Fharlanghn Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Dweller on the Horizon

Fharlanghn, god of Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads

The Eternal Wanderer of Oerth

Fharlanghn, the god of Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads, embodies the spirit of exploration and the infinite journey. This article delves into the essence of Fharlanghn, exploring his lore, relationships, divine realm, dogma, and the followers who tread the endless paths of Oerth in his name.

History and Lore

Fharlanghn’s presence on Oerth is as old as the first roads carved through the wilderness. He wanders the world, guiding travelers, and watching over crossroads and mysterious oases.
  • Eternal Wanderer: Fharlanghn is known to walk the Material Plane in person, embodying the spirit of travel and adventure.
  • Protector of Pathways: His petitioners, in spirit form, guard crossroads, ensuring that those who follow Fharlanghn's roads do so with his blessing.

Physical Characteristics

Fharlanghn presents himself as the epitome of the seasoned traveler, his appearance marked by the roads he has traveled.
  • Visage of the Voyager: An elderly man, weathered yet vibrant, with green eyes that shine with knowledge and curiosity.
  • Attire of the Road: Clad in simple, travel-stained clothes, he carries the Oerth Disc, symbolizing his dominion over all journeys.


Fharlanghn's divine connections reflect his nature as a deity of travel and exploration.
  • Divine Companionship: Lover of Atroa, the east wind's goddess, symbolizing the eternal journey forward.
  • Allies on the Path: Allied with gods who share his love for exploration, knowledge, and the unexpected twists of the road.


Fharlanghn's domain is not confined to a celestial realm but is the very roads of the Material Plane he cherishes.
  • The Wanderer's Path: Fharlanghn is ever-moving, finding solace in the journey rather than the destination.
  • Journey’s End: A mythical oasis, providing solace and healing to the weary and curious who manage to find it.


Fharlanghn’s teachings encourage discovery, curiosity, and the embrace of the horizon’s call.
  • Ever Forward: He urges his followers to travel, explore, and learn, for in the journey lies the truth.
  • Inspiration in the Horizon: Look beyond the immediate, for the future lies in the distance, waiting to be discovered.

Worshipers of the Open Road

Fharlanghn is revered by those who live their lives on the move, finding divinity in the journey itself.
  • Patron of Travelers: Adventurers, merchants, and wanderers see Fharlanghn as their guardian deity, his symbols a common sight in places that cater to the traveling folk.
  • Guardians of the Road: Devotees who forsake possessions for the road, protecting the pathways and the secrets they hold, such as the elusive Journey’s End.
  • Open Road: His followers see the journey as the destination, continually seeking new horizons and wisdom on the open road.

Clerical Journeys

The roles and duties of Fharlanghn's clergy, emphasizing their nomadic lifestyle and services to the community.
  • The importance of travel and exploration in their spiritual practices.
  • Distinctions between urban and pastoral priests, their attire, and their teachings.

The Path of Fharlanghn's Faith

  • Training and initiation rites: for new clerics, highlighting the endless journey as a core teaching.
  • Description of pastoral priests' roles: their green robes, and their itinerant preaching.

The Striders of Fharlanghn

The Guardians of the Road and The Striders of Fharlanghn, their roles and missions
A dedicated organization that not only seeks to protect travelers but also actively opposes forces that threaten the freedom of movement and exploration.
  • Champions Against Confinement: The Striders of Fharlanghn are sworn enemies of the Cagewrights, fighting to ensure that the roads of Oerik remain open and free.
Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: a disk with a curved line representing the horizon, and an upturned crescent above
Realm: Oerth (Material Plane)
Domains: Celerity, Luck, Protection, Travel, Weather
Speciality Cleric spells
  • Clerics of the 1st order: direction sense (+1 per 5 lvls)
  • Clerics of the 1st order: MV rates +25%
  • Clerics of the 3rd order: jogging/running +3 bonus
  • Clerics of the 5th order: dimension door (W4)
  • Clerics of the 9th order: wind walk
  • Divine Classification
    Intermediate god
    Neutral (neutral good)
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Every Horizon Beckons a New Beginning."
    "Wander Wide, Wander Free."
    Aligned Organization
    Fharlanghn holy symbol by 3orcs

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Fharlanghn by 3orcs


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