H6 Pond of the Hart Geographic Location in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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H6 Pond of the Hart

A Sanctuary of Old Faith and Elven Legacy

The Pond of the Hart stands as a testament to the delicate balance between civilization and nature, embodying the harmony that can exist between urban expansion and the preservation of sacred natural sites.   Location and Significance: Nestled just outside the Elven Enclave, within the southern fringes of Verbobonc, and south of Nign's Run river, the Pond of the Hart is a tranquil forested area. This serene pond, linked to the Ash Horn Stream, serves as a religious gathering spot, revered by both local elves and druids for its spiritual significance.   Sacred to Druids and Elves: Believed to be a tear from Beory, the Oerth Mother herself, this pond is a hallowed shrine in the eyes of the Druids of the Old Faith. Mistletoe, oak leaves, and holly leaves flourish around the pond, marking it as a place of worship and reverence.   Guardian of the Pond: Resheph the Druid (Druid-9), a human more often seen in animal forms than his own, vigilantly oversees this sacred site. His deep connections with the elves, the Gnarley Rangers, and indirectly, Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart, make him a key figure in preserving the balance between the city's expansion and the preservation of the surrounding woodlands.   Druidic and Civic Accord: Rumors suggest that a pact between the Viscount and Resheph has been struck to ensure the city grows without harming the natural beauty of the woodland. In return, Resheph's abilities to communicate with animals and shift into their forms provide early warnings of any underwater threats or trespassers via the rivers' inhabitants.   The Pond's Ecosystem: The Pond of the Hart and its connecting stream, Ash Horn, are not just spiritual landmarks but also vital components of the local ecosystem. The flora and fauna here are protected and revered, adding to the area's mystical ambiance and its importance to the druidic and elven communities.   Strategic Importance: This location holds strategic value, not only as a natural barrier to the southern side of Verbobonc but also as an early alert system against potential threats, thanks to the druid's unique pact with the creatures of the waterways.

Important Person

Resheph the Druid of Beory (human, but rarely in human form, Druid-9), who watches over this region, can sometimes be found here. He has many ties to the elves and to the Gnarley Rangers (and thus, Viscount Wilfrick) and tends to matters that concern the interaction of the city and the surrounding woodlands. There are rumours that the Viscount has worked out an agreement with the Druid so that expansion of the city will have minimal impact on the woodland. In exchange, the Druid has constant communication (Speak with animals and wildshape) with the creatures/fish within the two rivers that warn him of approaching danger/trespassers from underwater.
by 3orcs
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Cover image: by 3orcs


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