Norebo Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Daredevil, The Lord of Peril, The Menace of Destiny, God of Gamble
God of Gambles, Father of Chance, Lord of Chance, Dice of Fortune   Norebo, often celebrated and revered in the Suel pantheon, embodies the spirit of luck, gambling, and the thrill of risk. Known for his affable presence in the mortal realm, particularly in establishments of chance, Norebo's influence spans from the roll of the dice to the fate of adventurers daring enough to court fortune or disaster.

Divine Persona

Portrayal and Powers
  • Depiction: Norebo is visualized as a human male of average stature, often adopting various animal forms to blend into his surroundings or for secretive observation.
  • Attributes: His love for gambling, combined with a knack for influencing outcomes, marks him as a playful yet powerful entity, wielding minor magics and influencing chance.

Celestial Alliances and Rivalries

Divine Dynamics
  • Romantic Ties: Norebo's heart belongs to Wee Jas, establishing a union celebrated and scrutinized by both deities and mortals alike.
  • Frenemies and Feuds: While allied with Rudd and enjoying a complicated relationship with Dalt, Norebo finds himself at odds with Ralishaz, Pyremius, and Telchur, alongside a rivalry with Kurell over the domain of theft.
  • Kurell is terribly jealous of Norebo for being more popular among rogues than he is.

The Patron of Gamblers

Dogma and Devotion
Norebo champions the unpredictable nature of life, advocating for a balance between planning and spontaneity. His disdain for unwarranted violence, especially when magic is used against the helpless, underscores a sense of fair play even in his most chaotic teachings.

Churches of Chance

Worshippers and Clergy
  • Domains of Influence: Shrines dedicated to Norebo, known as Churches of the Big Gamble, dot the landscape of the Flanaess, particularly within barbarian states and bustling cities like Greyhawk.
  • Clerical Order: Norebo's priests, often embodying the deity's penchant for mischief and adventure, play significant roles in guiding communities through the caprices of fate.

Sanctuaries of Serendipity

Holy Sites and Rituals
  • Temples: Natural congregational spots include taverns and gambling houses, with more formal temples present in regions like Naerie, where the legacy of Norebo intertwines with local lore and legend.
  • Sacred Practices: Rituals often involve games of chance, with the outcome believed to be an omen of Norebo's favor or warning, encouraging both reverence and a healthy respect for the whims of luck.

The Divine Gambler's Play

In the pantheon of gods, Norebo stands out for his embodiment of life's inherent unpredictability. His followers find solace and excitement in the embrace of chance, navigating the fine line between fortune and folly under his watchful eye. Through every dice throw, card shuffle, and strategic gamble, Norebo's essence permeates, reminding all that in the grand game of existence, every risk bears the imprint of the divine.  

The Deity of Chance and Cunning

Norebo, revered among the Suel pantheon for his domain over luck, gambling, and risks, enjoys widespread adoration, rivaling even Kord in popularity. His presence in the lives of the adventurous and the daring is a testament to the allure of uncertainty and the thrill of the unknown.

Divine Patronage

Following of Fortune  
  • Popularity: Esteemed second only to Kord, Norebo's worship spans across the barbarian lands and the bustling cities of the Flanaess, appealing to those who live by chance and those who seek to influence it.
  • Devotees: His followers include not only rogues and gamblers but also any who value the spontaneity of life. They see in Norebo a divine affirmation of their choices and a celestial benefactor in their ventures.

Clerical Gamemasters

The Clergy of Chance  
  • Roles: Priests often serve dual roles, acting as both spiritual leaders and dealers or operators within the Churches of the Big Gamble.
  • Taunts of the Rigid: They delight in challenging the followers of more dogmatic deities, such as Pholtus and St. Cuthbert, embodying Norebo's ethos of disrupting order and predictability.

Sanctuaries of Serendipity

Temples and Rituals  
  • Churches of the Big Gamble: These establishments, part temple, part gambling house, dot the landscape, offering a unique form of worship through games of chance.
  • Donations: Contributions to these churches often come in the form of lost bets, underlining the intrinsic link between worship and the gamble.

Holy Sites of Chance

Major Centers of Worship  
  • Hesuel Ilishar: The hidden city hosts the main pantheonic church, with Norebo's shrine serving as a central place of worship for those not elevated to have their own dedicated temples.
  • Domain of the Cousins: An "unofficial" shrine caters to the thief hierarchy within the Scarlet Brotherhood, marking a sacred space for the followers of the patron deity of thieves.

Boons and Reprimands

Divine Intervention  
  • Blessings of Agility: Norebo occasionally bestows upon his most daring followers a permanent increase in dexterity, rewarding those who impress him with feats of near-impossible bravado.
  • Curses of Clumsiness: Conversely, misuse of magic for malicious ends can incur Norebo's displeasure, leading to a permanent decrease in dexterity as a mark of divine retribution.


Norebo's influence permeates the lives of those drawn to the edge, where risk meets reward, and the roll of the dice can dictate fate. His temples, enshrined within the very places that celebrate chance, serve as beacons for those seeking his favor. Through every wager and daring feat, Norebo's essence is invoked, guiding his followers through the tumultuous seas of chance and change.    
Creative origins
Len Lakofka, who created the Suel pantheon for Dragon magazine, originally named this deity Oberon, but changed the name as it clashed with an existing deity. Norebo is Oberon spelled backwards.
  Suel Pantheon
Holy symbol: a pair of eight-sided dice
Realm: Pandemonium
Domains: Chaos, Luck, Trickery
Speciality Cleric Abilities/spells
  • Cleric of the 1st trickster: the priest may duel wield with daggers w/ +1 bonus to the penalty, can cast knock (1x/day), hide in shadows, move silently, climb walls and remove traps as a thief of their level.
  • Cleric of the 3rd trickster: the priest can cast alter self or wizard lock (1x/day)
  • Cleric of the 5th trickster: the priest can cast dispel magic or phantom steed (1x/day)
  • Cleric of the 7th trickster: the priest’s dexterity is increased by 1 point (to a maximum of 19)
  • Cleric of the 9th trickster: the priest can cast polymorph self (1x/day)
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Chaotic neutral
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Let the dice fall where they may, for Norebo guides their path."
"To court chance is to walk in Norebo's shadow, where every moment brims with possibility."
"In the hands of Norebo, fate is but a game waiting to be won."
Norebo holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Norebo by 3orcs


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