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Lortmil Mountains

The Lortmil Mountains, though less imposing than ranges like the Crystal Peaks or the Griffs, hold a deep and ancient significance in the world of Oerth. Weathered and worn with age, these peaks are steeped in history, culture, and conflict. The mountains are home to a diverse range of races, from dwarves and gnomes to orcs and even the elusive aarakocra. The history of the Lortmils is one of struggle and survival, with the region playing a crucial role in the shaping of the surrounding lands.  

Geography and Description

Aged Peaks of Wisdom
The Lortmil Mountains, located in the central Flanaess, are a range of weathered peaks that stand as a testament to the ancient forces that shaped them. Unlike the younger ranges such as the Hellfurnaces or the Griffs, the Lortmils lack active volcanoes and massive glaciers, but their age gives them a unique character, with peaks that have stood watch over the land for millennia.
Key Features
  • Aged Peaks: The Lortmils are characterized by their weathered peaks, with few remaining snow-covered throughout the summer.
  • Canyons and Plateaus: The mountains are dotted with deep canyons and high plateaus, many of which hold secrets from long-forgotten eras.
  • Natural Resources: Rich in minerals, the Lortmils are known for their vast deposits of precious metals and gems, which have attracted settlers and invaders alike throughout history.

History of the Lortmil Mountains

Ancient Struggles and Settlements
The history of the Lortmil Mountains is one of continuous conflict and cultural evolution. The range has been home to various races and civilizations, each leaving its mark on the land. From the ancient Flan city of Haradaragh to the dwarven strongholds that now dominate the peaks, the Lortmils have been a crucible of war, magic, and survival.

The Flan and the City of Haradaragh

The First Great Flan City
The Flannae Flan were among the first human settlers in the Lortmil region. After fleeing their homelands in the Sea of Dust, they crossed the Hellfurnaces and eventually established the city of Haradaragh in the Lortmils around SD 3,365. This city became the first great Flan capital, a beacon of their culture and resilience.
City of Haradaragh
Spectacular Architecture
The city was known for its wide boulevards, many-stepped pyramids dedicated to the Sun-God, and agricultural terraces. Destruction: Haradaragh eventually fell to the orc and goblin hordes that inhabited the central peaks, leading to the city's destruction and the scattering of its people.

The Dwarves of the Lortmils

Masters of the Mountain
The Dwarves arrived in the Lortmils long after the fall of Haradaragh. Initially confined to the lower elevations, they eventually expanded their influence and built massive strongholds such as Balnorhak and Gilmorack. The dwarves' mastery of mining and stonework allowed them to thrive in the mountains, despite the constant threat of humanoid invasions.  
Key Strongholds
  • Balnorhak: The primary settlement of the mountain dwarves, known for its powerful defenses and wealth.
  • Gilmorack: Established by emigrant dwarves after the Invoked Devastation, this stronghold became a symbol of dwarven resilience and craftsmanship.

The Hateful Wars

  • Clearing the Humanoids: The Hateful Wars (CY 498-510) were a concerted effort by the surrounding countries to clear the humanoid tribes from the Lortmil Mountains. Sparked by the death of a Prince of Celene at the hands of an orc ambush, these wars were brutal but ultimately successful in driving the orcs, goblins, and other humanoids into the Pomarj.
  • Humanoids Driven Out: The wars successfully cleared the Lortmils of most humanoid tribes, though at the cost of empowering the Pomarj as a new center of humanoid power.
  • Aftermath: The dwarves and other races solidified their hold on the Lortmils, leading to a period of relative peace and prosperity.

