Rudd, known by many titles including the Luckbringer, Lady Luck, The Laughing Goddess, and The Duelist, is a deity whose domain encompasses luck, adventure, and skill. Her followers are drawn to her chaotic neutral nature, celebrating the thrill of chance and the joy of living freely. This article delves into the history, lore, worship practices, and the clerics of Rudd, providing insight into this captivating goddess.


  • Ascension to Godhood: Rudd ascended to godhood with the aid of Olidammara. Her journey from mortality to divine status is a testament to her skill, luck, and adventurous spirit.
  • Captivity and Release: It is rumored that Rudd was one of the nine demigods trapped by the mad archmage Zagyg. Her church has surged in popularity among adventurers in the last two decades.
  • Mentorship and Foes: Rudd is friendly with her mentor, Olidammara, and Norebo, but she opposes Zagyg, Ralishaz and Iuz, marking a distinct line between her allies and foes.
  • Rudd does not get along with Istus, as she does not believe in a set fate or destiny for any individual.


  • Physical Characteristics: Rudd is depicted as a trim, athletic Oeridian woman donned in form-fitting clothing and a long blue cloak. A master of the rapier and never missing with her shortbow, she embodies skill and precision.
  • Holy Symbol: The bull’s-eye target serves as her holy symbol, representing her unerring accuracy and the central role of chance in her domain.


  • Origin: Rudd's origins are shrouded in mystery, believed to be born in Bissel nearly a millennium ago. Her wanderlust has taken her across the Flanaess, engaging in games of chance and skill.
  • Presence in the Flanaess: Rudd and her avatars have been known to frequent gambling houses, especially along the Wild Coast and the city of Greyhawk, engaging mortals in games and reveling in the unpredictability of luck.

Worship and Clerics

  • Rudd's faith has become very popular since the 570s CY, particularly with adventurers.
  • The Practice of Worship: Rudd's clerics are drawn to games of chance and physical prowess, honing their fighting abilities and engaging in tasks that benefit from repetition. They are often found in gambling establishments, offering counsel to novices and cautioning the perpetually unlucky.
  • Adventurous Spirit: The clerics adventure for the thrill of experience, to prove their abilities, and to explore the world. Their devotion is manifested through their actions, embodying the essence of Rudd's teachings.
  • Worshipers: Rudd's faith attracts adventurers and those who delight in the gamble of life. She is revered as the Great Gambler, knowledgeable in every game of cards conceived, and preferring games that blend skill with an element of chance.

Philosophy and Beliefs

  • Games of Chance and Skill: Rudd delights in skilled games with random elements but avoids purely random or overly cerebral games. Her favorite games include cards and backgammon.
  • Mortal Interactions: Rudd's love for mortals and the games they play is profound, often engaging them directly. However, she holds a strict stance against cheating unless done with unparalleled skill.
  • Fate and Destiny: Rudd's philosophy contrasts with deities like Istus, as she rejects the notion of a set fate or destiny, championing the power of choice and chance in shaping one’s path.
Rudd’s divine narrative is a celebration of luck, skill, and the joy of life's unpredictable game. Her followers are inspired to embrace chance, refine their skills, and live life to the fullest, always ready for the next adventure that fate might toss their way.

Divine Domains

Chaos, Competition, Destiny, Luck

Divine Symbols & Sigils

bull's eye target

Tenets of Faith

The Dogma of Rudd, with its emphasis on skill, the intelligent use of luck, and the complex view on cheating, offers a unique theological perspective. It celebrates the agency of individuals in shaping their destinies while acknowledging the whimsical nature of fortune. Followers are encouraged to develop their abilities, make informed gambles, and navigate the moral complexities of their actions with both wisdom and cunning.


Rudd's mortal birthday is celebrated on the 10th day of Planting.
  Oeridian Pantheon
Cleric Specialty abilities
Play a game of chance, preferably with other participants. If no-one else will play with you, make the game boisterous or even obnoxious, trying to goad others into competing. Try to arrange friendly wager, preferably offer a dare. +1 luck bonus to Armor Class and a +4 luck bonus on physical checks on dare accepted.
  • 1st: +1 bonus to attacking with two weapons, +1 to AC when parrying or tumbling; +2 CHA opposite sex
  • 3rd: +1 bonus to dexterity checks
  • 5th: Attempt ANY ability that doesn't rely on knowledge INT 1/day with class bonus
  • 6th: tumbling as thief-acrobat
  • 8th: 1/week special save vs. breath weapon when reduced to zero HP, success allows priest to survive with 1-2 HP
  • All levels: Unable to TurnUndead
Divine Classification
chaotic neutral
Year of Birth
400 C.Y. 976 Years old
Realm: outer planar realm—the House of Cards in Ysgard's first layer
Classes: Thief 20/Fighter 15/Mage 10/Cleric 15 (avatar)

Making One's Own Luck

  • Skill Over Chance: Rudd's followers believe in "making" their own luck primarily through the mastery of their skills. The emphasis is on self-reliance and honing one's abilities to tilt the scales of fortune in their favor.
  • Embracing the Long Shot: Despite a focus on skill, Rudd's clergy never entirely dismiss the value of a long shot. They understand that sometimes, taking a calculated risk can lead to unexpected rewards.

The Stance on Cheating

  • Intolerance for Cheaters: Generally, Rudd's clerics do not abide by cheaters and hold a disdain for those who undermine the spirit of fair competition and skill.
  • Cheating as a Skill: Paradoxically, they teach that cheating is acceptable if one does not get caught. This perspective views successful cheating as another form of skill, requiring cunning, precision, and the ability to deceive without detection.

Recognizing and Leveraging Luck

  • Heroes and Fools: In the theology of Rudd, individuals capable of recognizing and seizing good luck are poised to become heroes. These are the ones who understand the ebb and flow of fortune and can distinguish between genuine opportunities and mere happenstance.
  • The Misinterpretation of Luck: Conversely, those who mistake bad luck for good are considered fools. This distinction underscores the importance of wisdom and discernment in navigating the uncertainties of life.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Rudd Goddess of Luck by 3orcs


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