B4 Church of Delleb Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B4 Church of Delleb

The Chapel of Delleb in Verbobonc

Nestled within the bustling Business District of Verbobonc, the Chapel of Delleb offers a unique blend of worship and wisdom, resembling more a bookstore than a traditional church. This article delves into the heart of this sanctuary of knowledge, exploring its role and relationship within the community of Verbobonc.  

A Sanctuary of Study

Upon entering the Chapel of Delleb, you're greeted not by the austere silence of a typical church but by the comforting scent of old books. The ground floor, open to all who seek knowledge, is a testament to the worship of Delleb:
  • Environment: Dusty old books line the dark wooden shelves, illuminated by dim lamplight, creating an ambiance of ancient wisdom.
  • Worship Through Study: Quiet, contemplative study is encouraged, with priests serving more as librarians than traditional clergy.
  • Space for Debate: For those wishing to debate theories or ideas, the second floor balcony, equipped with easy chairs and tables, provides a perfect setting.

The Community Connection

The Chapel of Delleb holds a special place in the hearts of Verbobonc's residents, from common folk to nobles:
  • Local Gnomes: A significant number of local gnomes are drawn to the chapel, particularly to the second-floor workshop where they engage in creating clockwork gizmos and conducting experiments.
  • Intellectual Hub: The chapel has become a crowded hub for philosophers, teachers, and those intrigued by the mysteries of the universe.

Political Stance and Influence

While primarily a place of learning and contemplation, the Chapel of Delleb subtly influences the political landscape of Verbobonc:
  • Neutral Ground: Its position as a neutral ground for debate and discussion makes it a meeting place for minds from all facets of city life, including the political arena.
  • Advocate for Knowledge: The chapel's commitment to spreading knowledge positions it as an advocate for education and intellectual development within the city's political discourse.

Notable Figures

Julia Fairfriend: The head priestess and librarian, Julia's charm and intelligence have attracted a diverse following to the chapel. Her ability to engage in spirited debate has made her a beloved figure among patrons.

Services Offered

  • Access to Knowledge: Books covering a wide range of topics are available for viewing and can be signed out for a nominal fee.
  • Support for Exploration: Julia is known to fund adventures that promise to uncover rare or lost knowledge, reflecting the chapel's mission to expand its repository of wisdom.

Rare Books Collection

Julia curates a secret collection of rare books, accessible only to the devout and her close friends, covering forbidden topics such as dark gods and secret histories.

Research and Discovery at the Chapel of Delleb

The Chapel of Delleb dedicated to th eThe Order of the Enlightened Mind, a repository of vast knowledge and ancient wisdom, offers scholars and seekers the opportunity to delve into subjects ranging from the mundane to the profoundly obscure. The time required to research a topic varies significantly, depending on the rarity and complexity of the information sought.

Timeframe for Research

  • Hard to Find Subjects: Researching less common but known subjects might take anywhere from a few days to several weeks. The availability of related texts and the specificity of the inquiry play crucial roles in determining the duration.
  • Very Rare Information, Prophecies, and Ancient Lore: For inquiries into ancient prophecies, obscure history, and lore, the research could extend from several weeks to months. The complexity and scant availability of sources necessitate a thorough examination of the chapel's deepest archives.


The Chapel of Delleb in Verbobonc is more than a mere place of worship; it is a beacon of knowledge and a cornerstone of the community. In its quiet halls, the spirit of Delleb thrives, fostering a culture of inquiry and intellect that enriches all who step through its doors.  

Notable People

The head priestess/librarian is Julia Fairfriend (Clr 4). She seems very unlikely in her roll (not the quiet, reserved, contemplative person associated with this church), but a stunning woman who is very friendly. Her charm is matched by her intelligence, and debate skills. She is known to debate theory into the wee hours of the night with patrons on the balcony. She is solely credited with increasing her churches flock (usually consists of love-struck young men). She is usually very friendly, but she has a certain ‘sore spot’ for the drunken sailors who disturb or wander into the church.    
Head priestess/librarian 
Julia Fairfriend (Clr 4)
Delleb, holy symbol by 3orcs
Temple / Church
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Access and Pricing for Book Checkout
The Chapel of Delleb encourages the spread of knowledge by allowing patrons to check out books. However, the pricing and policies are designed to ensure the preservation of the collection:  
  • General Topics: 1sp/day
  • Specialized Subjects: 2sp/day
  • Advanced Scholarly Works: 5gp/day
Restrictions on Rare and Ancient Lore
The chapel houses a precious collection of rare, ancient, and obscure lore, which includes texts on ancient prophecies and hidden histories. Access to these texts is highly restricted:  
  • Reading Under Supervision: These rare volumes are only available for reading at designated tables within the chapel, under the strict supervision of the priests or librarians.
  • No Checkout Policy: To protect the integrity and ensure the preservation of these invaluable resources, rare books are not available for checkout.
  • By Appointment: Access to view these rare texts is typically by appointment, with priority given to recognized scholars and those with a proven interest in the subject matter.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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