Towns, Villages, and Cultures

A Tapestry of Diverse Inhabitants: The Lortmil Mountains are home to a variety of races and cultures, each contributing to the rich tapestry of life in the region. From the mountain dwarves and rock gnomes to the aarakocra and giant eagles, the inhabitants of the Lortmils live in harmony with the rugged landscape, each group carving out its own niche.
The Dwarven Settlements
  • Citadels of Stone: The dwarven settlements of Dwarves in the Lortmils are renowned for their architecture and wealth. These citadels are often built into the mountains themselves, with vast halls, intricate tunnels, and fortified gates that protect the dwarves from outside threats.
  • Balnorhak: A major dwarven stronghold, known for its deep mines and powerful forges.
  • Gilmorack: A citadel founded by dwarven emigrants, famous for its Anvil of the Lortmil Mountains, a legendary artifact used in the crafting of weapons and armor.
  • Rockhall: Rockhall is a dwarven settlement located deep in the Lortmil Mountains, renowned for its masterful craftsmanship in weapons and armor. The Dwarves of Clan Rockhall, under the leadership of Thornblade Rocksplitter.
The Gnome Communities
  • Lower Peaks and Valleys: The Gnomes of the Lortmils, particularly the rock gnomes, are concentrated in the lower peaks and valleys, Greenway Valley near the Kron Hills and the County of Ulek. While the gnomes have not built large settlements within the deep mountains, they are known for their craftsmanship, particularly in gem-cutting and tinkering.
  • Kron Hills Communities: Gnome villages are scattered throughout the Kron Hills, where they live in harmony with the land and maintain close ties with their dwarven neighbors.
  • Lorridges and Uplands: These regions also host gnome communities, often involved in trade with human and elven settlements nearby.

The Aarakocra and Giant Eagles

  • Guardians of the Peaks: The highest peaks of the Lortmils are home to the aarakocra, an avian race that shares its domain with the majestic giant eagles. These creatures are largely isolated from the other inhabitants of the mountains, focusing on their own affairs and maintaining a vigilant watch over the region.
  • Aarakocra Tribes: These birdpeople are ancient inhabitants of the Lortmils, known for their keen eyesight and swift flight. They have little interaction with the ground-dwelling races but are respected as guardians of the skies.
  • Giant Eagles: Often allied with the aarakocra, the giant eagles are noble creatures that serve as scouts and protectors of the high peaks.

Racial and Cultural Interactions

  • A Complex Web of Relations: The various races and cultures within the Lortmil Mountains have a long history of interaction, cooperation, and conflict. From ancient enmities between the dwarves and orcs to the more recent alliances between gnomes and humans, the Lortmils have been a melting pot of different peoples.
  • Dwarves and Gnomes: While initially cool towards each other, the dwarves and gnomes have developed a strong bond, particularly in their shared efforts to resist humanoid incursions.
  • Humanoids: Though largely driven out during the Hateful Wars, orcs and goblins continue to pose a threat, particularly in the Pomarj and surrounding areas.
  • Elves of Celene: The Grey Elves maintain a cautious relationship with the dwarves and gnomes, often collaborating in times of mutual need but generally preferring to remain isolated in their own territories.

Key Locations and Regions

  • Strategic and Cultural Centers: The Lortmil Mountains are dotted with important locations, each with its own strategic or cultural significance. These locations serve as hubs of activity and influence in the region, shaping the political and economic landscape of the surrounding lands.
  • Balnorhak: A dwarven stronghold known for its wealth and strategic importance.
  • Gilmorack: Another major dwarven citadel, famous for its craftsmanship and military might.
  • Kron Hills: A region of rolling hills and valleys, home to numerous gnome communities.
  • Haradaragh (Lost City): The ruins of the ancient Flan city, though their exact location remains a mystery.


The Lortmil Mountains are a region of great historical, cultural, and strategic importance. From the ancient Flan city of Haradaragh to the powerful dwarven strongholds that now dominate the peaks, the Lortmils have been a center of human and demi-human activity for millennia. Despite the many challenges they have faced, the inhabitants of the Lortmil Mountains have persevered, forging a unique and enduring legacy in the heart of the Flanaes.

Hateful Wars

The so called "Hateful Wars" were an attempt by the surrounding countries to once and for all clear the various humanoid tribes from the Lortmil Mountains . It started in response to the death of a Prince of Celene at the hands of an Orc ambush. It lasted from CY 498 to CY 510. In the end, it did clear out the Lortmils... but at the expense of overrunning the Pomarj.  

History of the Flanaes region of the Lortmil mountains

Before the time of the great migrations into Oerik some thousand years ago, the area around the Lortmil mountains was one of the most thickly populated on the continent.
Original Greyhawk Map
Trolls caught stealing giant eagle egg. by Laurel D. Austin Concept Art and Illustration
Trolls taking Giant Eagle eggs.  
Hill Giant  
Mountain Dwarf
Mountain Range
Included Locations
Merchant_road by 3orcs

Articles under Lortmil Mountains

Cover image: ortmil Mountains (1920 x 600 px) by 3orcs


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