Zilchus Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Zilchus, god of Power, Prestige, Money, Business, and Influence
The Great Guildmaster, the Money Counter

The Great Guildmaster of Verbobonc

Zilchus, revered as The Great Guildmaster and the Money Counter, embodies the essence of Power, Prestige, Money, Business, and Influence within the Viscounty of Verbobonc widespread appeal and influence.

Worship and Influence

  • Iconography: Zilchus’ symbol, hands clutching a bag of gold, reflects his dominion over commerce and financial prosperity.
  • Clergy and Followers: Known for their ruthlessness in business, Zilchus' clerics are often perceived as emotionless due to their focus on profit and influence. They serve in roles that span powerful merchants, guild leaders, and political advisors, engaging in both transparent and covert dealings to advance their and their deity's wealth and power.
  • Political Ties: With an intricate network of allies and contacts, Zilchus plays a pivotal role in the business and political realms. He fosters relationships vital to any successful entrepreneur and acts as a mediator among the gods, often finalizing agreements initiated by Rao, the god of peace and reason.

Zilchus in Verbobonc

  • Business Quarter Presence: In Verbobonc, Zilchus' influence is particularly notable in the Business Quarter, where his clerics actively participate in the city's bustling trade and commerce. The B3 Chapel of Zilchus, a significant edifice within this district, stands as a testament to his power and the wealth of his worship.
  • Economic and Political Impact: The clergy of Zilchus are key figures in Verbobonc's economic landscape, offering various services that include identifying items, detecting curses, and ensuring fair trade practices. Their involvement extends to advising on loans, banking services, and securing valuables, further cementing Zilchus' role as a protector of commerce and wealth.
  • Security and Religious Supervision: While the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc maintain order, the religious institutions under Zilchus' guidance play a crucial role in overseeing fair and just trade practices within the B1 - B26 Business Quarter. Priests of Zilchus, alongside those of Mouqol and Xerbo, offer their divine services to both merchants and customers, ensuring the integrity of business dealings.

Rivalries and Alliances

  • Divine Relationships: Zilchus counts Rao among his allies, indicating a strategic partnership that balances the pursuit of wealth with the principles of peace and reason. His rivalry with Xerbo, another deity with a stake in commerce and trade, highlights the competitive nature of divine influence over economic affairs.

Cultural Impact

  • Faith and Society: The church of Zilchus promotes a doctrine that equates monetary gain with spiritual fulfillment, advocating for the aggressive pursuit of wealth as a divine right. This philosophy resonates deeply within the merchant classes of Verbobonc and beyond, influencing both the socio-economic dynamics of the city and the personal ambitions of its inhabitants.

Clerical Level Titles in the Church of Zilchus

1. Neophyte (Levels 1-3)
  • Role: Neophytes are the initiates of the faith, learning the basics of Zilchus's teachings, and the principles of trade, negotiation, and the accumulation of wealth. They assist in mundane tasks around the temple and are introduced to the art of conducting business according to the divine guidelines of Zilchus.
  • Duties: Their primary duties include managing small transactions, offering blessings of good fortune on merchants and tradespeople, and spreading the word of Zilchus's prosperity.
2. Holy Clerk (Levels 4-6)
  • Role: Holy Clerks have proven themselves competent in the faith's teachings and practices. They are entrusted with greater responsibilities, including the management of temple assets, overseeing trade agreements, and counseling merchants on ethical and prosperous business practices.
  • Duties: They perform more complex rituals to bless businesses and marketplaces, mediate disputes within the mercantile community, and represent the church in trade delegations.
3. Prefect (Levels 7-8)
  • Role: Prefects hold significant authority within the church. They are responsible for large segments of the church's operations, including regional commerce oversight, large-scale financial transactions, and the strategic expansion of Zilchus's influence.
  • Duties: Prefects may initiate and bless new ventures, sanctify oaths of partnership, and anoint leaders of commerce. They are also involved in higher-level decision-making processes regarding the church's investments and missions.
4. Patriarch/Matriarch (Level 9+)
  • Role: At the pinnacle of the church's hierarchy, Patriarchs and Matriarchs embody the zenith of Zilchus's teachings. They wield considerable power, both spiritually and temporally, guiding the church's direction and its influence across nations.
  • Duties: They decree the church's major financial strategies, resolve high-stakes conflicts within the mercantile world, and oversee significant ceremonies that entreat Zilchus's favor upon entire cities or realms. They are the ultimate arbiters of the church's doctrine and its application in the material world.
The Path of Prosperity
Clerics of Zilchus are expected to not only follow but also exemplify the principles of wealth, power, and influence. Their rise through the clerical ranks mirrors their success in spreading Zilchus's domain through the material world, ensuring that commerce, negotiation, and the acquisition of power are conducted under the watchful eye of their deity. Each rank brings clerics closer to the divine embodiment of Zilchus, entrusting them with greater authority and responsibility in their quest to extend the deity's influence across the lands.


Zilchus' dominion over wealth and commerce makes him a central figure in the pantheon of Greyhawk, especially within the bustling markets and political arenas of Verbobonc. His worshippers, from high-ranking clerics to ambitious merchants, embody the deity's principles, striving for power and prestige through the meticulous art of business and influence. Through his vast network of devotees and allies, Zilchus ensures that the wheels of commerce never cease to turn, reinforcing his status as The Great Guildmaster in the hearts and minds of the faithful.

Tenets of Faith

"Prosperity through diligence, honor in trade, and reverence for the deal. Let no coin lie idle, for in motion, wealth grows, and in growth, Zilchus's blessings are found. To serve Zilchus is to elevate the commerce of the world, ensuring the flow of power and prestige to those who understand the sacred bond of business."
  Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: hands clutching a bag of gold 
Realm: Outlands 
Domains: City, Knowledge, Law, Mind, Pact, Trickery 
Clerics of Zilchus bonus spells
  • Clerics of the 1st order: + 2 to saves versus mind-controlling or mind-reading spells (ESP, hypnotism, magic jar, magic mirror, etc.)
  • Clerics of the 3rd order: know value of goods to within 15% (except for rarities and nonesuch items)
  • Clerics of the 7th order: +1 to Cha score
  • Clerics of the 9th order: true seeing
  • Clerics all levels: Unable to TurnUndead
  • Zilchus holy symbol by 3orcs
    Holy Symbol: hands clutching a bag of gold
    Divine Classification
    intermediate god
    Lawful Neutral
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "In the clink of coin and the smooth ink of contracts, we hear Zilchus's voice guiding us toward prosperity."

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Zilch by 3orcs


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