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Clan Rockhall

Clan Rockhall, an ancient and noble lineage, has carved its legacy deep within the history of Verbobonc and the Lortmil Mountains. Known for their valor and resilience, the members of Clan Rockhall have faced trials that would have broken lesser spirits. From battling ancient evils to forging alliances in times of need, their story is one of enduring strength and unyielding courage.

History and Legacy

The Ancient Evil and Exile
Over five centuries ago, Clan Rockhall inadvertently unleashed an ancient evil buried beneath the Lortmil Mountains. This cataclysmic event forced them into exile, erasing the path back to their ancestral lands from memory. This period marked the beginning of a long and arduous journey for the clan, setting the stage for a saga of redemption and reclaiming lost glory.
Reclamation Efforts
Today, under the leadership of Thane Thornblade Rocksplitter, the clan is engaged in a relentless quest to rediscover their homeland and expel the invaders that plague their region. The arrival of envoys from Prince Corond of Ulek, seeking assistance against the orcish hordes of Turrosh Mak in the Pomarj, underscores the strategic importance of Clan Rockhall in regional politics.

Membership and Culture

Steadfast Loyalty and Lawful Alignment
Clan Rockhall members are celebrated for their steadfast nature and unyielding loyalty to their allies. Adherence to a lawful alignment is common, though not a prerequisite for clan membership. The clan opens its ranks primarily to dwarves from Verbobonc, with special consideration given to those whose souls have been reforged by Moradin for the sacred duty of reclaiming their ancestral domains.
Ranks and Responsibilities
  • Dwarf of Rockhall: Entry-level membership recognizing one's commitment to the clan's values.
  • Steward of Rockhall: A rank of honor bestowed for notable skills and deeds, involving advisory duties to Thornblade Rockspitter on clan safety.
  • Elder of Rockhall: A title granted to those whose unwavering devotion to the clan has been recognized, involving governance and judicial responsibilities.

Military and Defense

Earthwardens and Mithral Guard
  • Earthwardens of Rockhall: This elite group harnesses the elemental powers of the earth in their defense strategy, serving as a formidable barrier against the perils surrounding their mountainous home.
  • Mithral Guard: Founded by Thornblade Rockspitter, this group comprises the most skilled warriors of the clan, dedicated to safeguarding Clan Rockhall and its interests. Their rigorous training focuses on subterranean combat and tactical maneuvers, preparing them to face threats like the dreaded illithid and the forces of the Pomarj.


Clan Rockhall embodies the resilience and enduring spirit of the dwarven people. With a complex structure of governance, a robust military presence, and a rigid legal system, they stand as a bulwark against chaos, fiercely protecting their traditions and their people. As they continue to navigate the challenges of the present, their eyes remain fixed on the restoration of their ancient homeland, driven by the indomitable will that has defined their storied history.


Members that reach the rank of Steward can join one of the special groups within Clan Rockhall. You gain special privileges by doing so, but you also take on additional responsibilities. If your Affiliation score drops below 15, you are kicked out of the special group.

Earthwardens of Rockhall

The Earthwardens of Clan Rockhall are a select group of warriors trained to use the powers of Earth in conjunction with the faith of Moradin for the defense and protection of dwarves. These elemental warriors stand as bastions of safety and shelter against the hordes that inhabit the Lortmil Mountains .

Mithral Guard

The Mithral Guard is an elite dwarven unit of warriors and protectors dedicated to the defense of Clan Rockhall and the dwarven nation. Formed by Thuldon Rockspitter, the Mithral Guard is versed in team tactics, underground combat, and strives against any invader that would threaten Clan Rockhall. When danger threatens the clan—it is the Mithral Guard that serves as the first line of defense and a bulwark against the incursion, with members putting themselves directly in harm’s way so that others may escape.
They are devoted members of Clan Rockhall that have proven themselves dedicated to the defense of the dwarven nation. Their specialized training teaches them how to draw strength from the very stone beneath their feet. The Mithral Guard spends much of their time patrolling the tunnels the underdark, vigilant against both the hated illithid invaders, and the ever increasing threat of Blackthorn and the Pomarj.   Membership in the Mithral Guard is only open to those lawful-good dwarves that have received a personal invitation from Thuldon Rockspitter to join. For that reason, information on their benefits, requirements, and abilities is not listed here. If you are fortunate enough to receive an invitation to join this elite group, you will receive a separate certificate which details this information.
Mithril Guard by 3orcs

