F1 Grandma Henri House of Rest Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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F1 Grandma Henri House of Rest

"Sanctuary for the Weary in the Cobblestone Streets"
Grandma Henri House of Rest stands as a beacon for weary and frequent travelers in the Foreign Quarter of Verbobonc. Founded by Grandma Henri, a devoted follower of Fharlanghn, the god of Horizons and Travel, it has expanded over the years into a complex offering a range of services. From translators to diplomats and cobblers, the house caters to the diverse needs of travelers while remaining a sanctuary for those devoted to Fharlanghn.

Journey’s Embrace and Care

Devotion to Fharlanghn
  • Patron of Travelers: Fharlanghn, the god of Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads, finds a devoted following at the House of Rest.
  • Sanctuary for Nomads: The house embodies Fharlanghn's teachings, offering a safe haven for those who live their lives on the road.
Legacy of Hospitality
  • A Tradition of Care: Mrs. Henri opened her home to fellow followers of Fharlanghn years ago, caring for each guest as a beloved friend.
  • Grandma Henri: Now widowed, she is affectionately known as Grandma Henri and continues her rounds, treating each guest as an old friend.

Description of Facilities

"Haven of the Open Road"
Main Complex
  • Inn and Shrine Complex: The central hub of the House of Rest, featuring shrines to Fharlanghn and rooms for weary travelers.
  • Shrines to Fharlanghn: Devotees find solace at the numerous shrines scattered throughout the complex.
  • Translator Services: Translators for every language available at 2 gp/hour.
  • Diplomat Hire: Diplomats for hire to assist travelers with legal matters.
  • Cobbler’s Workshops: Cobblers provide free footwear repair for the faithful.
Teleportation Tower
  • Dimensional Funnel Spell: One of the few places teleportation works within the city, thanks to a Dimensional Funnel spell.
  • Reception Area: Base of the tower serves as a check-in area with import/tax assessors and luggage handlers.
  • Observation Rooms: Each room in the tower wraps around the open central section, providing guests with a view of the teleportation pad.
  • High-Level Hub: Attracts high-level adventurers and wealthy travelers due to its teleportation services.
Woodshop and Bakery
  • Masterwork Footwear: Offers high-quality footwear for travelers.
  • Grandma Henri’s Bakery: Famous for her homemade cookies, often given to guests as a token of her hospitality.


"A Tradition of Care"
Founding Era
  • Home of Rest: Mrs. Henri initially opened her home to fellow followers of Fharlanghn.
  • Expansion of Services: Word spread, and the house expanded into an inn with various services for travelers.


"Building Bridges on the Open Road"
Foreign Quarter Community
  • Travel Hub: The House of Rest is a travel hub that connects travelers with local services in the Foreign Quarter.
  • Cultural Bridge: Acts as a bridge between the city’s diverse communities, fostering unity through shared hospitality.
City of Verbobonc
  • Haxx Tax Assessors: The Haxx's Hardheads tax collectors works closely with the House of Rest to monitor trade through the teleportation tower. Monitor trade through the teleportation tower and ensure proper taxes are paid.
  • City Watch: Maintains a cordial relationship with the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc to ensure safety for all guests.
Elven Conclave
  • Faithful Allies: Maintains ties with the Elven Enclave, often providing shelter to their diplomats and traders.

Politics and Motivation

"Travelers’ Harmony in Diversity" Political Role:
  • Neutral Ground: Serves as neutral ground where diverse factions can meet and discuss matters in safety.
  • Advisor to the Viscount: Grandma Henri occasionally advises Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart on matters related to travel and trade.

Cost and Quality

"Affordable Sanctuary for All"
  • Faithful Guests: Allowed a free stay (1 day/month further stays at 50% cost.
  • Non-Faithful Guests: 75% of list price.
  • Work Exchange: Free stay for all guests who help with city street repairs (5 hours/day).
  • Rooms: Average quality, offering small meals.
  • Masterwork Footwear: High-quality footwear available for purchase.

Spiritual Practices

"Rituals on the Open Road"
Shrines to Fharlanghn
  • Flower Offerings: Guests leave flower petals at shrines before departing on their journey.
  • Daily Prayers: Clerics lead daily prayers for safe travels and discovery.


The Grandma Henri House of Rest serves as a sanctuary for all who seek the embrace of the open road. From the comforting hospitality of Grandma Henri to the diverse services available within the complex, it stands as a testament to the ideals of Fharlanghn. Whether a frequent traveler or weary nomad, guests find a welcoming home here, where the journey is as cherished as the destination.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
Grandma Henri House of Rest by 3orcs
"May your path be clear and your soles never wear thin." - Grandma Henri’blessing to travelers as they embark on their journeys.

Notable People

"Faces of the House of Rest"
Grandma Henri (Proprietor and Cleric of Fharlanghn)
  • Role: Oversees the entire complex and continues to treat guests like family.
  • Background: An Oeridian Oerid mix of Half-Elves cleric of Fharlanghn (Cleric 4), she enjoys passing on tales of distant lands.
Arlen the Diplomat (Negotiator and Trader)
  • Role: Offers diplomatic and negotiation services to guests.
  • Background: An Oeridian Oerid ex-trader who now helps others navigate the complexities of Verbobonc's commerce.
Nithren Willowfoot (Chief Cobbler)
  • Role: Oversees the cobbler’s workshops and provides free repairs to the faithful.
  • Background: A Halfling hobniz cobbler known for his masterwork footwear.
Malik the Multilingual (Chief Translator)
  • Role: Heads the translator services, speaking over ten languages fluently.
  • Background: An escaped Flannae Flan slave from the Wild Coast who found refuge at the House of Rest.
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs


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