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Kron Hills

The Kron Hills stretch from the Lortmils to the Gnarley Forest, forming the frontiers of Dyvers, Celene, Verbobonc, and the Archclericy of Veluna. These remnants of ancient mountains now feature fertile grassy upper slopes for grazing sheep and forested lower slopes for agriculture. Home to the largest concentration of gnomes in the Flanaess, the hills are a vital part of the region's cultural and economic landscape.

Geographic Overview

The Kron Hills are characterized by worn and rounded peaks, fertile grassy upper slopes, and forested lower slopes. The hills extend eastward from the Lortmil Mountains and nearly reach the Nyr Dyv, forming the southern boundary of Veluna and stretching beside the Velverdyva River before peaking in the Gnarley Forest. The southern slopes mark the end of The Wild Coast region and are part of northern Celene.
Key Features
  • Grassy Upper Slopes: Provide grazing for sheep.
  • Forested Lower Slopes: Shelter valleys and glens for agriculture.
  • Major Frontiers: Form boundaries for multiple regions including Dyvers, Celene, Verbobonc, and Veluna.


Ancient Origins
The Kron Hills have a long history as remnants of ancient mountains, their peaks worn down over time. The region has been shaped by both natural forces and the activities of its inhabitants, particularly the gnomes and dwarves who have lived here for centuries.
Key Historical Events
Recent Developments
  • Political Tensions: Increasing political tensions with surrounding human territories have affected the region's stability.
  • Security Issues: The withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers has left the region more vulnerable to raids and other threats.

Society and Culture

The fertile upper reaches of the Kron Hills are home to approximately twenty thousand Gnomes, making it the greatest concentration of gnomes in the Flanaess. The region also hosts dwarven clans, halflings, sylvan elves, and some human farmers and herders.
Community Structure
  • Gnome Governance: Gnomes have formed a realm known as the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills, maintaining autonomy while cooperating with surrounding states.
  • Dwarven Clans: Dwarves clans in the upper hills maintain strong ties with the gnomes.
  • Halfling Village: The village of Littleburrow is home to most of the halflings, who coexist with a tribe of centaurs.
  • Sylvan Elves: Roam the hilly ranges and maintain a degree of isolation from other races.
Cultural Practices
  • Gnome Mines: The mines are owned by gnome nobility and are closely guarded.
  • Agriculture: The lower slopes and valleys are used for growing various crops.
  • Military Traditions: Many gnomes are veterans of past wars and maintain readiness for future conflicts.

Economy and Trade

Primary Industries
The Kron Hills are rich in resources, particularly minerals and gems, which are mined by the gnomes. Agriculture and sheep grazing are also important economic activities.
Trade Dynamics
  • Greenway Valley: Acts as the main conduit for trade between gnome communities and the merchants of Verbobonc.
  • Gnome Merchants: Conduct trade from the Greenway Valley, ensuring that their mines' products reach Verbobonc and beyond.
Economic Challenges
  • Trade Disruptions: Recent raids have disrupted trade caravans to Verbobonc City.
  • Political Disputes: Disagreements over trade regulations and governance have strained relations with Verbobonc's nobility.


Local Governance
The gnomes of the Kron Hills are organized into a structured political system under the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills. Each township is governed by a gnome family, with Clanlord Urthgan the Eldest of Tulvar presiding over the central township.
Regional Relations
  • Verbobonc: Relations are strained due to trade disputes and governance issues.
  • Celene: Attempts to extend influence over the region have been met with resistance.
  • Veluna and Dyvers: Generally maintain a protectorate relationship with the gnome communities.


Internal Relations
Within the Kron Hills, the various races—gnomes, dwarves, halflings, and sylvan elves—maintain a cooperative and mutually respectful relationship, contributing to the region's overall stability and harmony.
External Relations
  • Humans: Scattered families of human farmers and herders live peacefully with the gnomes, except in forested areas where elves are unfriendly.
  • Neighboring States: The hills are considered more of a protectorate by surrounding states like Verbobonc, Viscounty, Celene  and Veluna, with varying degrees of autonomy granted to the gnome communities.

Lore and Mythology

Gnomish Beliefs The Gnomes of the Kron Hills hold a rich spiritual tradition centered around Garl Glittergold and the gnome pantheon. Their religious practices are deeply embedded in their culture and daily life.
  • Hidden Mines: Tales of secret mines rich in gems and minerals, guarded fiercely by the gnome nobility.
  • Elemental Evil: Stories of gnomes' bravery in the battle against the Horde of Elemental Evil at The Battle of Emridy Meadows.
The Kron Hills stand as a testament to the resilience, ingenuity, and cultural richness of the gnomes and their allies. Despite facing political tensions and security challenges, the inhabitants of these ancient hills continue to thrive, maintaining their traditions and contributing to the broader region's prosperity.
Kron Hills

Key Political Figures


Defense Structure
The Kron Hills gnomes maintain a robust militia capable of mustering 2,500 soldiers. This readiness reflects their military traditions and the need to protect their communities from external threats.
Key Military Engagements
  • The Hateful Wars: A pivotal conflict where gnomes played a significant role in driving out humanoid hordes.
  • Recent Raids: The gnomes continue to repel raids from goblins, verbeeg, and hill giants, maintaining vigilance along their borders.
Military Alliances
  • Dwarven Clans: Collaborate with gnomes in defense efforts.
  • Centaurs: Protect the halfling community of Littleburrow in exchange for shared resources.
Rolling Hills
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Cover image: Kron Hills by 3orcs


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