Clan justice

Clan justice is done through trial by clan elders, none of whom can have a blood-interest (direct relationship to either the accused or injured parties). Verdicts are limited to "innocent," "not proved" and "guilty." Obtaining "not proved" verdicts is far from an acquittal, however; they are a black mark against a dwarf's name - those who collect more than six such verdicts are cast out of a clan. Punishments for a "guilty" verdict range from service to injured families to death, and are at the whim of the elders - there are no set sentences for given crimes.

Rumors About Clan Rockhall

The ancient and storied Clan Rockhall, once exiled from their ancestral lands in the Lortmil Mountains, has been the subject of many tales and rumors that resonate through the halls of Verbobonc and beyond. Here is a compilation of the most pervasive and intriguing rumors surrounding this resilient dwarven clan.
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Return to Ulthak-Nor
It is said that five hundred years after their forced exodus, the dwarves of Clan Rockhall have finally reclaimed Ulthak-Nor. The clan's return to their ancestral stronghold was marked by battles against lingering evils that had infested their hallowed halls during the centuries of their absence.
Thuldon Rockspitter's Allegiance
(future event) Thuldon Rockspitter, the current Thane of Clan Rockhall, once served as a smith to Baroness Elinor Asbury during the clan’s arduous quest to locate their lost home. Stories suggest that Thuldon has vowed to repay the aid provided by Lady Elinor and the people of Verbobonc once his clan has fully secured Ulthak-Nor and purged the evil from the surrounding areas.
Giants in the Valley
Recent sightings report that giants have been spotted in the valley near Granite Keep, which is believed to be a surface settlement connected to Clan Rockhall. Rumors suggest that these giants may be collaborating with the same dark forces that originally drove the dwarves from their homeland.
A New Alliance
(future event) Amidst the tensions and threats posed by the giants, Thuldon Rockspitter has reportedly committed his clan to assist in the defense of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. This has led to increased diplomatic activity, with couriers frequently traveling between Granite Keep and Ostverk, the domain of Lord Corbin Deleveu, hinting at a burgeoning alliance.
Secrets of the Deep
Whispered among adventurers and bards are tales of hidden treasures and forgotten relics buried deep within the mines and caves of Ulthak-Nor. These legends speak of powerful artifacts that could tip the balance in the ongoing struggles against the forces of chaos and destruction.
Rebirth of Ancient Evil
Some say that the evil that once ousted the dwarves has not been fully vanquished but merely lies dormant, biding its time to strike anew. Concerns persist that this malevolence may yet have agents and allies lurking within the mountains, plotting the downfall of Clan Rockhall and their newfound peace.
Cultural Renaissance
As Clan Rockhall resettles and rebuilds, there has been a notable revival of ancient dwarven arts and crafts. This cultural renaissance is not only strengthening their societal fabric but also attracting traders and scholars eager to learn from and trade with the dwarves.

"From the Depths, We Rise Again."

Thornblade Rocksplitter by 3orcs
Geopolitical, Clan
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species
Rockhall Banner by Living Greyhawk

Legal System and Clan Law

Clan Justice
The clan upholds a strict legal code, rooted in the fundamental belief in law and order. Justice is administered by impartial elders, and verdicts can profoundly impact a member's standing within the clan:
  • Not Proved: A verdict indicating insufficient evidence, viewed unfavorably and potentially leading to ostracism.
  • Guilty: Consequences vary from restitution to the death penalty, depending on the elders' discretion.
Core Laws
  1. Truthfulness among dwarves is paramount.
  2. Theft or deceit within the clan is forbidden.
  3. Concealing illness or injury is prohibited.
  4. Collaboration with non-dwarven entities against fellow dwarves is strictly prohibited.
  5. Refusal to aid a clan member in distress is unacceptable.

Cover image: ortmil Mountains (1920 x 600 px) by 3orcs


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