Wenta Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Alewife, Harvest Daughter

Wenta goddess of Autumn, Brewing, Harvest, and the West Wind

Goddess of Autumn's Bounty and Brewing Joys

In the pantheon of the Oeridian deities, Wenta holds a beloved place in the hearts of those who celebrate the changing of seasons, the art of brewing, and the joyous harvests. As the goddess of Autumn, Brewing, Harvest, and the West Wind, Wenta's essence weaves through the cycle of growth and renewal, marking her as a deity of transition and pleasure.

History: The Winds of Change

Wenta's origins lie deep within the Oeridian pantheon, her powers and persona deeply entwined with the natural world and its cycles.
  • Daughter of Procan: Born to the god Procan, Wenta is the youngest of three sisters, embodying the vivacious spirit of autumn's arrival. She is also the cousin of Merikka.
  • Sibling Relations: Amid her divine family, Wenta's relationship with her brother Telchur stands out for its complexity, hinting at the eternal dance of seasons and the natural rivalry between autumn's warmth and winter's cold.
  • Narration: As autumn paints the world in hues of gold and amber, Wenta's tale unfolds—a story of a goddess who brings the year's bountiful close with a promise of renewal, her laughter carried on the cool west wind.

Physical Characteristics: The Embodiment of Harvest Joy

Wenta's appearance captures the essence of the season she governs, reflecting the warmth and abundance of the autumn harvest.
  • Visage of Youth and Joy: Always depicted as a young, rosy-cheeked woman, Wenta's presence is a reminder of the life and vitality that autumn brings.
  • Symbolic Attire: Adorned with straw in her hair and often seen holding a large mug of beer, her attire speaks of the harvest and the celebratory spirit of brewing.
  • Narration: Amid the fields ready for harvest, Wenta's image emerges like a beacon of joy, her merry laughter mingling with the rustle of straw and the sweet scent of ripe grains.

Realm: The Free-Spirited Goddess

Unlike many deities who preside over fixed domains, Wenta is a wanderer at heart, her realm as boundless as the skies she travels.
  • A Traveler's Path: With the west wind as her guide, Wenta roams the world freely, her presence a herald of autumn's touch upon the land.
  • In Arvandor's Embrace: When not journeying across the Material Plane, she finds solace and companionship in Arvandor, sharing tales and ales with the Seldarine.
  • Narration: In the golden light of dusk, one can almost see the silhouette of Wenta, her form blending with the autumn wind, a reminder that she is ever-present, yet never bound.

Dogma: Celebrating Life and the Harvest

Wenta's teachings reflect her spirited nature, emphasizing the importance of the harvest, the communal joy of brewing, and the value of hard work rewarded with leisure and festivity.
  • The Signal of Autumn Winds: Her cool breezes announce the time for the harvest, urging her followers to gather nature's bounty.
  • A Lover's Care for Brew: Wenta views brewing as an act of love, encouraging her adherents to nurture their creations with passion and care.
  • Narration: As the setting sun casts long shadows over the harvested fields, the people of the land take a moment to honor Wenta, their hearts light with the promise of shared drinks and tales by the fireside.

Worshipers: The Alewife's Flock

From humble farmers to master brewers, Wenta's followers are a diverse group, united in their reverence for the land's bounty and the communal joy of the harvest season.
  • Agricultural Devotees: Farmers and all who live by the land's cycles hold Wenta in high esteem, seeking her blessings for bountiful harvests.
  • Brewers and Merrymakers: Those who craft beer and ale pay homage to Wenta, seeing in their work the manifestation of her divine essence.
  • Narration: In bustling markets and quiet farms alike, Wenta's name is spoken with a smile, her spirit infused in every sip of ale and every grain gathered.

Clergy: Guardians of Fellowship and Fermentation

Wenta's priests embody her approachable, vibrant nature, serving as both spiritual leaders and champions of communal joy.
  • Prayers at Sundown: Their rituals mirror the transition from day to night, a time when work yields to celebration.
  • Adventurous Souls: True to Wenta's wandering nature, her clergy often venture afar, spreading cheer and forging new friendships over shared drinks.
  • Narration: In the warm glow of the tavern's hearth, the priests of Wenta raise their mugs high, their laughter a testament to the goddess's enduring charm and the bonds formed under her watchful eye.

Temples: Havens of Harvest and Hearth

Though often dedicated to the Velaeri as a collective, places of worship to Wenta stand as beacons of hospitality and celebration in Oeridian lands.
  • Velaeri Sanctuaries: These temples serve as communal centers, where the faithful gather to honor the agricultural deities and to share in the fruits of their labor.
  • Brewfest Celebrations: The week of Brewfest is sacred to Wenta, marked not by solemn prayer but by exuberant festivity, embodying her ethos of joy and community.
  • Narration: As the scent of brewing ale fills the air, the temples of Wenta become a home for all, a place where laughter is the greatest prayer, and every toast is a hymn to autumn's endearing goddess.

Holy Days: A Time for Cavorting and Cheers

Wenta's most sacred time is Brewfest, a week when the toil of the year is put aside in favor of celebration, revelry, and the warm companionship of friends and strangers alike.
  • Brewfest: A festival that encapsulates Wenta's spirit, inviting all to partake in the joy of the season and the delights of the brewer's art.
  • Narration: As the sun dips below the horizon, signaling the start of Brewfest, the air comes alive with music and mirth, each heart beating in rhythm with Wenta's eternal dance of harvest and happiness.
  Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: a large mug of beer 
Realm: Arvandor 
Domains: Air, Chaos, Family, Good, Plant 
Speciality Cleric spells
  • Cleric of the 1st order: +2 saves vs. fire, poison, & disease
  • Cleric of the 3rd order:  identify plants, animals, & pure water as druid
  • Cleric of the 5th order: create food & water
  • Cleric of the 7th order: shape change
Divine Classification
Lesser goddess
Chaotic good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the Brew, We Find Truth; In the Harvest, Our Heart." 
"Where Autumn's Wind Blows, Joy and Plenty Follows."
Wenta holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Wenta by 3orcs


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