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Venture into the ancient and tumultuous saga of Clan Rockhall, a proud lineage entrenched within the storied Lortmil Mountains. This comprehensive chronicle unveils the clan’s epic journey through epochs marked by war, exile, and resolute comebacks. From their early confrontations with the sinister illithids to the strategic retreats and valiant reclaims of their ancestral homes, the history of Clan Rockhall encapsulates a testament to dwarven resilience, strategic acumen, and an unyielding commitment to preserving their heritage against all odds. As we trace their steps from the depths of forgotten evils to the heights of dwarven valor, we uncover not just a history, but a legacy written in the very stones of the mountains they call home. This account invites you to explore the deep-rooted valor, enduring struggles, and the pivotal moments that have defined Clan Rockhall across the centuries.

Part I: Memories of the Ancient Evil

Long before the ascent of men, the illithids ruled a sprawling underground city known as Shu’myndy’lort Mil’thana’dun, hidden deep beneath a vast forest. The origins of its name, lost in antiquity, signify a dark chapter in the prehistory of the younger races. A brutal war erupted between these mind flayers and the elven wizards, devastating the forest and culminating in an inconclusive end. Unable to destroy the illithids outright, the elves resorted to sealing the city within a planar prison through a cataclysmic spell that sacrificed three of their mightiest archmages. Though the illithids twisted the spell's energies, they were confined to the plane of Shadow, cursed to observe the world but unable to influence it. To conceal the prison, great mountains were erected, enveloping the area in rock and stone, in hopes that the horrors beneath would fade from memory. The name of the city morphed through the ages, eventually being known simply as Lortmil.

Part II: Mountains of Iron and Mithral

As the elves retreated into obscurity, Grodog Rockspitter led his clan from the west into these newly formed mountains. The dwarves of Clan Rockhall discovered rich veins of iron and mithral, prompting them to settle and forge their great city, Ulthak-Nor. While their mining endeavors flourished, so too did the attention of less friendly neighbors like the duergar. Despite frequent skirmishes, the dwarves never fully eradicated these threats, a decision that would later haunt them. Meanwhile, trade outposts were established, leading to the founding of the surface city, Granite Keep.

Part III: The Wards of Millennia Past

As the dwarves delved deeper, their mining activities began to weaken the ancient elven wards. The imprisoned illithids, now accustomed to their shadowy existence, subtly manipulated the dwarven miners to destabilize the wards further. With the planar boundaries waning, the duergar intensified their assaults, unaware of the deeper malice at play.

Part IV: Retreat from Ulthak-Nor

The eventual breach of the wards unleashed the shadowy presence of Shu’myndy’lort Mil’thana’dun. The ensuing conflict saw Clan Rockhall contending with both duergar and the illithids. The clan fought valiantly but was ultimately overwhelmed, leading to a tactical retreat to Granite Keep. Here, amid desperate battles, the dwarves sealed off both the surface city and their subterranean home, entrusting their legacy to a trio of sacred artifacts: a holy symbol of Moradin, a crafted shield, and the ancestral weapon, Worm Slayer.

Part V: Pilgrimage

The clan's leader, Ulfgar Rockspitter, guided the survivors to a safe haven near the Kron Hills, where they sought to regroup and rally other dwarven clans. Amidst this turmoil, Ulfgar safeguarded Worm Slayer's head in a hidden crystal cave beneath Irondelve. Despite their setbacks, the dwarves' magic inadvertently reinforced the elven wards, resealing the illithid city yet again, though not all were contained. The remaining illithids, along with their sinister allies, laid siege to Irondelve, only to be repelled by the valiant efforts of Grimbold Ironshanks and Obon Rockbreaker.

Part VI: Passing the Legacy

Years of relentless conflict took their toll, and Obon Rockbreaker eventually retreated to the western Lortmils to establish a final bastion for his dwindling kin. Meanwhile, the leader of Clan Rockspitter declared that the first-born son of each clan leader must seek the Valley of Granite Keep, a quest that continues to this day, shaping the destiny of each successive generation.   Thus, the saga of Clan Rockhall weaves through the annals of history—a testament to the indomitable spirit of the dwarves and their ceaseless vigil against the shadows that lurk beneath the world.
Rockhall Banner by Living Greyhawk
A Chronicle of Shadows and Steel

Cover image: ortmil Mountains (1920 x 600 px) by 3orcs


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