Striders of Fharlanghn Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Striders of Fharlanghn

A dedicated organization that not only seeks to protect travelers but also actively opposes forces that threaten the freedom of movement and exploration.
  • Champions Against Confinement: The Striders are sworn enemies of the Cagewrights, fighting to ensure that the roads of Oerik remain open and free.

Worshippers of Fharlanghn

The followers of Fharlanghn are as diverse as the paths they tread, bound by a common love for travel and discovery.
  • Diverse Following: From the surface explorers to those who navigate the depths of the Underdark, Fharlanghn's symbol, often seen in inns and stables, serves as a beacon of safety and camaraderie.
  • The Guardians of the Road: These fanatical worshippers embody the deity's ethos, abandoning possessions to embrace the road fully, safeguarding the sacred journey and the mysteries of Journey's End.
  • The Striders of Fharlanghn: This neutrally-aligned organization dedicates itself to combating threats like the Cagewrights, ensuring that the paths remain open for all.

The Clergy of Fharlanghn

The clerics of Fharlanghn, known as the Clerics of the Dweller on the Horizon, are as nomadic as their god, spreading his teachings across the world.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: They serve not only as spiritual guides but also as cartographers, scouts, and protectors of the roads. Their work in constructing and maintaining paths ensures that the journey continues for all.
  • Attire and Lifestyle: Favoring simple clothing of brown or faded green, these clerics embody the humble journeyman, with their favored weapon, the quarterstaff, symbolizing their readiness to face the road's challenges.
  • Training and Philosophy: Initiates learn through journeying, a process that emphasizes the value of the travel over the destination. Questions about the journey's end are seen as a failure to grasp Fharlanghn's core teachings.

Temples and Sacred Spaces

Fharlanghn's places of worship are as unassuming and functional as the god himself, focusing on aiding travelers rather than grandeur.
  • Roadside Shrines and Chapterhouses: These serve as rest stops and information hubs for travelers, often run by laypeople of the church, providing maps, care for horses, and a place to rest.
  • Urban and Pastoral Priests: The clergy splits between those who tend small chapels in populated areas and those who wander the wilderness, each serving the travelers in their realms.
  • The Eternal Pilgrimage: A sacred rite that epitomizes Fharlanghn's teachings, where worshippers embark on endless journeys, embodying the deity's love for travel and discovery.

Rituals and Ceremonies

Fharlanghn’s rituals celebrate the journey, offering guidance and blessings to those who walk his paths.
  • Blessings of Caravans: The most common ritual involves blessing those about to embark on journeys, wishing them "Fair journey, friend," a phrase that encapsulates the deity's benevolence.
  • The Eternal Pilgrimage: This significant ritual involves a lifelong commitment to wandering, a testament to the follower's devotion to the path and the teachings of Fharlanghn.

The Eternal Pilgrimage

The Eternal Pilgrimage is one of the most profound rituals in the worship of Fharlanghn, the Dweller on the Horizon. It represents a deep commitment to the ideals of exploration, freedom, and the guardianship of the open road. This ritual is a transformative experience, not only for the individual undertaking the journey but also for those they encounter along the way.
Preparation and Commitment
  • Year of Walking: The pilgrimage begins long before the first step is taken, with a year of preparation that immerses the worshipper in the act of walking, reflecting the constant movement Fharlanghn embodies.
  • Spiritual and Physical Endurance: This preparatory phase is as much a spiritual journey as a physical one, teaching resilience, patience, and a deeper appreciation for the simple act of moving through the world.
Principles of the Pilgrimage
  • Endless Journey: The pilgrimage has no defined endpoint, mirroring the endless horizons Fharlanghn's followers seek. It lasts until the pilgrim feels their journey is complete, a decision that is deeply personal and reflective of their spiritual growth.
  • Rules of Travel: To maintain the purity of their pilgrimage, travelers must adhere to specific rules - walking as the sole means of travel and never visiting the same place twice within a day, ensuring the journey remains ever-forward.
  • Companionship and Generosity: Pilgrims offer companionship to those they meet, sharing stories, wisdom, and their fireside. This act of generosity extends the protective embrace of Fharlanghn to all travelers.
Guardians of the Road
  • Protectors of the Path: The pilgrims of Fharlanghn not only seek their own enlightenment but also serve as guardians of the roads they travel. They offer aid to those in need and stand against any who would threaten the safety of the pathways.
  • Retribution Against Deceivers: Bandits or deceivers who prey on the goodwill associated with Fharlanghn’s pilgrims find themselves facing swift justice. The grim tokens left behind serve as a warning to others, reinforcing the sanctity of the journey and the vigilance of Fharlanghn's followers.

