H9 Shrine of Beory Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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H9 Shrine of Beory

Nestled in the pastoral expanses beyond the sturdy walls of Verbobonc lies a sacred site revered by the local agrarian communities—the Shrine of Beory. This hallowed ground serves as a testament to the enduring bond between the people of the land and the primordial forces that nurture their livelihoods.

Location Highlights

Situated outside the city walls, the Shrine of Beory offers a tranquil retreat into nature's embrace. Composed of 12 monolithic granite blocks, arranged in a deliberate circular formation, this shrine is a marvel of druidic craftsmanship and spiritual significance.
  • Carved Symbols: Each stone is meticulously inscribed with the holy symbols of Beory—the Oerth Mother—and adorned with a sequence of druidic runes capable of forecasting the weather, serving as a divine farmer's almanac.

Cultural and Religious Importance

  • Seasonal Pilgrimages: Local farmers and inhabitants make their way to this shrine at key points in the agricultural calendar, seeking blessings for bountiful harvests, weather favorable for their crops, and the overall well-being of their lands.
  • Central to the Worship of Beory: The shrine is not just a place of worship but a vibrant center for community gatherings, especially during rainfall, when ceremonies are conducted to honor Beory, the goddess of nature, fertility, and rain.
  • Open Ceremonies: The layout of the shrine, open to the skies, is by design, allowing the rain to partake in the rituals dedicated to Beory, thereby enhancing the communion between the devotees and the divine.

Notable Individuals

Resheph the Druid of Beory: A guardian of the shrine and a spiritual guide for the community, Resheph is deeply connected to the forces of nature and the divine. His presence at the shrine is a source of comfort and guidance for those seeking to deepen their connection with Beory.

Community Impact

The Shrine of Beory is more than just a place of worship; it is a cornerstone of the local culture and spirituality. It symbolizes the deep respect and reverence the people hold for the natural world and its cycles, which sustain their way of life.   By maintaining their traditions and paying homage to Beory at this ancient shrine, the people of Verbobonc's outskirts reaffirm their commitment to living in harmony with nature, securing the blessings of the earth mother for generations to come.  

Notable People

This area is frequented by worshipers who wish to commune with nature (mainly Druids). The monoliths are open to the sky, and most ceremonies to Beory are held when it rains on the worshipers.
by 3orcs
The shrine is dedicated to the Beory of the Old Faith.
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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