The Battirovka Family Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Battirovka Family

A Closer Look at Verbobonc's Thieves Guild

The Battirovka Family, often simply known as "the Family," is a secretive and influential organization deeply embedded in the criminal underworld of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. This article delves into the history, lore, organizational structure, and the complex political relationships that define the Family.

History and Lore

The origins of the Battirovka Family are shrouded in mystery, with its influence spreading throughout Verbobonc and beyond. Known for orchestrating much of the crime within the Viscounty, the Family's members range from skilled rogues to master manipulators, each playing their part in the organization's complex web of illicit activities.

Organization Structure

  • Secret Hierarchy: The Family's structure is a closely guarded secret, with its headquarters and full extent of operations unknown even to many of its members. The organization is built on a strict hierarchy, ensuring that members only know their immediate superiors and subordinates.
Ranks within the Family:
  • Friends of the Family: The lowest rank, receiving orders from Cousins.
  • Cousins: Intermediate members who relay orders from the higher echelons.
  • Brothers and Sisters: Senior members responsible for administering the Family's operations.
  • Aunts and Uncles: Rumored to be the shadowy masterminds behind the Family, their existence is a subject of speculation, with none having been identified or captured.

Goals and Operations

Despite its criminal undertakings, the Family's existence has paradoxically been a stabilizing force in Verbobonc. Understanding that prosperity and peace are conducive to their operations, they often align with the broader goals of the Viscount—such as driving away evil monsters and fostering the prosperity of the citizenry. A key objective is to guard against external thieves setting up operations in Verbobonc, ensuring that independent "black sheep" find no foothold within their territory.

Political Relationships and Rivalries

  • Alignment with the Viscount: In many aspects, the goals of the Family align with those of the Viscount, creating a complex relationship where crime and governance intersect.
  • Prosperity and Peace: The Family recognizes that a stable and prosperous Verbobonc is beneficial for their operations. Turmoil and poverty not only make their activities more challenging but also reduce the wealth available for their taking. By supporting actions that drive away threats and contribute to economic growth, the Family ensures its own survival and prosperity.
  • Opposition from Religious Organizations: The Family faces opposition from the Church of St Cuthbert and the Church of Zilchus, both of which suffer from the Family's criminal activities.
  • Vigilance against the Vigil Wardens: In Verbobonc City, evading the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc is a constant challenge for Family members.

Guarding the Territory

  • Monopoly on Crime: The Battirovka Family zealously protects its turf from external threats, particularly from independent thieves and other criminal entities attempting to establish themselves in Verbobonc. By maintaining a monopoly on criminal activities, the Family can control the extent and nature of crime within the Viscounty, arguably leading to a more organized and less chaotic criminal environment.
  • Black Sheep: Independent operators, known disparagingly as "black sheep" within the Family's vernacular, are actively discouraged from setting up shop in Verbobonc. The Family's efforts to expel or eliminate these freelancers serve a dual purpose: consolidating their control over the criminal underworld and inadvertently maintaining a semblance of order within the realm of illicit activities.

Hidden Thieves' Guild of Verbobonc City

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Entrance and Location

Nestled within an abandoned section of Verbobonc City's sewer system lies the entrance to the formidable Thieves Guild, a dominant force in the city's underworld. Although the guild's existence is an open secret among the city's populace, the exact location of its headquarters remains a mystery to most. Those brave or desperate enough to seek out the guild must navigate a series of tests to gain entry, a testament to the guild's cautious and secretive nature.

The Dilapidated Manor House

Above ground, the guild masquerades behind the façade of a dilapidated manor house so rickety that it seems a breath away from collapse. Its decaying exterior, complete with gaping holes where the roof has caved in, deters the curiosity of the uninitiated. This clever disguise serves not only as a testament to the guild's ingenuity but also as a barrier to those who would seek to disrupt their operations.

The Guild's Influence and Operations

The Thieves Guild of Verbobonc is more than just a collection of rogues and brigands. It is a highly organized, resourceful group that wields significant influence within the city and beyond. Members of the guild are known for their skills in subterfuge, theft, and espionage, making them valuable allies or formidable enemies.

Tests of Loyalty and Skill

The guild's entrance process is designed to weed out the unworthy and ensure that only the most capable and loyal individuals join their ranks. These tests vary in nature but are known to challenge both the physical abilities and the cunning of prospective members. Success in these trials grants access to a network of allies, resources, and information unparalleled in the criminal underworld.

A Sanctuary for the Sly

For those who pass the rigorous tests, the Thieves Guild offers a sanctuary and a base of operations. It is here that plans are hatched, loot is shared, and the next big heist is always just around the corner. The guild provides its members with resources and support to ensure their criminal endeavors are successful, further cementing its status as a powerhouse in Verbobonc's shadowy corners.


The Hidden Thieves' Guild in Verbobonc City exemplifies the duality of order within chaos. Through strict organization, secretive operations, and a keen understanding of the city's underbelly, the guild thrives. Its carefully guarded entrance and the dilapidated manor that serves as its façade symbolize the guild's cunning and resourcefulness, making it a pivotal part of Verbobonc's complex tapestry of power.
    In conclusion, the Battirovka Family is a testament to the complexity of crime and governance within the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Their skilled members, secretive structure, and nuanced relationship with both the political and religious institutions of the region make them a formidable force in the shadows of society.

"To Know All, Trust Few."

Verbobonc Location
Guild, Thieves
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Thieves Guild Members
  • Lazlo Battirovka: The cunning and ruthless leader of the guild, known for his strategic mind and unyielding control over the guild's activities.
  • Elara Battirovka: Lazlo’s niece, a master pickpocket and spy who gathers critical information from the city’s elite.
  • Gregor Malchus: The guild’s enforcer, responsible for maintaining discipline and protecting the guild’s interests.
Events and Motivations
Guild Activities
  • Fixed Games and Scores: The guild organizes fixed games and scores, using them as sources of income and intelligence gathering from rich merchants and nobles.
  • Secret Meetings: Regular meetings to plan heists, discuss targets, and train new members.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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