Enemies of the Open Road

Anything that impedes travel and exploration stands against Fharlanghn and his followers.
  • Oppressors and Bandits: Tyrannical rulers who restrict free movement and bandits who prey upon the roads are considered enemies, against whom the church actively works.
  • Defenders of Travel: In oppressed regions, the church operates covertly to ensure the roads remain open, sometimes engaging in smuggling or aiding rebellions to restore freedom of movement.

Worship of Fharlanghn in Verbobonc

Centers of Guidance and Exploration
In the Viscounty of Verbobonc, the worship of Fharlanghn, the Dweller on the Horizon, finds its heart within two main centers, each reflecting different aspects of the deity's ethos. These hubs not only serve as places of worship but also as vital resources for travelers and adventurers passing through.
Rhynehurst: The Quiet Sanctuary
The church in Rhynehurst, overseen by Father Pilchus, stands as a testament to Fharlanghn's love for knowledge and the open road.
  • Center of Learning: Nestled beside the Riverwalk and close to Randuun’s Regalia, this two-story wooden building is a treasure trove of maps and lore. It offers a quiet refuge for those seeking knowledge of distant lands or guidance for their next journey.
  • Support for the Itinerant: With dormitories designed for itinerant clerics and weary travelers, the Rhynehurst church embodies Fharlanghn's welcoming spirit, offering rest and respite to those who have journeyed far.
Verbobonc City: The Hive of Activity
In contrast, the church in Verbobonc City buzzes with activity, mirroring the constant motion and change of the roads it honors.
  • A Beacon for Travelers: Located in the heart of the merchants' square, this bustling center is a focal point for all manner of travel-related activities. From blessing caravans to providing vital weather updates, the clergy here are dedicated to ensuring the safety and success of every journey.
  • Guidance and Support: Acting as guides and advisors, the clerics of Verbobonc City assist travelers in navigating the complexities of their travels. Their extensive knowledge of routes, conditions, and dangers makes them indispensable to those preparing to venture forth.
Father Pilchus: The Unseen Guide
At the helm of these centers of worship is Father Pilchus, a figure of quiet influence and deep understanding.
  • Leadership Through Service: While possessing an unassuming physical presence, Father Pilchus's true strength lies in his mental acuity and social insight. His approach to aid is subtle yet profound, offering assistance in ways that may not be immediately apparent but are deeply impactful.
  • The Spirit of Fharlanghn: Reflecting the deity’s ethos, Pilchus embodies the journey's importance over the destination. His leadership style is one of indirect guidance, allowing followers to discover their path while ensuring they have the support they need to continue their travels.
In Verbobonc, the worship of Fharlanghn thrives under the stewardship of Father Pilchus and the dedicated clergy who serve alongside him. Whether providing a quiet corner for study and reflection in Rhynehurst or bustling assistance amidst the energy of Verbobonc City, these centers of worship stand as beacons for all who seek the horizon. Here, the spirit of Fharlanghn is alive and well, guiding travelers and worshippers alike on their eternal journey across the vast, ever-unfolding map of Oerth.  


Fharlanghn's faith is a testament to the spirit of exploration that pervades the world of Oerik. His worshippers, clergy, and temples embody the principles of freedom, movement, and discovery. Through rituals and daily practices, they ensure that every road is an opportunity for adventure and that every horizon promises new knowledge. In doing so, they keep the essence of Fharlanghn alive, a guiding light for all who seek what lies beyond.

"Every Horizon Beckons a New Beginning."

Fharlanghn by 3orcs
Religious, Organised Religion
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Fharlanghn holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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