Resheph Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Druid of Beory

Resheph exemplifies the Druid's dedication to nature, serving as a crucial link between the mystical and mundane worlds. His work ensures the preservation of the natural environment amidst the pressures of civilization, maintaining a delicate balance between the needs of Verbobonc's inhabitants and the sacred groves of the Gnarley Forest.
  • Role and Residence: Resheph serves as the guardian of the Pond of the Hart and the surrounding woodlands. He is deeply connected to the natural and mystical elements of the area and is known to frequent both the pond and The Familiar Roost Tavern within the city.

Alliances and Duties

  • Elves and Gnarley Rangers: Maintains strong ties with the elves of Verbobonc and the Gnarley Rangers, aiding in the protection and stewardship of the local environment. Through these connections, he indirectly supports Viscount Wilfrick's rule.
  • Fey Bargain: Has struck a bargain with the Fey, allowing him swift and safe passage to the Druid's grove within the Gnarley Forest, enhancing his ability to oversee and protect the natural realm.

Position within the Old Faith

  • Operates under the authority of Holdefer Paravis, the Great Druid for the region that includes the Dominion of Greyhawk. Acts as a mediator between the Viscounty and the natural world, ensuring the city's expansion respects the balance of nature.

Political Influence and Agreements

  • Viscounty Agreement: Rumored to have negotiated an agreement with Viscount Wilfrick to limit the city's expansion into the woodland, thus preserving the natural environment. In return, Resheph uses his druidic abilities to monitor the rivers and alert the city to any underwater threats or trespassers.
  • City and Gnarley Forest: Although a small portion of the Gnarley Forest falls under the Viscounty's claim, Resheph's efforts ensure that the forest and city coexist with minimal conflict. He represents the druids and rangers during secret monthly meetings within the city, facilitating communication and cooperation between the city and the forest's guardians.

Resheph, the Druid of Beory

As you approach, you notice a figure standing with an almost ethereal calmness, his presence blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. This is Resheph, the Druid of Beory. He is of medium build, cloaked in robes that mimic the hues of the forest—greens and browns that shift subtly with the light. His hair, long and unkempt, cascades over his shoulders like the boughs of the trees he protects, with streaks of gray that speak to his years of service to the Old Faith. His eyes, deep and observant, are the color of rich soil, reflecting a wisdom and connection to the earth that few possess. A beard, well-tended yet wild, frames his face, adding to his rugged, naturalistic charm. Upon his brow rests a simple circlet, woven from the living vines of the forest, symbolizing his bond with nature. As he turns to greet you, his movements are fluid and graceful, a testament to a life lived in harmony with the natural world. You feel an immediate sense of peace and respect in his presence, knowing you stand before a guardian of the land.
Resheph the 9th level Druid of Beory 
Half Elf 9th level druid
Str 13, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
533 43 Years old
earth brown
brown long and unkempt
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Resheph by 3orcs


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