The Order of the Enlightened Mind Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Order of the Enlightened Mind

Beacon of Knowledge in Verbobonc In the rich tapestry of Oeridian religious practice, the Church of Delleb stands as a testament to the power of intellect over might. Nestled within the city of Verbobonc, this institution serves as a cornerstone for scholars, scribes, and those who govern with wisdom.

Divine Advocacy for Reason

Delleb, revered as the Scholar and the Scribe, champions the cause of Reason, Intellect, and Study. His followers, a blend of sages, teachers, historians, and clerics, form a crucial part of the academic and civil administration fabric across lands where Oeridian influence runs deep.

The Clergy of Delleb

  • Composition: The clergy is predominantly specialty priests (95%), with clerics forming a minor portion (5%), focusing on governance and academia.
  • Admission: Entry requires passing rigorous exams, with paths diverging based on intelligence scores—clerical training for average scores and priesthood initiation for high intelligence.
  • Dedication to Languages and Sage Studies: A significant portion of their training is devoted to mastering ancient languages and sage fields, underscoring the church's dedication to preserving knowledge.

Teachings and Philosophies

Delleb's teachings emphasize careful, rational analysis over impulsive actions driven by emotion. "Life is an ongoing cycle of learning and teaching," a principle that guides the clergy's meticulous record-keeping and their role as educators and advisors.

Daily Endeavors

  • Preservation of History: Junior priests transcribe texts and maintain libraries, while senior priests engage in research and mentorship.
  • Academic Leadership: Mid and senior-level priests hold positions in universities, contributing to the Oeridian cultural preservation and education.

Political Dynamics in Verbobonc

The Church of Delleb maintains a nuanced relationship with the lords and folk of Verbobonc, balancing its scholarly pursuits with the intricacies of city politics.
  • Influence Among the Learned: The church's influence is strongest in academic circles and among those involved in civil administration, where rational decision-making is paramount.
  • Neutral but Respected: While not commonly worshipped, Delleb's ideals of intellect and reason earn wide respect, particularly in governance and education sectors.

Affiliated Orders and Ceremonies

  • The Protectors: A select group of high-level priests tasked with safeguarding the "Library of Delleb," exemplifying the church's commitment to defending knowledge.
  • Academic Conferences: The church hosts quarterly conferences to share academic and theological insights, fostering a vibrant scholarly community.

Architectural and Cultural Significance

  • Temples: Constructed of white marble with doctrinal inscriptions, each temple houses a copper statue of Delleb, symbolizing the church's foundation in education and wisdom.
  • Shrines: Smaller versions of the temples, located in academic or governmental settings, serving as hubs of learning and reflection.

Vestments and Adventuring Attire

  • Robes of Rank: Reflecting their humility and scholarly status, the clergy's robes evolve in color and decoration with their level, from plain brown to black with copper trim, and silver for the Protectors.
  • Adventuring Guidelines: In their travels, priests adhere to a code that emphasizes non-combat roles, symbolizing their commitment to guidance and healing over warfare.


The B4 Church of Delleb in Verbobonc is more than a religious institution; it is a beacon of intellect, reason, and scholarly pursuit. Its members serve not only as keepers of ancient knowledge but as vital contributors to the city's cultural and political landscape, embodying Delleb's vision of a world enlightened by careful thought and perpetual learning.

"Life is an ongoing cycle of learning and teaching"

Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
Church of Delleb
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Delleb, holy symbol by 3orcs
Tenets of Faith
The tenets of faith for Delleb, focusing on reason, intellect, and study, emphasize the following core principles:
  1. Pursuit of Knowledge: Seek out and preserve all forms of knowledge, valuing truth and understanding above all.
  2. Rational Analysis: Encourage actions based on careful thought and logical consideration, rather than impulsive decisions driven by emotion.
  3. Lifelong Learning: Embrace the belief that life is an endless cycle of learning and teaching, where sharing knowledge is as important as acquiring it.
  4. Record Keeping: Maintain meticulous records of history, knowledge, and discoveries to ensure that valuable lessons are passed on and not forgotten.
  5. Use of Knowledge for Good: Apply the acquired knowledge to benefit society, whether it's through improving technology, governance, or daily life.
  6. Respect for All Fields of Study: Support learning in all areas, not just those traditionally associated with scholarly pursuits, recognizing the value in diverse fields of knowledge.
  7. Non-Violence in Conflict: While defending oneself is permitted, followers are encouraged to resolve conflicts through dialogue and understanding rather than aggression.
  8. Dedication to Teaching: Commit to educating others, sharing wisdom and insights freely to elevate the collective understanding of the community.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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